Although it was life and death on the battlefield, Gan Ning was almost killed by Lu Meng and Kun Feng.But it's nothing more than their own masters.

Although Gan Ning is brave and easy to kill, he still has some generosity.

After talking with Fang Dao for a while, Gan Ning ordered the doctors to stop treating the wound and changed into clothes.

Then he said to the soldier who came to report: "Bring Lu Meng in, remember, don't neglect."

"No." The soldier responded and walked out.

After a while, Lu Meng walked in.

"Now that the two armies are facing each other, I don't know why General Lu is here?" Gan Ning asked after looking at Lu Meng for a moment.Gan Ning, who had changed into a suit of clothes, could no longer see the signs of injury, and sat on his knees, a sense of power faintly exuded.

Just like what Gan Ning himself said, there is no need to say more polite words when the two armies are facing each other.Just be straightforward.

"To say that the two armies are fighting against each other, General Gan is exaggerating. Now I am in danger in Jiangdong. How can I have the face to say that I am fighting against Jing Chu? This time I am here, just to ask the Marquis of Chu to discuss the matter of Yuzhang. "Lu Meng's expression remained unchanged, he clasped his fists and said.

His speech seemed to be weak, but he hinted at Yuzhang, but he was soft but tough, not inferior to others.

"Hehe." Gan Ning chuckled, this man is obviously a general who will subjugate the country, but he can still talk like this after being in his tent.

This kind of courage is really rare.

"My Marquis Chu is still on my way here, and I will be back around noon. If it doesn't take too long for the general, you can wait here." Gan Ning said with a slight smile.

One is to appreciate Lu Meng's courage, and the other Gan Ning also knows that Lu Meng has come and talked like this.It must be a very important thing.It's not up to him to call the shots.

"Now, I only have time left." Lu Meng heard the words.

"Ha ha."

Gan Ning chuckled, and waited for Kou Feng's arrival together with Fang Dao and Lu Meng.Now that the city has basically been laid down, Soochow will also perish.

The rest is to wait for the arrival of Chuhou Koufeng and accept the surrender form.Deal with Jiangdong.

However, depending on Lu Meng's intentions, it might not be so easy.

To the southwest of Moling, about thirty miles away.

Kou Feng, together with Tai Shici and Huang Zhong, had a total of [-] horse infantry troops.He was galloping towards Moling, although the former army Shanyue soldiers had already left.

But Kou Feng was still cautious, so the troops were marching in a hurry.

"Look, my lord, there are fast horses coming in front of you." Just as he was on his way, suddenly there were several horsemen rushing towards this side, Huang Zhong couldn't help but block the road to Kou.

"It may be that the front army has reported. Stop and talk first." Kou Feng looked up and recognized at a glance that these people were all war horses.Can't help but say.

"Promise." Huang Zhong agreed and ordered the entire army to suspend.

"My lord, General Gan sent me to wait to report back to my lord. Kunfeng, Lu Meng has been defeated. Kunfeng was even dismembered by five horses." These cavalrymen rushed to Kou Feng's approach, and immediately got off their horses and reported.

"Okay." Kou Feng's heart was relieved at this moment, and he couldn't help but yelled "Okay."

Kun Feng died, and Lu Meng was also defeated.

This Moling City is over, that is to say, the Sun family is over.Since Kou Feng took control of Jiangxia, he has been repeatedly provoked by the Sun family.

Although Zhou Yu was defeated several times later, he was still a threat.

Although Kou Feng threatened to take control of Yangzhou, the destruction of the Sun family was his primary goal.Now the Sun family is dead, and Jiangdong is in his hands.

In the world, what is more joyful than annexing an enemy country?

Perhaps, a little perverted.They will think that the enemy's country is dead, and there is no place for heroes to use their talents.But Kou Feng is definitely not that kind of person, and Soochow has perished.

Always a good thing.

"Ziyi, you will lead the army later. I will lead the cavalry with Han Sheng first, and go to Moling on Qingqi." After being overjoyed, Kou Feng also cared about the situation in Jiangdong, knowing that the sooner he surrendered to Jiangdong, the better.He couldn't help turning around and facing Taishi kindly.

"No." Tai Shici promised.

Immediately, Kou Feng and Huang Zhong went to Moling with light cavalry.

Soon after, they arrived outside Gan Ning's camp.

At this moment, the outside of the camp had been cleaned up, but the stench in the air was difficult to clean up.When he came here, Kou Feng also restrained his smile.

After revealing his identity outside the gate of the camp, Kou Feng was invited to the tent of the Chinese army.

"Master." When Kou Feng stepped into the big tent, Gan Ning led Fang Dao to greet him.

"This time, I have worked so hard." Outside the gate of the camp, Kou Feng felt the tragedy between life and death. When he saw Gan Ning who was beaten by iron, his face was slightly pale. Kou Feng patted Gan Ning's shoulder, Solemnly said.

"Conquest on the battlefield is a common thing for generals. Why do you have to work hard?" Although Gan Ning and Kou Feng were monarchs and ministers, Gan Ning was the first general who defected to Kou Feng. Made a lot of contributions.The two are called monarchs and ministers, but they are actually best friends.

Therefore, Gan Ning was able to command Zhang Fei with his seniority.

At this moment, Gan Ning and Kou Feng talked and laughed, very relaxed.

"Who is this?" Kou Feng still saw a stranger beside him.He couldn't help turning his head to look, and Kou Feng's eyes gradually brightened as he looked at him.

Although he didn't know Lv Meng's identity, Kou Feng knew from Lv Meng's physique that he was a general who was good at fighting.In addition, Lu Meng's eyes caught Kou Feng's attention.

Today, Kou Feng is the Marquis of Chu, and he has just pacified Soochow.Power is about to rise.He became a great prince second only to Cao Cao.

But in front of him, this person is very calm.

Such a person would be a fool.Or the city is extremely deep.A deep city does not necessarily mean that there are many conspiracies, but people with a deep city are more wise.

Like Cao Wei's Jia Xu, his emotions and anger are invisible.The city is deep enough, and the wisdom is greater.Not loyal, but very competent.

Another example is Xun You, this wise man, with a dull face, seems to have a lower IQ.In fact, the city is extremely deep and does not reveal its appearance.IQ is of course top-notch.

But Xun You is not a conspirator either.

Therefore, the deep city is not a bad thing.On the contrary, it is a good thing.For example, on the battlefield, a fierce general is not as effective as a wise general.

Because the wise general can judge the enemy and the enemy very calmly, while the fierce general is easy to fall into the trap.

As a wise general, you must first restrain yourself.It is easier to become a wise general who is able to hide his emotions and anger.

"This is Lu Meng, Lu Ziming, the general under Marquis Wu's tent." Gan Ning remembered that there was Lu Meng next to him, so he couldn't help introducing with a smile.

"Lv Meng pays homage to the Marquis of Chu." Lu Meng then stepped forward to pay his respects, with a calm expression on his face.

"Lu Meng?" Although Kou Feng knew that the guy in front of him was not simple.He was also prepared for Lu Meng's identity, but he was still a little shocked when he saw Lu Meng say it himself.

Is this Lu Meng?This is the most hated foreign enemy in the history of the Shu Han, but in Soochow, he is the general who has made the most contributions.

Why is it the biggest?

Zhou Yu saved Jiangdong, and he contributed a lot.But Lu Meng opened up the country and captured Jingzhou.Developed Jiangdong's power from Jiangdong, Jiaozhou, to Jingchu.

Although Lu Xun was nominally leading the army at that time, in fact, the original plan for the surprise attack on Jingzhou came from this guy in front of him.

Without Lu Meng's advice, how could Lu Xun have a place to use his skills?

Therefore, Lu Meng's contribution should be the greatest in Jiangdong's history.

This is a fierce general, a long spear can run rampant in the world.This is a wise general, even if he fights against Pang Tong, Xu Shu, Lu Xun and others, he can still be undefeated.

Generals like Lu Meng are like Jiang Wei and Deng Ai.

Kou Feng has Deng Ai, who has tried his best to win him over.Today is the leading figure among the young generals under his account, and has a pivotal position.

Seeing Lu Meng here now, how could Kou Feng not be happy with Lie?

However, Kou Feng was overjoyed.But after being the Marquis of Chu for so long, he still has this city.Not a single bit of it was exposed on the face.

Anyway, after the fall of Soochow, Lu Meng either took advantage of the situation to seek refuge, or retired by himself.

For example, in history, when Liu Bei pacified Yizhou, Huang Quan and others who were originally loyal to Liu Zhang were dug out by Liu Bei afterwards.There are many loyal people, but after the country is destroyed, there are almost no loyal people.

Unless it is the grace of several generations.For example, although the Sun family is known as the third generation, it is actually only the second generation, and it has not been here for 50 years.Lu Meng should not be that loyal.

Therefore, Kou Feng had plenty of time to enlist Lu Meng as a general.

As long as Sun Quan surrenders.

"It turned out to be the general under Marquis Wu's tent, General Lu Ziming. I don't know why the general is here?" Now that Lu Meng was present, Kou Feng no longer talked with Gan Ning, but went straight to the commander's seat and knelt down. Ask Lu Mengdao.

"I am here to ask the Marquis of Chu on the order of Master Zhang Shi." Lu Meng bowed and said.

"Say." Kou Feng raised his hand and said.

However, I was a little strange in my heart, how could I come here under the order of Zhang Zhao, even if I was ordered, I was under the order of Sun Quan.

"The struggle between Chu and Wu for supremacy is coming to an end. Soochow is about to perish. I should have sent a surrender form and asked for submission. But Mr. Zhang has always been loyal to Marquis Wu. Now Marquis Wu is a little out of order because the city is about to be destroyed. .So Lord Zhang sent me here to ask the Marquis of Chu. Can you be lenient and treat Marquis Wu kindly.” Lu Meng didn’t mention Yuzhang’s matter in this sentence, and he also had to look at Kou Feng’s attitude.

If you don't know Kou Feng's attitude and say it rashly, I'm afraid it will be self-defeating.

"If Sun Quan is able to leave the city and surrender, I will naturally treat him well. However, I once promised Taishi Ziyi that if Jiangdong is broken, the title of marquis must be assigned to Sun Ce's descendant Sun Shao, and the Shangbiao asks the emperor to be the Shangyonghou. In addition, Yu Zhang's side." It was Kou Feng, who was thinking about Yuzhang's side, and said.

It was strange that Sun Quan was insane.However, Kou Feng thought about Sun Quan's power-hungry personality, and felt that it was probably true.

As for Sun Quan, Kou Feng had no intention of taking his surname.Although Kou Feng really wanted to kill this girl, it was difficult for Sun Shangxiang to explain, and in addition.

It is not easy to win over the hearts of old ministers like Lu Meng.

House arrest is a common occurrence.In history, Liu Bei did not put Liu Zhang under house arrest.Just send heavy troops to guard it.

"Now that Jiangdong has been broken, it is useless to keep Wuhou's Marquis title. Now Chuhou is kind and willing to give the Marquis title to Sun Gongzi. On behalf of Jiangdong's ministers, I am very grateful. Regarding Yuzhang, please rest assured Chuhou It will be resolved." The matter went smoothly unexpectedly, and Lu Meng was surprised, but on the surface, he accepted it as soon as it was good, and did not make any more excessive demands.

If you don't want to be strong, you can save Sun Quan's life.Others may be available now, but it will definitely be a disaster in the end.

"Okay." Kou Feng called out, and the two sides reached a consensus.

Jiangdong can be regarded as pacified.

(To be continued)

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