Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 668 Layout Swallows Yangzhou

Kou Feng sat in the hall for about half an hour.

Deng Ai, Quan Cong and others successively recruited more than ten generals in Cao's army.

These people are all wearing armor, quite embarrassed.There are young people and middle-aged people.

At this moment, Kou Feng was surrounded by more than ten soldiers, and Kou Shui stood in front of Kou Feng himself to support him.

This is the lineup.

These generals and schools are very conscientious.

Kou Feng smiled at them and said: "Those who have always been generals have hoped that they can worship generals and become marquises. It's just a pity that your journey will come to an end here."

Although he was smiling, his voice was extremely cold.Makes people shiver.

"Hmph." Among the generals, there was a middle-aged man who snorted coldly, looking very disdainful.

Not necessarily loyal.It may also be that the family is in the north.Belongs to the kind of character who would rather die than surrender.

"Pull it out and kill it." Kou Feng was not angry, and pointed at the middle-aged man who snorted coldly.

"No." Kou Shui responded, and immediately walked over, his hands were like pliers, grabbed the middle-aged man's hand, and pressed it out.

"Kou Feng, Prime Minister Wencheng Wude, put down the rebellion. You rebelled today, and you will definitely end badly. I'm just one step ahead of you. I'll wait for you to come with me underground. Hahaha." The middle-aged man said Without changing his face, he laughed loudly.

Among the more than ten generals and schools, some showed admiration.

However, it was just for the benefit of the tongue.

After a while, the laughter stopped abruptly.Kou Shui walked in carrying a bloody human head. "Touch." Throwing it on the ground casually, the head rolled a few times, and rolled to the feet of the crowd.

Even the daring ones shrank their eyes.Those who are timid will be shocked even more.

The veteran of the battlefield returns to the veteran of the battlefield, and now he is captured and his companion is killed.This kind of fear is not something ordinary people can bear.

"Generally speaking, those who are sharp in tongues don't end well. As for me, I like loyal ones, but I just like the strong generals under my tent. As for the enemy generals, I will only give them a knife. I won't let them go." It's theirs." Kou Feng looked at the head and said to the crowd with a smile.

This smile is more powerful than the knife just now.

While talking and laughing, people's heads fell to the ground.Without sloppy.

All the generals lowered their heads slightly, not daring to look directly at Kou Feng.

Kou Feng was a little disappointed, he really is a child who can't be taught.But at this moment, a young voice sounded.

"not necessarily."

"Oh?" Kou Feng looked up with interest.The person who spoke was a teenager, about 20 years old, with very sharp eyes, and looked directly at him, very courageous.

"Now, we are captives under the tent of the Marquis of Chu. If the Marquis of Chu said a word, he would naturally let my head fall to the ground. But if the Marquis of Chu can hang the curtain, we can also make a fortune."

Seeing Kou Feng looking at him, the young general cupped his fists respectfully.

"You are so clever." Kou Feng laughed.

"I don't know what is Chuhou's order?" The young general was overjoyed. In the current situation, he was also afraid of death, and he also realized that Kou Feng might be useful to them.Kou Feng laughed, confirming his guess.

He saw a way out.

"No rush. I don't know your name? Where do you live?" Kou Feng asked back.

"My little one's surname is Chen, and his first name is Xiao. He lives in Shouchun, Yangzhou." Although Chen Xiao didn't know why, he told the truth.

"Shouchun?" Kou Feng's eyes lit up, which made him a little more reliable.If this guy lives in the north, the possibility of helping him rebel will be less.But in Shouchun, his next goal is to conquer Shouchun.

As long as you give him glory and wealth, how can he not do it?

"Take him away." Kou Feng smiled and turned to Kou Shui.

"No." Kou Shui responded, and then walked over to take Chen Xiao out.

"Chuhou." Just now, Kou Shui killed one of his colleagues, and now he is going to take him away again. To be honest, Chen Xiao felt a little trembling, but turned around to look at Kou Feng, and found that there was no murderous intent in Kou Feng's eyes.Can't help swallowing a sentence of Chu Hou, followed Kou Shui out.

"Chop them all up." After Chen Xiao was taken away, Kou Feng glanced at Cao Jun's generals and ordered.Now that the candidate has been found, this group of people is useless.

"Promise." The surrounding soldiers promised, and immediately rushed forward like wolves.

"Chuhou, forgive me, I am willing to surrender."

"Chuhou Rende."

Amidst all the pleadings, the group of people were crushed away.Kou Feng's expression remained unchanged.These are generals of Cao Jun, and they are not reliable in themselves.

After being captured now, he surrendered.Even less reliable.What's more, without Chen Xiao's cleverness, it would be strange to stay.

In the hall, after the general was dealt with.

Chen Xiao was also brought to a mansion by Kou Shui.

This mansion was originally the mansion of a general in Yuzhang City.After Kou Feng took over, it was naturally Kou Feng's.

The mansion occupies a large area and is very magnificent.

Kou Shui led Chen Xiao all the way to the hall. In the hall, there were huge boxes. The boxes were opened, and the golden light inside was coming out straight through.

Beside the box, stood more than a dozen pretty and beautiful maidservants.

Wealth, beauty.


Seriously, though.Although Chen Xiao's background is not very good, he is also from a wealthy family, and his pursuit in this regard is not very strong.

Although the sense of vision is very strong, Chen Xiao just lost his mind for a moment, then withdrew his gaze.

"Hold it." Seeing this, Kou Shui took out a folder from his sleeve and handed it to Chen Xiao.

Of course Chen Xiao didn't dare to disobey, and took it from Kou Shui's hand.

"This will be yours from now on." Kou Shui smiled and walked out.

After Kou Shui walked out, Chen Xiao was a little puzzled, and after a while, he remembered to open the notebook.

"General Chen Xiao has made great contributions to the country. He is specially named Liehou, with two hundred households in the city." In the end, there is a big stamp "Chuhou" with just a few words, but Chen Xiao feels as heavy as Mount Tai and breathes heavily. .

What kind of character is Kou Feng?Marquis Chu? What will happen in the future?No one was optimistic about Kou Feng before, but when Kou Feng was in Jingchu, everyone in the world thought that Kou Feng could advance and attack, and retreat and defend.At least it is also a king's career.

Now conquer Jiangdong again.

Its power has almost doubled.

It's like adding wings to a tiger.This Marquis of Chu is no smaller than Cao Cao.Wang Ba's life.

But now this is not an edict, an edict.When Kou Feng ascends to the pole one day, it will be real.Fenghou.

Chen Xiao's family is well-off, but he is not a nobleman.If you want to be named a Marquis with military exploits, it is almost impossible to reach the sky.But now there is a grand road waiting for him.

Wealth, beauty, status.

Kou Feng uses three prongs, as long as he is not a guy with no weaknesses, he will definitely be tempted.Chen Xiao is no exception.

Chen Xiao is a clever person.Otherwise, he would not be the first to speak.He won the appreciation of Kou Feng.

Therefore, knowing that if you want to get all this, you must pay the price.

After panting for a moment, the heat in Chen Xiao's eyes flashed away.Resolutely turned and walked out.

After going out, Chen Xiao saw Kou Shui standing outside the door.

"Master Chen, come with me." Seeing Chen Xiao walk out, Kou Shui laughed out loud.Saying that, he walked straight out.

Chen Xiao immediately followed out.

This time, Kou Shui did not take Chen Xiao to see Kou Feng.Instead, he brought Chen Xiao all the way to the west of the city.Chen Da, who is leading the [-] soldiers of the broken army battalion under his command, stands here.

However, they were wearing Wei Jun's service.In terms of momentum, it looks very embarrassing from the outside.

"General, this is?" Chen Xiao asked with a puzzled expression.

"The Marquis of Chu ordered you to be the commander-in-chief and lead the troops to gather the remnants outside the city. After a certain level, immediately lead the troops to go north and enter the city of Lujiang. Find a way to gain Zang Ba's trust. Together with the Marquis of Chu, we will work together from inside to outside to conquer Lujiang. " At this moment, Chen Da had turned off his horse and explained to Chen Xiao with a smile.

"This." Sweat immediately appeared on Chen Xiao's forehead.

This is really a hard job. If Zang Ba finds out that there is something wrong with the eight hundred soldiers.A few of them are catching a turtle in a urn.

But wealth and wealth are in danger.

How could it be so easy to earn the title of Marquis.Feeling the edict of the two hundred households listing the title of marquis in the sleeve.Chen Xiao immediately had a decision in his heart.

"General, please return this edict to the Marquis of Chu." Chen Xiao took out the edict and handed it to Kou Shui.

"What's wrong? The conditions are not good enough?" Kou Shui misunderstood, and his face turned cold.

"The general misunderstood. If you go to Cao Ying this time, if you are a little careless, you will die. If you take this edict to the past, if someone finds out, wouldn't it be a disaster? Besides, if you die, this edict is useless But if I come back victorious, with the prestige and status of Marquis of Chu, how can I forget my meritorious deeds today?" Chen Xiao said to Kou Shui very earnestly.

"Well said." Kou Shui immediately showed a smile on his face, he laughed and nodded.

As he spoke, he also took the imperial edict in Chen Xiao's hand.

"General, please report back to Marquis Chu. When Marquis Chu leads his people to Lujiang, I will open the city gate for Marquis Chu." Chen Xiao clasped his fists at Kou Shui and got on a horse.

"Okay." Kou Shui also clasped his fists and nodded.

Although Chen Xiao's popularity is a little bit low, he is still a real man who dares to kill and fight.Kou Shui took a liking to him.

"I don't know who the general is?" After getting on his horse, Chen Xiao asked Chen Dao.

"General Zhonglang, Chen Da." Chen Da also got on his horse and replied.

"It turned out to be the famous Commander-in-Chief of the Broken Army Battalion. I'm sorry." Chen Xiao was surprised in his heart, but his face showed admiration. He paused, and then said: "On the way, I will trouble General Chen."

"We also serve the Marquis of Chu, so it should be. Let's go." Chen Da shook his head, and after saying a word, reined in his horse and left the city.

The group of people looked very much like remnants of the Cao army, but in fact they were an army composed of [-] battalion soldiers, heading out of the city.

Now, both Zhou Tai and Deng Ai have been ordered not to pursue the remnants of Cao Jun.

Chen Xiao, Chen Da and his party can gather thousands of remnants and return to Cao Ying by ferry.

(To be continued)

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