The winter of the 15th year of Jian'an.

Under the attack of Zhuge Jin, Lu Meng, Zhou Tai, Lu Xun, Quan Cong, Jiang Qin, Zhou Tai and other seven generals in Jiangdong, the Shanyue people who had burned a large amount of food finally couldn't help being hungry.

And dragged his family and escaped from the mountains.

According to Kou Feng's order, Zhuge Jin settled the Shanyue people properly.And build villages and cities.

From early autumn to late autumn.

According to Zhuge Jin's statistics, within a few months.There are as many as one million Shanyue people who escaped from the deep mountains.

It is really because of their seven generals that they have harmed too much food.Currently there is famine everywhere in the mountains, if you don't run, you will starve to death.

It is even easy to eat.

This incident caused a sensation in Jiangdong.

To say that Jiangdong hates the most, some people might think it is Kou Feng.Because Kou Feng led his troops to destroy Sun Quan.After all, Sun Quan's country name is Wu.

And Kou Feng is Chu after all.

During the Warring States Period, Chu State annexed Wu Yue.It is a pain for the people of Wuyue.Now that it is happening again, it is naturally very hateful.

Although there are Iraqis to appease, this kind of emotion will last for a long time.

But what the people of Jiangdong hate the most is not Kou Feng, but Shanyue.To say that the Sun family is stable in Jiangdong, but it has only been more than ten years.

However, Shanyue's misfortune to Jiangdong has to be counted from ancient times.

Over the years, I don't know how many ancestors there are.Or the family was small and was killed by the Shanyue people.There is no way to be forced.

The hatred for Shanyue has almost penetrated into the bones of the people in Jiangdong.

But now, Kou Feng is running rampant with ingenious tactics and conquering Shanyue with soldiers.As many as one million Shanyue people fled down the mountain.How many millions can Sanyue have?

At its most powerful, it was only a few million.After more than ten years of extermination by the Sun family, it is probably only 200 million now.

All of a sudden, 100 million is almost settled.Even if it remains, it only needs the assistance of soldiers to completely wipe it out.

Annihilation of Shanyue has been accomplished through the ages.

At least in the hearts of the people in Jiangdong, Kou Feng's prestige was suddenly elevated.Although it is not as respectful as the gods of Jingchu people, it is almost the same.

It was because Kou Feng wiped out Shanyue.

And the nostalgia for the Sun family also diluted a lot at this moment.

It can be said that the entire Jiangdong is rejoicing.Many people, with tears in their eyes, bowed in the direction of the western state of Chu.

Thanks to Kou for sealing the entire Chu Kingdom.

This is the great benefit brought by the extermination of Shanyue, and this is also the reason why Kou Feng must settle Shanyue before he can rely on his achievements to establish a country.

Otherwise, just pacifying Wuxi is not a great achievement.If one ascends to the altar and establishes a state, Nanmian will be ridiculed by the people of the world.Today, he led the people to pacify the Shanyue tribe that existed in ancient times, and the stubborn mountain disease that Qin Shihuang, Han Gaozu, and Han Wudi had not pacified, and gave Jiangdong a bright future.

This work is enough to build a country.

At this moment, Kou Feng is in Jingchu, and Wu Yue's aura is so strong that even the Son of Heaven may avoid it.

Cao Cao dared to attack Jingchu, Wuyue and Wuyue.It will definitely arouse strong resistance from the people of the country.

At the same time, the momentum is strong.Kou Feng took advantage of the momentum, went up to the altar to worship the heaven and the earth, established the state of Chu, and set up hundreds of officials, and it was a matter of course.

On this day, Kou Feng led the three lords and nine ministers, including Mr. Pang De, Sima Hui, Jiang Wan and others, to attack 12 people to discuss the establishment of the country.

There should have been 13 people, after all, a Shang Shuling was added.But Kou Feng didn't set up a clan, and there were exactly 12 people in total.

Kou Feng is dressed in a prince's mianfu, with a prince's crown on his head.

Mianfu, Mianguan is not the patent of the emperor, you can wear it if you are a prince.It's just a little different from the emperor's.It is second-class.

But even so, Kou Feng wears majestic appearance.


However, Kou Feng himself was smiling all over his face, somewhat disappointing the noble and majestic demeanor brought by the crown.

Not even smiling.

Zhuge Jin and others made meritorious deeds, and millions of people descended from the mountain.

After Kou Feng received the victory report, he immediately withdrew the award.On the one hand, Zhuge Jin was named Pingyue Zhonglang General.But on the other hand, Lu Xun was handed over the right to supervise Jiangdong's military affairs.Let him take Zhuge Jin's place and continue to conquer Shanyue.until it is completely wiped out.

And Zhuge Jin was recruited as Dahonghe.

Lie Jiuqing, internally designated as Marquis of Guannei.

Three lords and nine ministers, even Pang Degong, Sima Hui, and Kou Feng, who have added vain positions, all have feudal lords.

"Your Majesty, the ministers and others agreed that on the seventh day of next year, we will go to the altar to worship the heaven and the earth." The chief priest of Taichang, Sima Yi, as a child of a family, is very clear about these rules, and it is too common and very cheap.Choose the day, all kinds of reliance, how wide and how high the altar is.

They were all composed by Sima Yi.

Although he is a noble Jiuqing, he has no real power.But Sima Yi's complexion at the moment is also very good.Kou Feng founded the country and established Jiuqing.

He was among them, really carefree.

"Okay, it will be on the seventh day of the lunar new year. Gu and Zhuqing founded the country together, and their name will be recorded in the history books." Kou Feng said very generously.

Although Kou Feng is uncomfortable calling himself lonely, when he wants to become emperor in the future, he will use Zhen directly.But Lord Pound and others advised against it.

This is the etiquette of the monarch and cannot be abolished.

Kou Feng had no choice but to call himself lonely.

"Great Chu will surely prosper the country." Pang Degong and others prostrated themselves.

In a blink of an eye, winter is over.

After the Spring Festival, the seventh day.It was the time when Kou Feng ascended the altar to worship heaven and earth and established the state of Chu.

At this moment, Kou Feng has sent a letter to Jingchu, Wuyue and other places.Everyone in the Chu Kingdom is looking forward to the arrival of this day.

This day is exactly the seventh day of the lunar new year.

The sky was clear and cloudless.

On the outskirts of Xiangyang, on a large altar.Kou Feng wore the crown of the princes, and the crown was on the altar to worship.Below them are the wife, Cai Da, and the eldest son, Kou Chang.

Cai Da is the wife and Kou Chang is the son.The position of the prince naturally falls on Kou Chang.

In addition, Kou sealed the remaining three sons.Even when they are babies, they are all dressed in Hou clothes, held by the ceremony officer, or led to stand further behind.

These are the successors of the Chu state, the Kou clan, and their status is naturally higher than that of the ministers.

Below them are Sima Sima Hui, Situ Jiang Wan, and Situ Pound.

Next are Jiuqing Shangshuling, Guangluxun Xianglang, Dahongyu Zhugejin, Tingwei Zhaolei, Shaofu Xutian, Dasinong Mizhu, Taifu Zhangdao, and Taichang Sima Yi.

In addition to Liu Ba and Liu Ba, Shang Shu also ordered Zhang Fei, the rear general among the five generals, and Zhao Yun, the general in the town.And General Pang Tong of the Left Army Division.

Except for them, the former general Tai Shici, the left general Huang Zhong, the right general Gan Ning, and the right general Pang Tong were not present because they were stationed at the frontier.

After that, there are officials at all levels.There are more than a hundred people.

In addition, Kou Feng specially mobilized [-] troops in the city to guard in order to establish the country today.The rest rely on and follow.

There are tens of thousands of ritual officials and so on.

All kinds of musical instruments and sacrificial utensils are also very complete.Although Kou Feng didn't claim to be the Son of Heaven, his momentum was only one step away at the moment.

If you want to build a country, you must build momentum.

After Kou Feng, he became the king of the state, the only one who could compete with Cao Wei.

Kou Feng was wearing a mian suit and a crown, holding his young son Kou Chang by the hand, and boarded the altar.Only Kou Feng and his son can climb this altar.

For example, his wife, Cai Da, must stop under the altar.

Kou Feng climbed up to the altar step by step, but the step by step expansion of power after Xin Ye appeared in his mind.How similar it is to step up step by step.

Once upon a time, Kou Feng was just a rootless weed who was attached to Liu Bei and could be disposed of by Liu Bei.Once upon a time, Kou Feng had only one general, two officials, and hundreds of soldiers around him.

Once upon a time, Kou Feng was sitting in Jiangxia, and it was precarious.

But now, Kou Feng can decide his own destiny.There are three lords and nine ministers beside him, the left and right army division generals, the front and back, and the five tiger generals.

The power spans three states and is tens of thousands of miles long.

Millions of people.With hundreds of thousands of armor.He is the prince second only to Cao Cao in the world.

Today, with the meritorious deeds of Shanyue, I go to the altar to sacrifice to heaven.Establish the state of Chu.

As he climbed up to the altar step by step, Kou Feng's whole body's aura also condensed step by step. When he climbed to the top, Kou Feng's whole body's aura was that of a real emperor.

When the king comes to a country, the prestige is supreme.

Behind Kou Feng, Cai Da watched Kou Feng climb to the top step by step, her aura seemed to transform from a mortal to an emperor.Can't help the beautiful eyes flooding.

In the past, it was her own wish to marry Kou Feng.Because she believes that this man can attack when he advances, and he can defend when he retreats.Advance can occupy the position of emperor, and retreat can become the overlord of one side.

Women are people with vanity.

Cai Da is no exception.Today she is both happy and proud of her husband.

From the grassroots to become a monarch of a country, Kou Feng is enough to look down on all emperors.

Kou Feng's third son behind Cai Da also felt the difference today, and their faces were tense.Very serious.Wearing a Hou suit on his body, he is even more imposing.

Then, Lord Pang De, Sima Hui, Jiang Wan and other three lords and nine ministers, Shang Shuling, left and right army advisers and generals, and five tiger generals in the front and rear.

Their faces are also happy, but their hearts are different.

But they all have one thing in common, that is, to sell their talents to the emperor, and it is worthwhile to learn literature and martial arts in this life.

They also feel that the Chu country is extremely prosperous.

When Kou Feng boarded the altar, the ritual officer next to him began to read aloud the sacrificial oration written by Liu Ba himself.

The general idea is that today is the state of Chu Guozuo, please look after God and so on.

However, there are thousands of words in writing, and the diction is gorgeous, which is rare in the world.

Coupled with the very strong voice of the Shangli officer, this sacrificial text reads very imposingly.

"Your Majesty, please pay homage to heaven three times." After the ceremony officer finished reading the sacrificial oration in his hand, he said softly to Kou Feng.

Then, the ceremony started.

Kou Feng sat on the altar and worshiped heaven and earth three times.I also prayed silently in my heart.

Today, the isolated country is here, and I hope God will take care of it.

Although Kou Feng didn't believe in fate, he didn't dare to blaspheme at this moment.

After a while, the ceremony is over.

Kou Feng also became the king of the country in the territory of Chu State.The subjects are called the emperor.Foreign ministers are also called Chu Gong.

(To be continued)

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