A big chunk of people's hearts. .

For the soldiers who were deceived by Zhang Lu, it was indeed a joy.But when the flames were extinguished and Zhang Lu was burned to ashes, the soldiers were extremely at a loss.

Because of Zhang Lu's death, they also lost their faith.Where should they go?

Feeling this dazed atmosphere, Kou Feng really sighed in his heart.It's just a tool to use.

"There is no such thing as immortality after death, but it is still possible to pass on to the heirs and live and work in peace and contentment." Kou Feng said and looked up at the group of soldiers.

The soldiers also looked up at Kou Feng.

"I want to send you back to Hanzhong, one by one. Everyone can get a lot of money, go back, go back to your family, work at sunrise, and rest at sunset. Many children and grandchildren." Kou Feng said loudly.

Following Kou Feng's words, most people's eyes lit up. They were used to living under Zhang Lu's majesty, and they had already forgotten their family members.

Now Kou Feng reminded them that they still have family members, even wives and children.

"Your Majesty is merciful." I don't know who started it first, the soldiers knelt in front of Kou Feng, sincere and grateful, just like worshiping a generation of saints, worshiping Kou Feng.

"I am ashamed to accept it." Kou Feng said in his heart.Said: "Let's go, let's go."

As he spoke, Kou Feng raised his head and said loudly, "Where is Xiang Chong?"

"The last general is here." At this time, the military affairs had been dealt with, and Xiang Chong, who was standing next to Kou Feng, came to meet him in front of Kou Feng.

"I ordered you to lead the troops of the battalion and go to Hanzhong. Order the local officials to settle down these people well. If anyone dares to neglect, kill them." Kou Feng said coldly.

"Promise." Xiang Chong promised loudly, and immediately turned to the group of Hanzhong soldiers and said, "Follow me."

Said, Xiang Chong led the way, the soldiers bowed to Kou Feng again, and followed Xiang Chong with longing for their hometown.

Kou Feng raised his head and looked at Xiang Chong leading the army and escorting these people to the north.

Pang Tong also sighed, the scene just now was really amazing.Zhang Lu used tricks to incite the people to stand up for themselves in Hanzhong, but in the end he died under the accusation of thousands of people and the resentment of thousands of people.

Really, Xiao He is the winner, and Xiao He is the loser.

After watching the group of people leave, Kou Feng turned his head and asked Ma Su beside him, "Youchang, how much of Liu Zhang's army is still there? How many of our troops are dead?"

"There are still 200 people left in Liu Zhang's army. Among them, 2000 were injured and 5000 were seriously injured. There are still [-] people in our army who can fight and recover."

Ma Di replied.

This means that 5000 people died or were seriously injured and could no longer fight.

Casualties were also great.Kou Feng sighed.

"Young Chang stays here for a month to recover the wounded. Then send people to send the soldiers of Liu Zhang's army back to their hometowns. Plow the fields and work." Kou Feng said after pondering for a while.

"No." Ma Su agreed.

Disarm and return to the field.This is what Kou Feng did after he pacified the land of Shu.

"Shi Yuan immediately sent people to Bajun, summoned Zhang Song, the attendant, and said to Liu Zhang in the city of Chengdu. Show Gu's kindness to Liu Zhang. If Gu gets the city, he must be kind to him." Kou Feng turned his head and ordered Pang Tong to say.

"No." Pang Tong promised.

"The general of the town army and the general of the military division should stay and clean up the mess. Xu Sheng, Kou Shui, you two lead [-] elite soldiers, and go to Bazhong first with Gu." Finally, Kou Feng said again.

The so-called Bazhong was naturally looking for Huang Quan and Yan Pu.Kou Feng must get these two talents.


Everyone agreed.Immediately, Xu Sheng and Kou Shui began to prepare.Not long after, Kou Feng straddled Wu Yunju, led [-] elite soldiers, and headed for Bazhong mightily.


At this moment Bazhong can be said to be very shocked. At the beginning, Zhang Lu passed by aggressively, among a hundred thousand, so majestic, so awesome.

And what's even more astonishing is that the three major barbarians in Bazhong followed suit one after another.The number of people suddenly increased to 20, 20.

Thinking about it makes me shiver.

Ordinary people don't know the difference between elite soldiers and miscellaneous troops. They only know that Zhang Lu has 20 troops, while Kou Feng seems to have [-] or [-].

Anyway, there are very few people.

This time, when Zhang Lu went south, the Chu army must have been defeated, and Kou Feng fled back to Shu.Most people think so.But the result was unexpected.

Kou Feng was near Xichong and defeated Zhang Lu's 20 men with an army of [-].Invincible.What's even more incredible is that one of the three barbarian commanders, Yuan Yue, is the barbarian who claims to have the strength of both arms and is invincible in Shu.Unexpectedly, when facing Kou Feng's army, his momentum was taken away by him.

He did something jaw-dropping and surrendered.

Although it is a bit domineering, it has exactly the same effect as the ancient sage Mingzi who subdued people with benevolence and righteousness.

What's even more eye-popping is that Yuan Yue promised Kou Feng to enter the mountain with a large army and burn down the fortress and city.He brought hundreds of thousands of Yi people south to Hanzhong.

Originally, many people did not believe it.Isn't this the extermination of the country?But when Yuan Yue led a mess, hundreds of thousands of barbarians appeared in the Bazhong area and slowly migrated to Hanzhong.

They had to believe that this was really an anecdote through the ages.

A general in command of the army is not only captured by his momentum.Moreover, genocide by itself in order to cling to the bandits.

This is the power of deterrence, which is different from benevolence and righteousness, but has the same effect as benevolence and righteousness.Under the deterrence of Kou Feng, there have been no Yi people in Bazhong since then.

Except for these anecdotes.The movement of Kou Feng's army was immediately heard by those who cared.Now that Zhang Lu is defeated, everyone knows that the land of Bashu is about to change.

The Kingdom of Shu, which has not been established for a long time, has basically been replaced by the Kingdom of Chu.At this time, wouldn't it be too foolish not to come forward to curry favor with Chu Jun?

Therefore, when Kou Feng led his army to the city of Brazil, countless local gentry and powerful representatives asked to see him.

Of course Kou Feng didn't have time to pay attention to them, he came to Brazil to find Huang Quan, Huang Quan's hometown is nearby, and according to Kou Feng's information, Huang Quan is currently hiding in a friend's house in Brazil city.

On this day, after Kou Feng's army entered Brazil City, they did not learn from those gentry and powerful men, but directly came to the home of Huang Quan's friend.

In the hall, Kou Feng knelt and sat in the first place, with Huang Quan and his friend below.This friend is about 40 years old, with a clean appearance.

Very calm, even in the face of Kou Feng.Kou Feng glanced at it and lost much interest.This kind of indifference is not intentional. People who are as indifferent as Tong Tong are very pure-hearted and ascetic.

No matter how talented you are, you don't have the heart to be a scholar.

"I just want to sit alone with Gongheng, sir?" Kou Feng asked Huang Quan's friend.

"Mr. Chu, do as you please." The man nodded, got up and walked out.

After this person left, only Kou Feng and Huang Quan were left in the hall.Kou Feng looked at Huang Quan with an imposing appearance and sharp eyes, which seemed to hide infinite wisdom and intellect.

It was really a momentary hero.

Speaking of Huang Quan, he is really Kou Feng's favorite person.Compared with Fazheng, it is only slightly worse.Huang Quan was not only a crusade against Hanzhong, but Huang Quan first proposed it.

After listening to Huang Quan's words, Liu Bei defeated Xia Houyuan in Hanzhong.

Moreover, Huang Quan was also appreciated by Cao Pi. During Liu Bei's crusade against Soochow, Huang Quan was ordered to be the general of Zhenbei, stationed in the north to guard against Wei.As a result, Liu Bei was defeated, and Huang Quan could not surrender to Soochow, so he had to go to Wei State.

Wei Wendi Cao Pi was very friendly, and he was named General Zhennan. In his later years, he also opened the third division of Fuyitong.It can be said to be very friendly.Not only Wei Wendi Cao Pi, but even Sima Yi appreciated Huang Quan very much in history.I once wrote a letter to Zhuge Liang personally, praising Huang Quan.

A person is gold and shines wherever he goes.And Huang Quan is exactly this kind of person.

And now, the gold has fallen into his family.Kou Feng looked at Huang Quan with a smile in his eyes.After a while, Kou Feng withdrew his gaze and said with a smile: "In the battle of Xichong, Mr. escaped, and now he is chasing him to Bazhong alone. I don't know what Mr. will do?"

Kou Feng's eyes were peaceful and full of smiles.Huang Quan naturally felt a kind of kindness. He didn't need to guess, but he could understand Kou Feng's intention.

Although Huang Quan was loyal to Liu Zhang, he had no intention of keeping the festival for Liu Zhang.

After all, he helped Liu Zhang fight and worked hard.The failure was not his fault, but that the Chu army was really too strong to be countered by manpower.

But now that Kou Feng entered Shu, he was not in a hurry to go to Hanzhong, nor did he go south to Chengdu, but came to Bazhong to win over him.

In Huang Quan's view, he was also very sincere.Therefore, Huang Quan had almost no resistance in his heart. He raised his fist and bowed, and said bluntly, "Let your majesty deal with it."

"Okay, I will order Gongheng to join the army as the General of the Zuo Military Division and assist Pang Tong, the General of the Zuo Military Division." Kou Feng was overjoyed and said cheerfully.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Huang Quan was taken aback in his heart. The generals of the left and right divisions of the Chu Kingdom were considered the highest rank among generals.The rest of the top five generals in the front, back, left, and right sides should step aside.As soon as he joined the army, he joined the army for Pang Tong, which is a very high salary.It was much higher than Huang Quan imagined.

We must know that Huang Quan was the one who led his troops to resist Kou Feng, and now Kou Feng not only ignores the previous suspicions, but also takes a high position.In Huang Quan's heart, Kou Feng had a broad-minded evaluation of remembering good and forgetting evil.

"Hehe. Gongheng please stand up." Kou Feng smiled and raised his hand to support him.

Kou Feng desperately wants Huang Quan to join, but he actually wants to give Pang Tong more bargaining chips.After entering Shu, the land of Hanzhong was very important.He serves as a forward base, and when he sends out troops, the army guarding Hanzhong must be the vanguard.

And Kou Feng wanted Pang Tong to guard Hanzhong, coupled with Huang Quan's intelligence, and Yan Pu's governance of Hanzhong, Kou Feng probably would be as solid as gold.

"By the way, does Gongheng know where Mr. Yan is?" Immediately, Kou Feng thought of Yan Pu again and asked.

This point made Kou Feng a little depressed. He sent a large number of spies to find Yan Pu's whereabouts in Bazhong, but he couldn't find it.If it weren't for Kou Feng's belief that Yan Pu was still in Bazhong, he might have given up long ago.

(To be continued)

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