It's late autumn.

Autumn in Han Dynasty was much colder.

On this day, Kou Feng put on thicker clothes and practiced sword in the small school grounds of Fuzhong.


It is the skill in Kou Feng's hands. He studied under Xu Shu's tent for three years. Now that he is the Marquis of Chu, he no longer needs to fight the enemy himself, but this skill has been preserved.

And practice daily.

Often it takes half an hour to practice, and after sweating, take a bath and change clothes.Although there is no practical use, who can maintain a strong body.

"My lord, Jiangdong urgent report."

At this moment, Kou Feng just retracted his sword.

He saw Liu Ba walking in from the outside, holding a booklet in his hand.

"Oh?" Kou was overjoyed, and handed the long sword in his hand to the guards who were serving beside him, and took the fold from Liu Ba's hand.

"Who is this time?" Kou Feng asked with a smile.

Since this period of time, news of Shanyue's victory has come frequently.

Today is not how many good fields Lu Meng burned.Tomorrow will be Zhou Tai, Quan Cong will make contributions.

Although it has been received many times, Kou Feng still feels delighted.The more the better.

"This time it was Lu Boyan. He led his troops across the hinterland like a mountain. He not only burned down many good fields of a large tribe, but also captured Dazhai. He burned down the other party's granaries, and then led his troops to retreat calmly." Liu Ba also said with a smile beside him. .

He is the master book, in charge of clerical transactions.

The good news he received every day made him soft.But also enjoy it.As long as the people who sit on the east of the river, they all hope to be able to surpass the mountains.

Kou Feng hoped that Liu Ba, a minister, also had great hopes.

In addition to this, they were also thinking about Kou Feng's promise some time ago, after the mountain was pacified, they would start to build a country and set up hundreds of officials.

Now that Shanyue is retreating steadily, it is really gratifying.

"Oh? Lu Boyan is unexpected." Kou Feng was surprised, and then said happily.

In fighting Shanyue, even veteran generals such as Zhou Tai and Lu Meng only wanted to burn a large number of fertile fields.Also because of this goal, it became a lot easier.

As long as the fertile land is conquered, that's all.There is no need to deal with the Shanyue people in the mountains.There is no need to attack a stockade that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

However, Lu Xun was able to conquer the village after burning the fertile land.And burned down the enemy's granary, and a complete cleanup came.

Courageous, but people who often fail.Called a reckless man.But those who are courageous and able to win are generals.

After Kou Feng let out an ooh, he began to look through the brochures.He smiled and nodded while watching, "Now they are still tigers in the deep mountains. But in winter, these mountains will have to come out to look for food. Except for my food, there is no one in Jiangdong to feed them."

"Congratulations, my lord, the mountain is getting calmer, and it's just around the corner." Liu Ba couldn't help congratulating.

"Ha ha."

Kou Feng chuckled with a happy expression.

Today is destined to be a happy day, and Liu Ba hasn't left yet.Another good news came on the back foot.

"My lord, General Deng's clerk." Liu Badu, who was in charge of the clerk, was here, and this time, of course, it was a small official under Liu Ba's account.

Holding a booklet, he walked in.

"Oh, little tiger, the good news finally came." Kou Feng laughed out loud, and took the note.

Deng Ai has been there for several months.There were five thousand elite soldiers against the tens of thousands of Wu Ju, the prefect of Cangwu.Kou Feng is not too clear about the details.

But I just know that Deng Ai has never heard good news.

Originally, Pang Tong, one of his subjects, spoke to send another army to help Deng Ai defeat the enemy.But Kou Feng always believed that Deng Ai had that ability.

So stay in the middle.

Continue to deliver food to Deng Ai.

Now, it seems that it is time for this little tiger to roar up to the sky.

However, when Kou Feng opened it and looked at it, his complexion changed drastically.It is a color of ecstasy.This is no small news.

This is great news.

It was written clearly that Deng Ai encountered a lot of trouble with Cang Wu, although Wu Ju had no talent.But I can make friends with some local Baiyue people.

The power is huge and terrifying.When Deng Ai first arrived, he suffered a little loss because he was not familiar with the place.

Therefore, no meritorious service has been done for several months.

But just a few days ago, those Baiyue people who helped Wu Ju suddenly retreated.Deng Aicai defeated Wu Ju in one fell swoop and put down the rebellion of tens of thousands of people.

He beheaded Wu Ju, and according to Kou Feng's order, wiped out Wu Ju's entire family.

Loot my land and kill my people.It's time to kill.

Deng Ai couldn't figure it out either, until Shi Yi went to Deng Ai's army in person, and Deng Ai suddenly realized.

Shixie of Jiaozhou has a high status, sitting in Jiaozhou, thousands of miles away, intimidating Baiyue, and his prestige is supreme.

He gave an order, who would dare to support Wu Ju from the Baiyue tribe?

After Shi Yi came to Deng Ai's camp, his intention was very clear.It means submitting to Chu State.

This was beyond Kou Feng's expectations, but within expectations.

It was unexpected that Jiaozhou Pingding was so cheap, and it was expected because, in history, although Shi Xie had a high status, he also owned a state.But no ambitions.

Maybe it's because of old age.

He surrendered to Soochow in the later period.Give this Jiaozhou foundation to Sun Quan with both hands.This made Sun Quan own Jiaozhou in name.

Later, Sun Quan also sent to the governor.

Shi Xie also greeted the past very respectfully.After Shi Xie's death, Sun Quan sent a large army to take over Jiaozhou.In the end, the scholar refused to accept his surname and rebelled.

was wiped out.

This is the history of the Shi surnames separatist in Jiaozhou.

Therefore, Shi Xie's surrender was expected.

As long as Shi Xie's attitude is obvious, Jiaozhou will be nailed to the iron plate.As long as Shi Xie dies, Chu State can easily take over Jiaozhou.

Kou Feng wanted to claim the title of Duke and found a state.

But lack of merit.Therefore, Kou Feng will not be able to formally establish the country until Shanyue is pacified.But now Jiaozhou is occupied in name, coupled with the pacification of Jiangdong Shanyue.

It is the time when the prestige is unparalleled.Calling the public to build a country is to take advantage of the trend.

"Haha, good, great." Kou Feng laughed loudly.

"What's changed in the south?" Seeing Kou Feng laughing like this, Liu Ba's joy was even more intense than Lu Xun's great achievement just now.

Can't help but ask curiously.

What happened in the end made Kou Feng, who was sitting in Jingchu and pacified Yangzhou, so happy.

"Look for yourself." Kou Feng handed the booklet in his hand to Liu Ba.

Liu Ba stretched out his hand to take it, unfolded it, and was immediately overjoyed.

"Shi Xie is not the master of the people." Liu Ba congratulated.

"For the life of the minister." Kou Feng nodded and said with a smile on his face.

"Draft the official document, designate Deng Ai as a mighty general, and grant him a field house. Order him to stay in Cangwu for the time being, and then go to Buzhi to find him." Immediately, Kou Feng ordered.

What happened in Jiaozhou happened suddenly, but since it happened, we must fight for interests.Kou Feng intends to get Cang Wu first.

After all, it was Deng Ai who personally sent someone to quell it.Although Cangwu belongs to Jiaozhou, it does not belong to Shixie.There will be no misunderstanding.

"No." Liu Ba knew that Kou Feng would step up his contact with Jiaozhou and manage it next.I'm afraid Bu Zhi will be released to Cangwu.

After answering, Liu Ba immediately took his leave and left.

Liu Ba's guess is indeed true.

Kou Feng plans to release Bu Zhi to Cangwu.

Most of the heroes Jiangdong made friends with in the past are now under Yiji's account, helping to manage Yangzhou.But Bu Zhi wanted to lead the army, and Kou Feng had no place for him.

Now Jiaozhou suddenly surrendered, and Bu Zhi also started from Jiaozhou in history.Kou Feng planned to release him into Cangwu.

After Deng Aiping settled Wu Ju, the soldiers and horses that surrendered were sorted out.

Then, as a nail, it was placed in the hinterland of Jiaozhou.One is to strengthen ties with Jiaozhou, and the other is to lay the groundwork for officially entering Jiaozhou in the future.

This went smoothly, and Jiaozhou was pacified without any surprises or dangers.Kou Feng's mood can be imagined.

Next, Kou Feng didn't even have to take a bath, and dragged his sweaty body back to the study, ready to meet Bu Zhi.There was also a constant smile on his face.

Until Bu Zhi came in from the outside.

"My lord." Bu Zhi bowed to Kou Feng to salute.

Bu Zhi is a handsome talent, and his personality is also very calm.It has been a long time since Kou Feng brought him back, but he never gave him authority.

But Bu Zhi was able to calm down and was always respectful and polite.

This is a very rare thing.

Of course Kou Feng admired Bu Zhi very much, and now that he has to give him a heavy responsibility, he is naturally more amiable.

"Let's rise from Zishan." Kou Feng raised his hand and said.Immediately, Kou Feng pointed to the seat next to him, and gave way to Bi Zhi to sit down.After Bu Zhi sat down, Kou Feng asked with a smile: "Zi Shan's ambition is to lead troops to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. Today, I want to ask how high Zi Shan's heart is?"

There is a saying that as long as you work hard, you can grind an iron rod into a needle.A person's ability cannot measure future achievements, but determination, perseverance, and ambition add up to enhance future achievements.

"Feng Hou pays homage to the Prime Minister." Bu Zhi didn't expect Kou Feng to ask such a question, but he didn't need to think about his ambitions, so he answered it as a matter of course.

Feng Hou worships the prime minister.It is the ultimate goal of all ministers.But people who can be so straightforward and dare to speak out, Bu Zhi is rare.

Kou Feng smiled happily and said, "It must be very difficult. I wonder if Zishan is willing to endure hardship?"

"I would like to be my lord." Bu Zhi prostrated himself in the tunnel.

Regarding the relationship between Bu Zhi and Kou Feng, this sentence is of course sincere.

"Deng Ai is currently attacking Cangwu, Zishan knows?" Kou Feng asked again with a smile.

"I know." Bu Zhi replied.

"Cangwu has now been settled by Deng Ai, and Jiaozhou Shixie has also sent his younger brother, Shiyi, to surrender. I want Zishan to travel far to Cangwu and unite Jiaozhou." Kou Feng said.

Jiaozhou is a remote, barren land full of miasma.Most people are unwilling to go, but Kou Feng believes in Bu Zhi's perseverance.

"No." Bu Zhi's heart was shocked, and then his light flashed, and he responded.

Jiaozhou.It's actually running Jiaozhou.What a high starting point.

(To be continued)

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