"However, if we want to make a move, we will have to wait until next year." Yi Ji sighed.

"Yes. Next year. This year's Shanyue, next year's gentry. It's cheap to get rid of one evil in one year." Kou Feng said with a smile.

Although Kou Feng is resolute, he is not without too strong a person.Jiangdong's second evil, it's good to get rid of one a year.But if you plan to get rid of two a year.

Then the fun will come.If the gentry united with Shanyue, the fun would be great.Don't try to wipe it out every ten years.

Therefore, this year's Sanyue, and next year's gentry.

As long as Shanyue, the gentry, and the army are suppressed, it will be pacified.

However, even if it is an afterthought.Kou Feng would not generalize either.If it is a gentry who is knowledgeable, or a gentry who is relatively clear.The number of people hiding is small.

Kou Feng will also let it go.

After all, the gentry can be regarded as a kind of foundation. If it is powerful, it will be a disaster, but if it is small, it will be an assistant.After all, he is a reader.

For example, Gu Yong and others were born in the noble family.

In contrast, if Kou Feng made a move, with the shrewdness of Gu Yong and others, they would obediently hand over the hidden population to plead guilty.Of course Kou Feng would lift it high and put it down gently.

If you are stubborn and stubborn, you will have an army to suppress the situation.

These are all things for next year, Kou Feng put them aside for now.But there was one thing that Kou Feng had to deal with.

"The large-scale gentry will be dealt with next year. But some of them, it's time to settle accounts after the fall." Kou Feng said.

"What does the lord mean?" Yiji asked.

According to Yiji's knowledge, there are two clans who have ties to Kou Feng.One is Zhang Wen, who made things difficult for Kou Feng when he was in Jiangdong.

Even, when Kou Feng went to sea, he sent his son over to supervise and kill Kou Feng.The result, of course, is that the body sank into the sea.However, this beam is still knotted.

Yiji has followed Kou Feng for a long time, and knows that Kou Feng is magnanimous, but only for those who are loyal to him.Just like treating his own people, Kou Feng never regrets what he promised.

But if you treat the enemy, you will definitely regret it.

There is quite a feeling of treating friends like a spring breeze, but treating enemies with insidiousness.

Although the reputation of doing so will be ruined, the vested benefits will be very large.It will make the enemy feel very afraid.Furthermore, it is capricious to the enemy.Don't worry about anything.

Sometimes, a lot is gained.

The second is the Zhu family.

The Zhu family has two generals in Jiangdong, Zhu Zhi, Zhu Ran and his son.But these two were enemies with Kou Feng, and both died in Jingzhou.

If left unattended, I am afraid there will be sequelae afterwards.

The entanglement between these two clans and Kou Feng was known to almost all the gentry in Jiangdong.

They are also guessing.

Now that Kou Feng has pacified Jiangdong, how will he settle accounts after the fall.

However, most people think that Kou Feng's butcher knife will be raised.The extermination of the second family is imminent.

It's really because Kou Feng's reputation is too bad, sometimes he behaves strangely and changes, even when the two armies are at war, the envoys are all killed, what else can't be done?

These two clans are all Jiangdong clans.Intertwined with Jiangdong forces.Many people secretly cursed Kou Feng in their hearts.I also sympathize with the experience of the second race.

The so-called, people sigh.

It is the portrayal of the big clan in Jiangdong now.

At this moment, Zhang Wen is also in Moling.

The Zhang family is a big family, and of course they also have real estate in a big city like Moling.Although Zhang Wen was afraid of Kou Feng, because he made things difficult for Kou Feng for no reason.

But I have to come.

Because he knew that if he pleaded guilty, there might still be a glimmer of hope.If the cat is at home, I am afraid it will be difficult.

At this moment, in Zhang's study.

Zhang Wen sat with his second son Zhang Guang. Zhang Wen's complexion was very bad, very pale, as if he could fall to the ground if the wind blows.The white hair on the head also gradually increased.

That regret.Why did he flatter Sun Quan and slander Kou Feng in the first place, so that Kou Feng just laughed it off and didn't plan to pursue it.He still wants to go up hard and humiliate Kou Feng.

Now there is such a catastrophe of extermination.

Zhang Wen's second son, Zhang Guang, looked ugly, or even worse.Fear, timidity, etc., can all be found on his face.

"Father, according to the report from the subordinates, Kou Feng has already entered the governor's mansion. It is estimated that he met Gu Yong and others in the mansion." Zhang Guang reported.

The Zhang family is very powerful, so they are naturally well-informed.

Gu Yong and others stepped into the Governor's Mansion first, apparently to meet Kou Feng.

"People like Gu Yong are really smart. Why is this old man so stupid? He didn't make friends with Kou Feng, but hugged Sun Quan's thigh. Where is Sun Quan now? He is just a prisoner, and he will never see the sun again for the rest of his life. And Kou Feng? It’s majestic, sitting in the southeast. It’s really a sky and an underground.” Zhang Wen’s face became more remorseful, and he hated himself.

"Father, shouldn't it be time to come to plead guilty now?" The majestic patriarch came to plead guilty. It is really shameless to speak out, but now that he is alive or dead, Zhang Guang is willing to let his father go to plead guilty, otherwise, it will be a death penalty.

"What should I do if Kou Feng doesn't add me to the door to ask for guilt? I'd better write a letter first and see the situation." Zhang Wen shook his head and said.

As he spoke, Zhang Wen pulled out a roll of bamboo slips from the case.Pick up the pen and start writing.

These are words of apology and remorse.Promote Kou Feng to be a man with a broad mind, like the sea, who can take a boat.Please forgive his mistake.

The words are gorgeous, but they are all flattering words.

Zhang Wen hesitated again and again, and wrote again.It took about half an hour to write this letter.Handed over to Zhang Guangdao.

"Send your confidants there, don't hand it directly to Kou Feng, but first hand it to the governor Yiji, and ask him to pass it on for you."

Zhang Wen solemnly handed the volume of the letter to Zhang Guang, exhorting.

"No." Now that Kou Feng is terrifyingly powerful and his life is at stake, Zhang Guang of course accepted it solemnly, and then walked out without looking back.

"I hope it works." After Zhang Guang left, Zhang Wen said very anxiously.

Compared with Zhang's, Zhu's side is also gloomy.

Their influence is great, and the trees attract the wind.It must be a thorn in the ruler's side, especially in their family, the two most capable people died fighting Kou Feng.

It can be said to be a model of being stubborn and must be an enemy of Kou Feng.

The Zhu family was originally in charge of Zhu Zhi, but now it is Zhu Zhi's younger brother, Zhu Feng.

At this moment, a large number of people gathered in the hall of Zhu Mansion.

Among them, Zhu Feng sat on the first seat, and the rest were all big and small members of the clan.

The Zhu family is a family of military generals. Although Zhu Feng did not go out to serve, his body and physique are different from ordinary people, and his appearance is also very majestic.

But at this moment, this supposedly strong man frowned deeply.

Zhu Zhi and Zhu Ran fought against Kou Feng, and Kou Feng became an enemy.Now it's a disaster for the family.As the new patriarch, the pressure on his shoulders can be imagined.

Apart from Zhu Feng, the most eye-catching one is Zhu Zhi's wife.This woman is in her thirties and looks dignified.He was crying right now, with three young sons by his side.

They are all the blood left by Zhu Zhi.

If it is said that the Zhu family has the disaster of exterminating the family, then the three orphans and widows are the real first to bear the brunt.After all, it was Zhu Zhi and the woman's son Zhu Ran who were enemies of Kou Feng.

"Third brother, you should have made up your mind on this matter, right? You can't sit still." A middle-aged man who looked somewhat similar to Zhu Feng asked loudly.

Look extremely anxious.

This is Zhu Feng's elder brother.It's called Zhu Kuai.

"I'll go and see in person." Zhu Feng sighed, then turned to the woman and said, "Sister-in-law, don't panic too much, Marquis Chu is a benevolent person, and he won't bully orphans and widows. of."

"Benevolence is a fart. When even Cao Cao has benevolence in this world, he is the one who doesn't." Zhu Kuai has a very straightforward personality, and he speaks without thinking at the moment.

But his words resonated with everyone in the hall.

Kou Feng is capricious and secretive.It's hard to guess.Even the envoys were beheaded.It's really not benevolent.Because of this, they are not at ease.

Otherwise, they wouldn't think there would be any problem if they changed someone else.

"Shut up." But at this time, Jiangdong was under Kou Feng's rule, and this thoughtless brother actually said this in public, Zhu Feng's face darkened immediately, and he shouted.

"You, third child." Zhu Kuai said happily.

"Come here, pull him out and lock him up. When you figure it out, you're allowed to come out." Zhu Feng shouted loudly.

The reason why the Jiangdong gentry is huge is because the family is very powerful.After Zhu Feng drank like this, someone immediately pulled Zhu Kuai out.Indisputable.

"Come here, prepare the chariots and horses, I'm going to the Governor's Mansion to ask to see Marquis Chu."

Immediately, Zhu Feng ordered.

After a while, Zhu Feng's carriage arrived outside the Governor's Mansion.

At this time, Yiji had just come out of the hall.Just now he handed Zhang Wen's letter to Kou Feng.

But Yi Ji knew that Zhang Wen's fate was already doomed.

At this moment, a smile flashed on Yiji's face.

I'm afraid everyone in the world has underestimated the lord.

Thinking about Kou Feng's attitude when he discussed with Kou Feng how to deal with the second clan in private.Yiji couldn't help admiring him.

"My lord, Zhu Feng is seeking to see you outside." At this time, a guard reported.

"Are you asking to see me? Or are you asking to see the lord?" Yiji asked.

"I'm asking to see the lord." The guard replied.

"Please come in immediately and lead into the hall." Yiji nodded and ordered.

"No." The guard left.

Compared with Zhang Wen's foresight and foresight, even writing a letter has to go through his hands, and then pass it to Kou Feng.But Zhu Zhi had the courage to come to the door to plead guilty.

Here comes the difference.

"A child can be taught." Yi Ji couldn't help but stroked his beard and said with a smile.

The fate of the Zhu and Zhang clans has long been doomed.But Zhu Feng was able to come to the door in person, showing obedience.But it was more compatible with Kou Feng's intention.

"Everyone in the world underestimates the lord." Yi Ji laughed loudly, and walked out with his hands behind his back.

In Yiji's view, Kou Feng's heart is no worse than anyone else's.For example, a person like Liu Bei who was widely spread by Ren Deyuan once killed the whole family of Che Zhou, the governor of Xuzhou, in Xuzhou.

Because of business, but as a personal revenge to avenge.

Not right, not right.

But Kou Feng is different, he has a clear distinction between public and private.

(To be continued)

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