Cao Cao established the State of Wei.It takes a little time for such a big event to spread throughout the world.

But Xiahoudun, who led the crowd in Xiacai and confronted Kou Feng, received it.

Moreover, Le Jin, Cheng Yu, Xun You and others also received Wei Guo's seal letter immediately.Among them, Cheng Yu is the official residence of Wei Wei.The authority is to guard the capital.

Xiahou Dun was both happy and sad.

The joy is that they can retreat. Although the crisis of Kou Feng has not been resolved, at least they can switch from offense to defense.They have a lot of time to build defenses in Xuzhou and other places.

Moreover, the establishment of the Wei State, Xiahou Dun was also happy for Cao Cao.

But what is worrying is that Xiahou Dun himself did not receive Cao Cao's seal letter from the state of Wei.

At this moment, in the big tent of the big camp outside Xiacai City.

Xiahou Dun sat in the handsome seat, with some hesitation and hesitation on his face.

At this moment, Xun You and Cheng Yu walked in together from outside the tent.

Cao Cao ordered the retreat, but it took time to prepare for the retreat.Until today, the two were ready and planned to ask Xiahou Dun for instructions to retreat.

After the two entered the account, they saw Xiahou Dun's complexion.Xun You couldn't help asking: "This is General?"

Seeing Xun You and Cheng Yu, Xia Houdun's face was overjoyed, and he hurriedly asked, "The two gentlemen came just in time, can you explain my doubts?"

"Please tell me, General." Xun You immediately said solemnly upon hearing the words.

"Now that the state of Wei is established, the two gentlemen and Wen Lian and others all have the seal and title of the state of Wei. But I don't have one. Why?" Xiahou Dun asked puzzled.

"Haha, Duke Ming regards Yuan Rang as his best friend." Cheng Yu laughed loudly.

Xiahou Dun was puzzled, and then Xun You explained with a smile.

Xiahou Dun is Cao Cao's confidant.But more of a good friend.Cao Cao is now called the public and the lord of the country.Of course, all the ministers appointed are Wei Chen.

The names of monarchs and ministers are determined.

But Xiahou Dun is the only one who doesn't, because he regards Xiahou Dun as a friend.Let Xiahoudun continue to be a Han official and serve as a minister with Cao Cao.

Regardless of the status of monarchs and ministers.

This is also trust.As he said that, Xun You had a rare look of emotion on his dull face. Cao Cao trusted Xiahou Dun so far, which is really rare in the world.

Xiahou Dun was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately ordered: "Retreat."

Xiahou Dun led an army of [-] men aggressively and killed them.Although Kou Feng is not afraid, he is also highly concerned.Now that he is retreating, he can't hide it from Kou Feng's spies.

Kou Feng got the news immediately, and there was also news from Xudu that Wei Guo was established.

This news made Kou Feng stunned for a moment, but it was really much earlier.

It will be a matter of time before Cao Cao establishes the state of Wei.But in history, Cao Cao was first called the public, and then only initially had the name of the monarch.

But when he really established the Wei State, he established the Wei State when he became king in his later years, and set up a hundred officials, just like the emperor.

But at this moment, it was countless days earlier.

It may be the change of the situation that forced Cao Cao to make some decisions.

In the study, Kou Feng held the news from the north in his hand, thinking in his heart.

"Come here, bring Pang Shiyuan here." Immediately, Kou Feng ordered.

Now there is only Pang Tong as a counselor by his side, and Kou Feng has to discuss some things with him.

"Promise." The guard's promise sounded outside the city, and Pang Tong walked in not long after.

"Master." After entering the door, Pang Tong greeted him.

"Xiahoudun's retreat, Shi Yuan probably already knew about it, but this Shi Yuan probably didn't know about it." Kou Feng smiled and handed over the bamboo slips in his hand, Pang Tong stretched out his hand to take it, unfolded it and read it.

A little surprised: "Cao Cao established Wei?"

"It seems that there is some intention to establish a name and consolidate Hebei." Kou Feng nodded and said with a smile.

This is his opinion. Over the years, Kou Feng has learned a lot. Kou Feng can also guess Cao Cao's intentions.

"Although Cao Cao stole the position of prime minister and had the name of the Han Dynasty, he did get a lot of benefits in the early years. But now it is a burden. Many people have doubts about whether Cao Cao can ascend to the top and become emperor. So you can't be loyal. Establishing the Wei State now is like seeing the sun behind the clouds. With a name, people's hearts will be more consolidated." Pang Tong nodded in agreement.

As he said that, Pang Tong tentatively said: "Now that Cao Cao has rectified his status, it's time to establish his foundation. I don't know my lord?"

Civil servants and military generals, no matter who they are, hope that the master they follow can reach that step.Back then, Pang Tong resolutely threw himself into the quagmire of troubled times and fought with Kou Feng, and it was the same.

Now, see Cao Cao establish the Wei State and enshrine all the officials.He is also not exempt.

Besides, Yi Kou Feng's current power is almost the same.

In fact, the state of Chu has already been established, and most of the people have surrendered to the bandits.But now the land of Wuyue is being annexed, and the people's hearts are not solid.If the Chu State is formally established, a hundred officials will be set up.

After a few more years of governance, the hearts of the people will be gradually curbed.

To be honest, Kou Feng never thought about establishing Chu himself.It's really hard to turn your head around. From Cao Cao, you can think of yourself.

In Kou Feng's view, at least he has to wait until he enters Western Shu and separates himself from the south before he can become king and hegemony.

But after what Pang Tong said, Kou Feng changed a little bit.There are advantages to being late in the founding of the country.But early also has its benefits.

Can bring people together.

Establishing a name will remove people's attachment to the Han Dynasty.Instead, it formed a nostalgia for Chu State.

However, Kou Feng shook his head and said, "It's not in a hurry now, at least we have to wait until we go back to Xiangyang before we can formally establish the Chu Kingdom and set up hundreds of officials. Moreover, now that Cao Cao has just established the country, we Just follow. There is a feeling of following behind, I don’t like it very much.”

In front of Pang Tong, Kou Feng didn't hide anything and said directly.

"That's right, it's right to be slow." Pang Tong pondered for a moment, then nodded, agreeing with Kou Feng's attitude.

The two chatted for a while, and Kou Feng said: "Although Xiahou Dun retreated, it cannot be ruled out that it was a plan of suspicion. At present, the time for us to get Yangzhou is too short. If only Huang Zhong, Tai Shici, and Gan Ning are left Waiting to guard, I am afraid that the ship will capsize in the gutter. The army will stay for several months before leading the army back."

"No." This was Kou Feng's decision to sit down out of safety, and of course Pang Tong had no objection, so he couldn't help but promise.

About one month later, under the constant reports of the spies.

News of Xiahou Dun's retreat to Xuzhou and Yue Jin's retreat to Yanzhou came one after another.There are many things to do when the army goes out, and it doesn't happen overnight.

Now that Cao Cao's two state troops have returned to their original places, even if they start again, it may take a month.

Kou Feng felt relieved.

On this day, the sky was clear, and Kou Feng was sitting in the study wearing only a thin shirt.

He is considering retiring.A month ago, he made a decision.To stay for several months, of course, there will be no fake.But Kou Feng also considered to disperse Lu Meng, Zhou Tai, Zhuge Jin, Lu Xun and other former Wu generals to various parts of Jiangdong to resist Shanyue first, out of Jiangdong's safety.

Lu Meng, Zhou Tai, Zhuge Jin, Lu Xun, Ding Feng, Jiang Qin, Quan Cong.These seven people are currently in charge of their own troops, which together total 8000 people.

They are all good generals for a while, among them Lu Meng and Lu Xun are even more handsome.They command the soldiers, and their combat effectiveness should be increased by [-]%.

In addition, equip these old generals with Chu Dao and other sharp weapons.

It is no problem to deal with 30 million Mountain Yue soldiers.

In addition, Yiji, the governor of Yangzhou, sat in Moling to mobilize the army.Left General Huang Zhong sits in Jianghuai and supervises all the military forces in Jianghuai.

It can be foreseen that in the near future, Yangzhou will experience peace and prosperity.

However, Yamagoshi cannot be ruled out by speed.

Because of the presence of Shanyue, the state of Wu has had a lot of internal conflicts in history, and its external wars are not well-known.It's so powerful like Zhuge Liang's six expeditions to Qishan and Jiang Wei's nine expeditions to the Central Plains.

I have to find a way to put the Shanyue people in a pot.

In the study, Kou Feng stroked his chin and thought about it carefully.

Not to mention, Kou Feng is also familiar with military books, and he worships the famous teacher Xu Shu, and he has countless ways to deal with the Shanyue tribe in his mind.

Kou Feng really thought of a strategy that could effectively check and balance, and even seriously hurt Shanyue's vitality.

"If it is feasible, hundreds of thousands of Shanyue people can be exterminated this year. In addition to the [-] Shanyue people who were wiped out by Sun Quan before, during the Chu army's crusade against Jiangdong, the millions of Shanyue people in those days may be destroyed today. There are only a few of them." Thinking of the benefits of exterminating Shan Yuehou, Kou Feng couldn't help complaining, and said happily.

"Come on, get Zhuge Jin, Zhou Tai, Lu Meng, Lu Xun, Quan Cong, Ding Feng, Jiang Qin and others." Kou Feng shouted towards the door.

Although Kou Feng is very confident in his strategy, but at critical moments, he still has to ask experts.Although Pang Tong is very wise, he may not be as good as these old generals trained by Sun Quan when dealing with Shanyue.

They fought against Shan Yue almost every the real expert.

In fact, speaking of it, the state of Wu established by Sun Quan and the civil and military under his tent has also made great achievements in history.Encircle and suppress Shanyue and prosper Jiangdong.

The granary in the south of the Yangtze River of later generations is the foundation of Wu's determination.Now, these generals are all better than Kou Feng.

The more I think about it, the happier I feel.Kou Feng couldn't help but beam with joy.

Kou Feng has always been like this, and of course there are Lunchengfu, but he will not deliberately suppress his emotions and anger.

It's so boring to live like that.

Emperors have always been lonely, and most of them are because of this.

Just when Kou Feng was delighted, Zhuge Jin and others walked in.

These people are currently in the army, each with [-] soldiers of his own.So it came very neatly and quickly.

"My lord." Among the crowd, Zhuge Jin was considered to be the leader, and his title of Protector of Shanyue Zhonglang was not called for nothing.And Zhuge Jin had the most soldiers and horses among the crowd. Six of the seven men commanded [-] elite soldiers, but Zhuge Jin alone had [-] soldiers.

In the future crusade against Shanyue, Zhuge Jin will also be the commander in chief and will be mobilized in a unified manner.

It's not because of Zhuge Jin's talent, nor because of his trust in Zhuge Jin, but because of Zhuge Jin's prudence.

This person has no strategy to defeat the enemy in front of the battle, almost mediocre.But sitting in the rear and dispatching well, he is a great talent.

"Everyone, stand up." Kou Feng raised his hand with a smile, and then said: "Sit."

Zhuge Jin and others all sat down meticulously, among them Zhuge Jin sat first on Kou Feng's left hand.

"I have a plan to calm Shanyue within a few years. I want to ask everyone for advice." Kou Feng said bluntly, and he was very confident, but conceited.

But when it was introduced into the ears of people like Zhuge Jin, it felt a bit unpleasant.

It is too difficult to pacify the mountain, and the Sun family has been fighting for so many years.The more you suppress, the more fierce you become.Kou Feng is in Jingchu, what can be done to wipe out Shanyue within a few years?

(To be continued)

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