Gan Ning and Zhang Fei led [-] troops and went down the river to attack Moling.

There was no need to dispatch warships. When Gan Ning arrived, he had already mobilized all the ships, which was more than enough to carry [-] troops.

A moment later, under Kou Feng's watchful eye, Gan Ning and Zhang Fei each led their troops and boarded the warship.

Down the river, go east.

"The Yangtze River is a natural barrier. Sun Quan has the Yangtze River, which is enough to counter the north. But Jingchu is in the upper reaches. If Jingchu is strong, it goes down the river and advances by land and water. Wu is not easy to defend. It's just that." Kou Feng stared at Gan Ning, Zhang Fei led the army away, his eyes were far-reaching, and he said softly.

"Chu Zun, Wu Ruo. This is an ancient theory." Huang Zhong nodded beside him.

"No matter what, now is the time when people's hearts in Jiangdong are fluctuating. As long as Moling is done, all the six counties in Jiangdong will fall into my hands." We went south and cut off the rear of Yuzhang City. Trapped them in Yuzhang."

Now the iron chain across the river is broken.Encircling Yuzhang is one, and preventing Sun Quan from escaping from Zhang Fei and Gan Ning and entering Yuzhang to continue causing disaster is the second.

"Promise." Tai Shici and Huang Zhong promised loudly.

The army was immediately divided into two parts, one of which stayed to deal with the aftermath, and the other followed Kou Feng and went south to Yuzhang.

Zhou Tai lost, the defeat was so miserable.

After breaking Ling Tong, he was wounded in several places, and his whole body was covered in blood.The [-] army lost more than [-].Only [-] remaining soldiers returned to Yuzhang.

When Zhou Tai appeared outside Yuzhang city covered in blood, one can imagine the commotion in the whole Yuzhang.

The iron chain Hengjiang, Yuzhang City with outrageous fortifications, and Taishici, which has high hopes in the south.Such a defensive power like an iron barrel.

Unable to prevent Kou Feng, Kou Feng sacrificed thousands of troops from Gan Ning's troops to break through.

Thousands of people, seemingly a lot of casualties.But in the situation of getting through the waterway, attacking Moling directly, and getting in touch with the Yiji who are now entrenched in Wu County, it is nothing at all.

It is already conceivable that Moling was destroyed, Wu Jun raised troops to attack Kuaiji, and encroached on the entire Jiangdong.At this time, there were more than [-] troops of Kou Feng outside Yuzhang City.

With the waterway opened up, Kou Feng's army could not only block Yuzhang's front road, but also detour to the back road.If it breaks through, it will definitely be uncomfortable.

This is the current situation in Jiangdong.

What about General Cao and Li Dian?

The Yangtze River was opened up, and Jiangdong was eroded.There is no counterattack.They cut off the waterway, and the road back to the north was cut off.

When Zhou Tai's defeated army returned to Yuzhang, the earthquake in Yuzhang City began.

Jiangdong soldiers have no fighting spirit, and Cao soldiers' morale is also floating because the road to the north is cut off.

If it weren't for the high prestige of the generals, they might have already mutinied.

At this moment, in Yuzhang city.

On another school field, tents were erected one after another.Zhou Tai's soldiers were placed here, and the wounded were properly placed.

The intact soldiers also enjoyed the appeasement of a meal.

This meal is indispensable, and the physical exertion of soldiers fighting a battle is huge.Coupled with the newly defeated army, if it is not handled properly, it will definitely mutiny.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Zhou Tai was sitting on the commander's seat. He was bare-chested, his wound had been treated urgently, and he was bound with layer after layer of bandages.

He was quite energetic, but his face was pale with blood loss.

Below Zhou Tai are Li Dian and Quan Cong.

The faces of both of them were not good. When they received the news from the north of the city that Zhou Tai's defeated army returned, they knew that it was a disaster.

Hastily rushed over.

"Kou Feng's army is only tens of thousands, and Youping and Gongji also have [-] troops. Why did they return in a disastrous defeat after only one round?" Li Dian asked Zhou Taidao, suppressing the anger in his heart.

With a similar number of troops, under this battle, there are also things where the battle lasts for more than ten days.This is why the battle is lost.

"Chu's army is too strong. He has tens of thousands of people, and he can reach one hundred thousand." Zhou Tai was speechless at first, then he opened his mouth and said.Zhou Tai is a fierce general, and he was able to retreat after being wounded in battle with Zhang Fei, Tai Shici, and Huang Zhong. One can imagine his bravery.At the same time, Zhou Tai is also a very proud person.

The soldiers he leads, even if they are not number one in the world, are number two in the world.Now he personally admits that Kou Feng's army is too strong, and he is invincible.

It is conceivable what kind of miserable situation it is to fight with tens of thousands of people.

Even Li Dian, who wanted to question him, was taken aback.Quan Cong's expression of astonishment flashed away.If the Chu army is really that powerful, why would they fight?

how to spell.

Although Quan Cong was one of Jiangdong's veteran generals, he had always suppressed Shanyue and had never fought against Kou Feng.Although he knew that the Chu army was strong, but most of them heard it by ear, so he discounted it a little in his heart, thinking that he could resist it.

But at this moment, after hearing Zhou Tai's words, my heart felt a little cold.

"The second is that I have too few generals. Gongji was rushed by Zhang Fei and killed him. As a result, he was beheaded by Zhang Fei after several times. It was a huge blow to morale. After leaving Gongji, Taishi Ci, Zhang Fei, and Huang Zhong took the lead and tried to cut me off the horse, if I hadn't resorted to desperate moves, I'm afraid I would have been left there." Zhou Tai said again after a moment of silence.

This is a very embarrassing thing, even more embarrassing than whether the army is strong or not.

The fierce will press the formation.

The word lead by example was invented for strong generals, who can boost morale by taking the lead, and usually the enemy does the same.

Although it's not a one-on-one match, it's not uncommon for the two fierce generals to meet each other to the death.

On the one hand, there are too few fighters, and on the other hand, there are too many fighters.Fighting fiercely with the lesser side will suffer a lot.

This matter caused Quan Cong and Li Dian to be silent for a while.

This Kou Feng killed all the way, dug the wall all the way, Zhang Fei, Tai Shici, Zhao Yun, etc., even Cao General Xu Huang was captured alive.On the other hand, whether it is the Cao family in the north or the Sun family in Jiangdong.

The generals are decreasing again and again, Cao Ren, Xu Huang, Yu Jin, Gao Lan.Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, Huang Gai, Lu Dai, Zhu Ran, Zhu Zhi and so on.

Those who win a big victory earn soldiers and generals.Those who are defeated lose their soldiers and generals.

This is a kind of ebb and flow, the loser is embarrassed, and the winner is happy.

But it is something that Quan Cong, Zhou Tai and Li Dian have to accept.Ling Tong was beheaded by Shuhe and lost another person.

The more the war, the worse it gets.

After a while of silence, Li Dianchang sighed and said: "Now we are besieged. The main thing is that Moling may not be able to stop Kou Feng's army from attacking. As long as there is a day on the Yangtze River, Kou Feng's army will be able to Go down the river and go straight to Moling. If Moling is destroyed, what is left in Jiangdong?"

Li Dian's words moved from a tactical level to a strategic one.

In terms of tactics, they only lost [-] troops and one Ling Tong.So strategically, they are already losing ground.Just one step away, to the point of defeat.

Li Dian already had some doubts about Cao Cao's strategic thinking of reinforcing Jiangdong.As the saying goes, if you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it.

Jiangdong is so dilapidated.He was about to die, but he came.

He also led [-] Cao soldiers to the south, while the total army in Yangzhou was only [-].Today there are only [-] troops left in Shouchun.

If Kou Feng took advantage of the situation and annexed Jiangdong, he would not be able to go back.This is not only a matter of Wu Chu's struggle for supremacy, Cao's interests in the north will also be threatened.

Although Yangzhou is only half of the wall, it is very important strategically.

"If not, we have not completely encircled Kou Feng's army, abandoning Yuzhang, and returning to Moling to support a county?" Quan Cong said suddenly.

"At that time, large tracts of land and cities would be occupied by Kou Feng. He only needed to surround Moling. The Yangtze River blocked our connection with the north, so we could only defend Moling." Zhou Tai shook his head and said.

Another point is that they are Jiangdong forces, not Cao Cao's forces. Their foundation is in Jiangdong. If they give up large tracts of land.

Jiangdong is almost the same as dying.

After much deliberation, the three of them couldn't think of any way to deal with it.

Li Dian couldn't help but look very ugly, Zhou Tai and Quan Cong are fine.If the state of Wu dies, it doesn't matter whether it is Sun Quan's defeat or Sun Quan's surrender.

Both of them can take advantage of the trend, and they don't have the scruples of betraying and staying the same.You can surrender Kou Feng.He, General Cao, can't go back, nor can he fight.

And it's not with Zhou Tai and Quan Cong.

It's like a ship straddling the Yangtze River, with iron chains running across the river in all directions, and it can't go up or down.

During another period of silence, Zhou Tai's eyes flashed suddenly, and he said excitedly: "By the way, didn't they all accept the prime minister's letter when the Shanyue rebellion broke out before? Now I am in peril in Jiangdong, and we are both prosperous and ruined with the prime minister. Man Why don't Cheng use the prime minister's name to enshrine an official position in Shanyue Zhongda, and ask them to stop the bandits?"

The mountains in Jiangdong became more and more extensive. When Sun Ce stabilized Jiangdong, there were millions of them entrenched in Jiangdong, as well as in the pockets of Jiaozhou. Later, with Sun Ce and Sun Quan's conquests every year, especially last year, they entered the mountains on a large scale , Looted many Shanyue people.

Yamakoshi was silent for a moment.But Mr. Luo, who is so skinny, is bigger than a horse.

According to Jiang Dong's guess, there may still be 300 million people in Shanyue in the deep mountains.There are countless brave and good fighters.If you can provoke some of the Shanyue people.

One hundred thousand strong soldiers came just like that.

What's especially perfect is that now Cao Cao and Sun Quan have a common enemy.The reason why Shanyue rebelled in the past was that he was unbearable to be oppressed by Sun Quan and fought repeatedly.

On the other hand, there is also the shadow of Cao Cao.

Now that they are allied with Cao Cao, they can just use Cao Cao's power to influence the Shanyue people to send troops.

In previous years, when Jiangdongshanyue erupted, it usually started because of accepting the official seal of Cao Cao's generals, which is correct.

Being told in person, Li Dian felt a little embarrassed.

But at this moment, it is indeed the only way out.

"Okay, I will immediately send people to the various ministries of Shanyue to send troops. I hope Moling can hold on for a while." Li Dian got up and said, sweeping away the embarrassment.

Both Quan Cong and Zhou Tai had joyful expressions on their faces.

If Shanyue sends troops, the situation will stabilize again, take a breather, as long as Jiangdong has a chance to breathe, it will be stabilized.

(To be continued)

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