Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 665 Destroy Li Dian and Earn Zang Ba

When Kou Feng came to Yuzhang again, his mood was quite different.

At the beginning, Sun Quan deployed three lines of defense in this area.Prepared for land and water.Even if Kou Feng has more than [-] soldiers, he still has a severe headache for this line of defense.

The defense line is still in operation today, but Soochow is dead.

Even Wu Hou Sun Quan himself was captured by Kou Feng.

As the saying goes, the spring breeze is proud and the mood is refreshing.

This mood is naturally very different.

To the east of Yuzhang City, Kou Feng led Tai Shici, Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Gan Ning and others to ride their horses in front.He planned to hand over the official document written by Zhang Zhao to Zhou Tai first.

Kou Feng absolutely refused to send the letter into the city.

After all, there is still Cao general Li Dian in the city. If Li Dian gets the official document, he will tamper with it again.There may be a little mishap.

I have to give the official document to Zhou Tai face to face.

Therefore, it is the right way to send someone to shout outside the city to call Zhou Tai out.

"My lord." At this time, Pang Tong came from the north on horseback.After coming to Kou Feng's side, he got off his horse and clasped his fists.

"Hehe, Shiyuan." Kou Feng smiled slightly, got off his horse and helped Pang Tong up.

"My lord, it's not just about Yuzhang now. I just received news that Zang Ba has already entered Lujiang." Pang Tong said with a serious expression.

"Zang Ba?" Kou Feng's expression suddenly became serious.

"How many soldiers and horses?"

"A total of [-] to [-] people." Pang Tong replied.

Kou Feng's expression became more dignified. Zang Ba was a famous general in the north. In history, he was as famous as Wenpin and others.Each of them guarded the Zhou army, and their prestige was very high.

Zang Ba is still one of the best.

In addition to the [-] soldiers and horses, Shouchun should have more than [-] soldiers and horses.Add up to [-] to [-].

It is impossible for Kou Feng to conquer quickly.And if Shouchun cannot be conquered quickly, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses in Cao Cao's north will be mobilized.

According to the goal of Yangzhou, it cannot be achieved.

"Is there any way for Shi Yuan to get rid of this Zang Ba?" Kou Feng asked in a deep voice.

"Li Dian is Cao Cao's confidant and favorite general. He is now in Yuzhang. The Lujiang River is broken and there is no way to resist us. Only Shouchun and Hefei stationed troops can resist us. Zang Ba did not station troops in these two places, but came. Lujiang, I must have come here for Li Dian." Pang Tong said.

"Li Dian surrendered? That seems unlikely." Kou Feng shook his head and said.Kou Feng understood what Pang Tong meant.

If Li Dian surrendered, it would create the illusion that Li Dian led his troops to break out, allowing Zang Ba to accept Li Dian, and at a critical moment, he could give Zang Ba a fatal blow.

But Li Dian is a famous general in the north, and Cao Cao followed Cao Cao when he raised his troops.This kind of affection is really too powerful.Furthermore, Li Dian's clan is still in the north.

In history, when Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army.

Cao Ying had two generals, one surrendered and the other was killed.It is Yu Jin, Pound.These two people may really be different in personality.

Yu Jin is afraid of death.Pound is heroic.

But one thing is undeniable.Yu Jin is because of his high meritorious service, so surrendering will not harm his descendants.

And Pound is a surrendered general. If he surrenders, he will surely bring disaster to his descendants.

These factors can affect their judgment.Therefore, Yu Jin, who was afraid of death, surrendered, while Pound, who was not afraid of death, died in battle.

And what about Li Dian?Of course, his credit is not enough to compare with Yu Jin.If he surrenders, he will surely bring disaster to his descendants, and even his clan.

In addition, he is Cao Cao's confidant, and he has been following him for many years, so he must be loyal.

Surrender is unlikely.Not to mention, let him surrender, and then lead his troops to lurk in Zang Ba's camp to move at the right time.This is really impossible.

"Li Dian can't, but Cao Jiangzhong may not have that kind of person. We just need to find someone who has a certain status, is vigorous, greedy and ruthless, and promises generous rewards. The lord can even promise to make him a Marquis .It will definitely impress him and put him in danger." Pang Tong suggested.

Kou Feng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, he nodded and said.

"Let him lead the remnant soldiers to escape and enter the Lujiang River. We will take advantage of the momentum to attack again, and he will make trouble in the city again. Zang Ba can go down."

Kou Feng felt that this strategy was feasible.

However, Zang Ba is a famous general in the north, and he is extremely alert.Mishaps may occur.But Kou Feng was very determined to conquer Yangzhou.

If you don't take the opportunity to attack today, you won't have a chance tomorrow.

In history, the one that Sun Quan fought was terrible.Several times of the Northern Expedition were blocked in Yangzhou.Yangzhou is not so easy to win.

Even if there is a chance, Kou Feng will try.

"We'll talk about this later. Let's get Zhou Tai and Quan Cong done first." After thinking for a moment, Kou Feng said to Pang Tong.

"No." Pang Tong promised.

After making a decision in my heart, I will earn a tyrant's plan.

Kou Feng ordered to Kou Shui next to him, "Send someone closer and tell the people in the city that I want to see Zhou Tai."

"Promise." Kou Shui promised, and immediately dispatched several people to go outside the city.

After several people arrived, they shouted to the top of the city: "Listen, people in the city, our lord wants to see Zhou Tai, General Zhou. Please come and see General Zhou outside the city."

"Listen, people in the city, our lord wants to see Zhou Tai, General Zhou. Please also invite General Zhou to meet outside the city."

In order to prevent the people on the city from ignoring, these people shouted three times in a row.

The soldiers on the city stirred a little because of this.After a while, the goalkeeper sent someone to notify Zhou Tai.

In the big camp, Zhou Taizheng and Quan Cong were sitting opposite each other, their expressions were still very ugly.

"Report to the general. Someone shouted outside the city, saying that Kou Feng wanted to meet the general outside the city." The messenger came in and reported.

Zhou Tai and Quan Cong looked at each other, and both sighed.

It's time to come, it's coming.

"I'll go out to meet him and inquire about Marquis Wu's news. Zihuang, you are on guard here. The news of my going out of the city must not be hidden from Li Dian, and trouble may arise. You must take strict precautions." Zhou Tai turned to Quan Cong. exhorted.

"No." Quan Cong agreed.Immediately go out to supervise the army and order the soldiers to take strict precautions.

Zhou Tai himself changed his clothes, brought dozens of personal guards, and rode his horse to the east of the city.

Outside the east of the city, Kou Feng waited two hundred paces away.

In order to show his sincerity, Kou Feng only brought Tai Shici and Huang Zhong with him.The rest of the soldiers are more than a hundred paces away.

When the city gate was opened, Zhou Tai led the crowd out.

Kou Feng clasped his fists at Zhou Tai, and said loudly, "General Zhou Tai."

"Marquis Chu." Seeing that Kou Feng was only bringing two people with him, Zhou Tai felt relieved, ordered his soldiers to wait near the city gate, and led several people to ride horses to the front of Kou Feng, clasping his fists and saying.

"Dare to ask Marquis Chu, what happened to Marquis Wu?" Zhou Tai asked Kou Feng directly without any formalities.

"This is an official document written by Zhang Zhao himself. The general's doubts are all in it." Kou Feng didn't talk nonsense, and threw the bamboo slips in his hand to Zhou Tai, said.

Zhou Tai reached out to take it, and untied the rope.Looked up.

The above explained in detail the course of the war, Kou Feng's promise to guarantee Wu Hou's well-being, and what Zhou Tai must do.

When Zhou Tai saw that Sun Quan was a little out of order, Zhang Zhao had to write for him.

This tough guy couldn't help but have red eyes.

"Marquis Wu is out of order." Zhou Tai muttered to himself.

It was hard to imagine that such an outstanding Marquis Wu would be out of order with Sun Quan's vigorous face.

"Huang Tu's hegemony, who can take it lightly? Wu Hou just couldn't bear the blow, and he must be decisive and he will be able to recover." Kou Fenggang planned to comfort him like this, but he said this at this time.Some cats cry and mice pretend to be compassionate, so they don't open their mouths.

Although Zhou Tai was sad, he was an extremely tenacious general after all.

After being sad for a moment, he recovered.

"Since Marquis Chu is willing to treat Marquis Wu kindly, and has assigned the marquis name to Sun Bofu, the son of the former Marquis Wu. I will do my best to solve this Li Dian for Marquis Chu."

Holding the bamboo slips, Zhou Tai cupped his fists at Kou Feng and said.

There was some gratitude in the expression.

The Sun family is now defeated, a crushing defeat.The Marquis can be kept, and the lives of Sun Quan and his family can be saved.It is really a blessing in misfortune.

For example, Lu Bu, Yuan Shao and others, which one was not wiped out by the barbarians?

"Thank you, General." Kou Feng clasped his fists and said with a smile.

In the city, in the big tent of Cao Ying.

The news about Zhou Tai going out of the city to meet Kou Feng immediately reached here.

Li Dian immediately summoned all the generals in the army to discuss.

"General, Zhou Tai obviously broke the covenant and planned to help Kou Feng attack us. Now we are trapped in Yuzhang, and we can't even defend the city. It is better to break through and go north to seek help from General Zang."

A school lieutenant said to Li Dian with an extremely excited expression.

"Yes, General. Even if we wait any longer, Zhou Tai will not be of one mind with us and resist Kou Feng. It is better to take the opportunity to break through."

The rest of the generals also spoke up one after another.

There are no more than [-] soldiers and horses in the city, of which Cao Jun and Wu Jun are divided in half.If there is a fight, Cao Jun will not be able to take advantage.There is also Kou Feng outside.

If you don't break through, you have no chance.

Regarding the opinions of the generals, Li Dian also pondered for a moment, then finally nodded and said: "Request troops immediately, we will break out from the west of the city."

There is Kou Feng in the east of the city, and Pang Tong in the north of the city.

There were also guards in the west of the city, but not Pang Tong's main force.Breaking through from the west of the city has a better chance of winning.After breaking through, you can go north.

With an army of [-], it counts as much as it can go back.

This is the only thing Li Dian can do at present.

"No." All the generals agreed and walked out immediately.

After the generals left, Li Dian sat for a while, then sighed and said, "Prime Minister, it was really a mistake to reinforce Dongwu this time. I'm afraid it was a crushing defeat, which is not enough to describe it."

To be honest, Li Dian felt a little bit resentful towards Cao Cao.

The wimp who fought this time hasn't fought yet.The army has already been defeated like a mountain, like a bereaved dog.Soochow is not reliable at all.

In addition to their [-] troops here, they may have to pay Yangzhou.

It’s really not worth the gain, the loss outweighs the gain.

(To be continued)

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