Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 808 Shu kingdom with only one city left

"Your Majesty is the hero of the world, and I am willing to recommend myself as the prefect of Hanzhong to assist you in governing Hanzhong, making Hanzhong peaceful and becoming a front-line granary."

Yan Pu looked very solemn, with a little excitement in his eyes, and bowed down.

Kou Feng was surprised, unexpectedly, Yan Pu came to recommend himself.However, Kou Feng was very happy with Yan Pu being the prefect of Hanzhong.

After all, the original plan was for Yan Pu.

"With Mr.'s help, Hanzhong will prosper, and the lonely state of Chu will also add a granary. Haha." Kou Feng laughed, stood up, came to Yan Pu's side, helped Yan Pu himself, and said happily.

Being supported by Kou Feng, Yan Pu still had a little excitement on his face.Huang Quan next to him also had a smile on his face. Yan Pu is a hero in Bazhong and has the ability to stabilize one side.

He is from the Hanzhong Department and is very familiar with Hanzhong.Getting it now is like adding wings to a tiger.Chu State no longer has any worries about Hanzhong.

Instead, it is the foundation of prosperity.

This trip, Kou Feng was right, it was really worthwhile.First came Huang Quan, then Yan Pu.

Immediately after Kou Feng sat in Yan Pu's Zhuangzi for a while, he brought Huang Quan and Yan Pu back to Bazhong.Kou Feng stayed in Bazhong for a day, and took time to meet the local tyrants and gentry.

It's doing some soothing work.

Afterwards, led the army to go north to Hanzhong.

Kou Feng has never been to Hanzhong.But this place is the barrier in the middle of Shu, the advance base, plus the famous in history, Dingjunshan cut Xiahou.

Kou Feng must go, and in front of Hanzhong officials, Feng Yanpu will be the prefect of Hanzhong.Then he ordered Pang Tong to march into Hanzhong and sit here.

While Kou Feng was on his way to Hanzhong, Zhang Song arrived in Chengdu.

At this moment, Meng Da led [-] soldiers outside Chengdu, eyeing Liu Zhang inside Chengdu.It made Liu Zhang dare not make the slightest movement.

After Zhang Song arrived at the edge of Chengdu, he immediately entered Meng Da's camp.

At the beginning, the three rebel groups conspired, and they were a very close group, very close to each other.Now they are all in high positions. Meng Da leads [-] soldiers and has a lot of military power.

Fazheng leads [-] troops, and his future is limitless.Zhang Songgui is a servant, but he often walks beside Kou Feng, and he is even more confidant.

There are three people, one is a confidant inside, and the two commanders are outside, and they are not worried that Kou Feng will be alienated from outside, and look down on those inside.

The three complement each other and become closer to each other.

Therefore, Meng Da personally led his own soldiers out of the camp to meet Zhang Song.

"Zi Qiao really looks radiant." Meng Da joked after seeing Zhang Song.Perhaps it was also the reason for the spring breeze. Zhang Songben's ugly appearance, under the radiant appearance, looked very young and much more beautiful.

"Isn't that the case with Zijing?" Zhang Song replied with a smile.Like Zhang Song, Meng Da is also proud of himself.

"Being able to serve as a general under the king's tent is like a fish in water." Meng Da said with a smile.

"Hehe." Zhang Song chuckled.

The two exchanged pleasantries at the gate of the camp for a while, and then Meng Da led Zhang Song into the camp, and sat down in the large tent of the Chinese army.

After Meng Da sat down, his expression became serious, and he said to Zhang Song, "Zi Qiao was ordered to surrender to Chengdu this time, and I'm afraid it might be dangerous."

Zhang Song is a traitor, but now he wants to go back to Chengdu, Meng Da is afraid that Zhang Song will be killed.

"It's okay, Liu Zhang is also counted as my one-handed helper. He has a cowardly personality and is in danger now. If he kills me, won't he have no way out for himself? He won't do anything to me." Zhang Song But he didn't care, and said with a smile.

There was no moisture in Zhang Song's words.When Liu Yan died, it was not necessary for Liu Zhang to succeed him.It was Zhang Song and several veteran ministers who assisted Liu Zhang.

However, the later development of the situation was beyond Zhang Song's expectations, and finally he broke with Liu Zhang.

It's so unpredictable.

Zhang Song let out a sigh in his heart.

"Well, why don't I send a small official to explore the way first." But Meng Da was still worried about Zhang Song's safety, so he couldn't help suggesting.

"No need. I came here on orders because of your majesty's trust, how can I lie to others?" Zhang Song shook his head and said very boldly.

After hearing this, Meng Da felt slightly ashamed, so he stopped trying to persuade him.

Seeing Meng Da's expression, Zhang Song also realized that what he said was a bit serious, so he couldn't help but change the topic: "By the way, how is our family?"

"They've all been picked up, and they're all settling in Deyang City." Meng Da said with a smile when he heard the words.

When the rebel trio rebelled together, they left their family to stay in the deep mountains and old forests, but now Liu Zhang's forces are just huddled in the city.

Meng Da naturally took it back.

"I'm relieved." Zhang Song said with a smile.In the past few days, Zhang Song was in a hurry, and there was a trace of fatigue on his face as he spoke.

Seeing this, Meng Da couldn't help but said: "Zi Qiao should rest in the camp overnight, and wait until tomorrow when he enters the city to persuade Liu Zhang to surrender."

"Alright." Zhang Song felt mentally exhausted, so he couldn't help but nodded and said.

Immediately, Meng Da dispatched his own soldiers to escort Zhang Song down to rest.

"There should be no problem here, but I don't know if Your Majesty has arrived in Hanzhong?" After sending Zhang Song away, Meng Da raised his head and looked to the north, and said to himself.

First there was Shu, then there was Ba, and then there was Hanzhong.

The western granary has been established, and the power of Chu State has been raised to a higher level.Now Meng Da is a rare general in the Chu army.

Nature is also very happy.

…………………… Outside the city, Zhang Song and Meng Da are very relaxed and comfortable.

But Liu Zhang in the city is completely different.Not only Liu Zhang, but officials of the entire Shu kingdom were panicked and at a loss.

Although Liu Zhang closed the city, Meng Da couldn't enter, and Meng Da couldn't find out the news in the city.But Liu Zhang still has spies outside.

And there are many.

Zhang Lu's 20 army was defeated by Kou Feng in the Xichong area, and Zhang Lu himself was burned to death by Kou Feng.This made everyone in Chengdu terrified.

20 troops, a whole 20 troops.At the beginning, they heard that Zhang Lu joined forces with Yang Huai, Gao Pei, Huang Quan, and the three major barbarians to raise 20 troops.

How happy I was when I aggressively attacked Kou Feng.

They are saved, and Chengdu is saved.Shu was saved.Kou Feng was finally about to be driven away.On that day, almost all the scholars in Chengdu were playing their crowns to celebrate.

It was almost a national joy.

But not long after they had fun, they received this shocking news.

The 20 army was defeated by Kou Feng's [-] elite soldiers, not to mention the far ones, but the nearby ones. Kou Feng still had [-] elite soldiers from Gan Ning and Deng Ai in the Bajun area.

There are even hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the entire Chu State.

The blow this time almost pushed the entire Shu Kingdom and Chengdu into despair.

Moreover, Kou Feng's practice of burning Zhang Lu made Liu Zhang's forces, especially Liu Zhang himself, terrified.Although Liu Zhang was incapable of fighting in Shu, he governed Shu in an orderly manner.

Very popular.Sometimes, Liu Zhang couldn't help but think that with his popularity in Shu, even if Shu was lost, Kou Feng would definitely not harm him.

But the news of Zhang Lu's killing was like a blow to the head, making Liu Zhang stunned and stupid.

Zhang Lu's prestige in Hanzhong is really high, and winning Zhang Lu is equivalent to winning Hanzhong.But Kou Feng said he would kill, what kind of ball is he compared to Zhang Lu.

It can be said that at present, in the city of Chengdu, people are panicking everywhere, and there is an atmosphere of despair everywhere.

Late at night, Xu Mansion in the east of Chengdu.

Xu Mansion is the residence of Xu Jing, a famous person in the country.When the Central Plains was in turmoil, Xu Jing took his family all the way to Yizhou to escape the disaster, and then Liu Yan and his son settled down.

Now he is an official under Liu Zhang's account.

However, Xu Jing is talented, but not talented.For a long time, although he was taken care of, he didn't have much authority.

Now death is imminent.In Xu Jing's mind, he couldn't care about Liu's father and son's care.He wanted to escape and go to join Meng Da outside the city.

At this moment, in the hall, Xu Jing, several wives and concubines, and several children were present.

Xu Jing is in his fifties and has an extremely elegant appearance, but at the moment he is a thief.

"Father, it's the time of martial law in the city. If we escape, if Liu Zhang finds out, we may be sentenced to death." Xu Jing's eldest son, Xu Qin, said worriedly.

"Confused, now that death is imminent, it is better to be killed by Liu Zhang than to die with Liu Zhang." Xu Jing scolded with a look of anger on his face.

"Promise." Xu Qin had always been in awe of his father, so he had no choice but to promise at this moment.

"Go." After scolding the eldest son, Xu Jing looked at the sky and finally made up his mind.

Saying that, with Xu Jing in front, the whole family left the hall together.But before leaving the gate, a large group of soldiers attacked and came in.

"Xu Jing, do you dare to rebel?" the leading general shouted loudly.

Immediately, Xu Jing's face turned pale with astonishment, and the family members around him were terrified.

But at this moment in the city of Chengdu, isn't it just Xu Jing who wants to escape across the city?That night, soldiers continued to capture some officials.

Shuhou Mansion, in the hall.

Tonight, Liu Zhang can be said to have stayed up all night, not only because of the current situation, but also because of the imminent danger, he was afraid of what would happen if the bandits entered the city.

What troubled him even more was that the city was already unstable.One after another, some officials planned to escape.No one really escaped, but a whole lot of people were caught.

Liu Zhang was woken up several times, and finally did not sleep at all.

These days, Liu Zhang looked very haggard because he was worried about his family and life. After such a toss tonight, he looked like an old man.

Although Liu Zhang is indeed not young, he is well maintained and looks very young.At this moment, he is like an old man, which shows how much pressure he has.

"If I had known this, I would not have been the governor of Yizhou." Liu Zhang sat blankly and muttered to himself.

This is the one thing Liu Zhang regrets the most. He could not have been the governor of Yizhou at the beginning.But in the end, I did it anyway. If I had calmed down a little bit at the beginning, there would be no disaster like today.

He is not a Koufeng, annexing an enemy country is like picking something out of a pocket.He can't stabilize the country with literature, and can't establish the country with military force, but he is sitting in a rich land, isn't he looking for a dead end?

(To be continued)

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