Because the military situation was really urgent, Xun You, Xiahou Dun, Cheng Yu, Le Jin and the other four went down immediately after receiving orders.

It is very cheap for four people to leave two states on festivals.

But Xiahoudun, Le Jin wants to explain the military power.It's a little troublesome.

Cao Cao calculated the time, at least one or two hours.Can't help thinking for a moment, then said to the attendant: "Go and find Cao Xiu."

"No." The attendant responded and went down immediately.

Cao Xiu.

Deng Ai did not let Cao Cao ignore him, Cao Xiu is a person who can compete with Deng Ai.

This person is the son of Cao Cao, who lost his father in his early years, and because of the frequent wars in the Central Plains, the Cao clan once scattered all over the world.Cao Xiu took his mother to Jingzhou.

Later, when Cao Cao raised his troops, Cao Xiu traveled thousands of miles and returned to the Central Plains to join Cao Cao.

At that time, Cao Cao said with a smile.This is my family's thousand-mile horse.

In fact, the meaning is very clear, just praise Cao Xiu, he can travel thousands of miles and return to the Central Plains.However, later this meaning changed slightly.

Cao Xiu is very smart.

Whether it's marching and setting up an army, or managing the army, they are all very good at it.Now he is only [-] years old, but his ability has already surpassed Cao Hong, and gradually equaled with the five northern sons.

Young and capable.

Although it is somewhat regrettable compared with Deng Ai's ten-year-old, in Cao Cao's view, his Cao family is not without successors.It is impossible to count 40 years later.

But Cao Cao can count until ten years later.

He believed that if the leader of the Cao family in the next life, it must be Cao Xiu.

Since it's so important, it's time to let him out and let him establish his prestige and meritorious deeds.Pave the way for Cao Xiu to lead a heavy army in the future.

Jingchu Koufeng.

The troubles of several generations.Cao Cao has already reluctantly accepted the facts in his heart.

"Prime Minister." Not long after, Cao Xiu walked in, cupping his fists at Cao Cao.

Cao Xiu, in his thirties, is very handsome, with a broad and strong body.

If Kou Fengzhuyu hadn't been in front, this man would have been a heroic general, a rare heroic general in the world.

"How is Wen Lie recently?" Seeing this my family's Qianliju.Cao Cao couldn't help feeling slightly better, and asked with a smile.

"Raising soldiers and training soldiers. It's very fulfilling." Cao Xiu was obviously also very close to Cao Cao, and replied with a smile.

"That's good." Cao Cao nodded in relief. It is extremely rare for a person to have a good talent, but if it's just a good talent, they don't know how to cultivate it the day after tomorrow.That can only be trash.

What Cao Xiu admired Cao Cao the most was his pragmatism.Troop training is very hard.

"Currently there is an emergency military in Yangzhou. Kou Feng leads tens of thousands of troops, Kou Lujiang, and Shouchun. Gu has sent Xun You, Xia Houdun, Cheng Yu, and Le Jin to Xuzhou respectively. Yanzhou mobilized the army to support Shouchun. You Let Xia Hou and Yuan Rang go together." Cao Cao said to Cao Xiu very seriously.

Cao Xiu's complexion changed slightly, and his heart was even more shaken.

He is also paying attention to the situation in Yangzhou.Unexpectedly, Kou Feng has already finished fighting Jiangdong and the land of Jiangbei and Huainan.According to rumors, the Chu army is known for its vigor and swiftness, and it really is.

"No." After taking a breath, Cao Xiu calmed down the shock in his heart, and promised.

"Time is urgent, let's go now. There is no need to go home, and I will send someone to tell your mother later." Cao Cao said.

"No." Cao Xiu replied again, bowed to Cao Cao, and left quickly.

"After 40 years, solitary will not be counted. But within ten or 20 years, solitary will be available." After Cao Xiu left, Cao Cao believed himself.

Although old, but do not want to fall behind.

Kou Feng had Deng Ai, and he also had Cao Xiu.


In Lujiang City.

After Kou sealed Chen Bing out of Lujiang, he did not immediately attack.Instead, they stationed a large army outside, set up camps, and even built fortifications.

Various trenches, numerous traps.

Firstly, he was afraid that Chen Xiao's foothold in the city would not be stable, if he attacked first.It was forcing Chen Xiao and the others to raise troops hastily.

Second, it also confuses Zang Ba.

Let Zang Ba think that they are preparing for the long-term siege of Lujiang.

Inside the Chinese army tent.

Kou Feng, Huang Zhong, and Taishi Ci are all there.

The three of them did not sit separately, but sat together.Looking at a map embroidered on a screen.

The map is the north of Yangzhou, that is, the map of the Jianghuai area.

There are several big cities, namely Shouchun, Hefei, and Lujiang.

There are many mountains and rivers in this place.Among them, the north of Shouchun is Huaihe River and Pengze Lake.Together, it is also a natural barrier.

There are many mountains, which is not conducive to the mobilization of troops.It is also beneficial to the defensive side.

Huainan was originally very wealthy and had a large population.But ever since Yuan Shu was here, he has been ruined a lot and almost lost.

But the emaciated Luo Tong was still bigger than the horse.

There are two to three million people.

Coupled with Kou Feng's support from Jingchu, it is no problem to feed an army of [-] to [-].

The importance of this point is not only known by Cao Cao, but also by Kou Feng.

"My lord, there are still [-] defenders in Shouchun City. After we conquer the Lujiang River, we will go north. It will take a lot of time. Add the time needed to conquer the Lujiang River. Our time is running out." Huang Zhong watched After looking at the map, he said.

"The road in Huainan is difficult." Tai Shici also nodded and said.

"I know this too, so let's resign ourselves to fate." Kou Feng said helplessly.

The role of the Shouchun area is really coveted.But the difficulty is also very great.He wanted to take Shouchun, and Cao Cao wanted to keep Shouchun.

The troops from Qingzhou, Xuzhou, Yanzhou and even Yuzhou may be mobilized.

The longer it drags on, the more difficult it will be for Kou Feng.

After all, his power is not as great as Cao Cao's.The only thing that has the upper hand is that his power is not like Cao Cao. He is in the Central Plains, surrounded by enemies, and it is very difficult to mobilize troops.

As long as he guards the Yangtze River and Nanyang well, he can sit back and relax.

This only advantage is not very easy to use.Because now it's an offense.

"Send people to Yuzhang and tell Zhang Fei, Gan Ning, Pang Tong, Zhou Tai, Quan Cong and others to speed up the rectification of the troops. Finally, the reorganization is completed within ten days, so that the troops can be divided to attack Shouchun." Kou Feng After thinking for a moment, he made a decision.

Now there are too many troops in the rear, and they have recruited young men who are basically the same as their own army at once.Chaos.Otherwise, Kou Feng's 20 army will go north, and Dui will also kill Zang Ba.

Why let Chen Da take risks.

"No." Huang Zhong nodded.

"Rest for three days first. Give Chen Xiao, Chen Da and the others some leeway, and attack in three days." Finally, Kou Feng made a decision.

"Promise." Huang Zhong, Taishi Ci all agreed.


At noon the next day, in the big tent of the Chinese army.

"Didn't attack the city right away? I thought Kou Feng would be in a hurry." Zang Ba said in surprise that Kou Feng hadn't seen him attack yet.

"Maybe it's a rectification. After all, Kou Feng conquered Jiangdong with a quick march, and the soldiers' physical strength may have been gradually exhausted." Beside, Sun Guan guessed.

"That's right." Zang Ba nodded.

"No matter what, be careful, especially guard against Kou Feng's night attack." Immediately, Zang Ba warned again.

It is very difficult to attack the city at night.Because Gai attacked the city at night, it was not conducive to the attacking party.It's very troublesome to climb the ladder or something.

But Kou Feng really couldn't judge with common sense.This guy almost always attacks the city at night.

In the battle of Jiangling, Xu Huang was captured alive, so he really had to guard against it.

"No." Sun Guan responded.

"By the way, how is the situation of Chen Xiao's army?" Immediately, Zang Ba thought of Chen Xiao's army again, and couldn't help asking.

"Pretty good." Speaking of Chen Xiao, Sun Guan couldn't help showing admiration, and said with a smile.

"The soldiers who can break through are all very good." Zang Ba smiled and nodded without any surprise.

While the two sides were waiting, three days passed quietly.

After Chen Xiao, Liu Fei, Chen Da and others entered the city, they were arranged in the north of the city.

During this period of time, Zang Ba continued to supply medicine to treat the soldiers.They didn't move away.

It was getting dark now.

After Chen Xiao and Chen Da had dinner together, they stayed in the big tent.

At this moment, the inside and outside of the big tent are guarded by soldiers from the broken barracks, and it is very convenient for them to discuss.

"My lord didn't attack the city for three days. I'm afraid it's because we can gain a firm foothold. But according to my lord's temper, I'm afraid it will be either today or tomorrow. We must cheer up." Chen Dao said.

"The general is guessing that the lord will attack, just today. Or tomorrow?" Chen Xiao asked with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Yes." Da Chen nodded.

Chen Da is an old minister who followed Kou Feng, and he knows Kou Feng's temperament and style very well.There is absolutely no guessing wrong about this.

"Then let's invite Liu Fei over for a drink." Chen Xiao said with a smile.

"En." Chen Da pondered for a moment, then nodded.

At present, there are 3000 people in their army. In addition to the broken barracks, there are also Cao Jun with more than [-] people.If Liu Fei can be slaughtered.

This part of the army will be leaderless.When the time comes, it will be very cheap for them to act.

"I'll go find him here." Seeing Chen Da nodding his head, Chen Xiao immediately turned around and walked out.

And Chen Da was in the tent, setting out the food and wine, ready to entertain Liu Fei.

If Kou Feng could enter the army tonight, they would kill Liu Fei.If Kou Feng doesn't attack, just keep it.Anyway, let's get drunk first.

Outside the city, in the camp of Chu.

A lot of braziers had been lit in the surrounding area, among which eight braziers were lit near Kou Feng's handsome account, and the surrounding area was illuminated brightly.

In the tent, Kou Feng, Tai Shici, Huang Zhong and others are all there.

"Tonight, we will divide the army into three parts. We will attack from the east, west and south of the city respectively. After the troops are mobilized, we will use the beating of drums as a signal to attack together." Kou Fengduan sat on the commander's seat, his expression full of The dignity before the war.

Although everything is arranged properly, there are no absolutes in the world.

Kou Feng will definitely pay attention to what should be paid attention to.

"No." Tai Shici and Huang Zhong were also very serious, and they all agreed.

After a while, Tai Shici and Huang Zhong went down to prepare to go.

"If you can get Shouchun, you will be able to sit back and relax for the rest of your life." Kou Feng stood up and looked at the north with a strange expression.

In this era, half my life has been displaced.

Although Kou Feng has Jingchu and Jiangdong.But it was still not stable. Only after getting Shouchun did Kou Feng know that he was really at ease.

(To be continued)

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