Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 811 Three Major Events in Hanzhong

"They are all temporarily settled in a courtyard in the city." Xiang Chong was taken aback, but said quickly.

"How many men in total?" Kou Feng asked again.

"There are more than a hundred males in the clan." Xiang Chong thought for a while, and said a little uncertainly.The Zhang family is considered a big family in the local area.

"Arrange corresponding fields and let them farm. They have been government farmers for generations." Kou Feng said coldly.Kou Feng wants these people surnamed Zhang to be officials and farmers, to taste the suffering of the people who were deceived by them.

"Promise." Xiang Chong was startled when he heard the words, but immediately agreed.

Arrange for the heirs of officials and eunuchs to be farmers from generation to generation.This is really cruel, but it is a good punishment for the Zhang Lu clan who used lies to deceive the people.

It's better than killing them all.

After giving this order, Kou Feng, Xiang Chong, Kou Shui, Huang Quan, Yan Pu and others walked into the prefect's mansion, and led by Xiang Chong, they came to the hall.

"How does your lord plan to dispose of the Taoist temple?" Yan Pu asked as soon as he was seated.

Along the way, he saw Kou Feng's gloomy face, and he knew where Kou Feng's depression was.

"Eradicate it, but it can't be completely eradicated." Kou Feng said after pondering for a moment.

"How to say?" Kou Feng's words were ambiguous, and Yan Pu couldn't understand at once, so he couldn't help asking.

"Get rid of the five-doumi sect's Corpse Jiexian, Bairi Feisheng, etc. Get rid of the organized ones. The remaining scattered Taoist temples can survive. Each city can leave one or two .Send a small official to take care of it." Kou Feng said.

"Isn't this removing the branches and leaving the roots?" Yan Pu had already realized Kou Feng's determination to eradicate the Five Dou Rice Sect, but at this moment, seeing that Kou Feng was merciful, he couldn't help being stunned and said.

Kou Feng sighed in his heart when he heard the words, he also wanted to eradicate it in one fell swoop, but considering that most people in Hanzhong believed in Taoism, if it was eradicated in one fell swoop, there would be no sustenance in his heart, but it would be too late.

After all, whenever someone encounters something bad, they will burn incense and worship immortals.If the Taoist temple is really burned down, there may be some cholera.

Therefore, Kou Feng's plan is to eradicate the organized, some high-level members of the Five Dou Rice Sect, and all the lower-level ones.Then, most of the Taoist temples were overthrown, and a small amount was saved to provide Hanzhong Baixin to burn incense and worship immortals.

Immediately, Kou Feng told Yan Pu what he was thinking in his heart.

Yan Pu showed shame on his face when he heard the words, and said: "Xiangchen has been in Hanzhong for many years, but he didn't consider what would happen to the people once all the Taoist temples were burned down. I am really ashamed."

"It's said that one person is short in wisdom, but two are wise. How can one person be able to cover everything? You don't have to do that, sir." Kou Feng shook his head and said in relief.

Kou Feng's words cheered up Yan Pu.That's right, Kou Feng has been sitting on the throne for a long time, and he is used to considering the overall situation, so it is inevitable that he is superior to others in some overall situation control.

What he didn't expect, but Kou Feng thought of it.It's not a shame.

"The rest of the Taoist temples can be knocked down slowly, but these Taoist temples in Nanzheng City must be knocked down in a short period of time, forcing the Taoist priests to return to vulgarity. General Wei led his troops down to prepare." Immediately, Kou Feng's face became cold and hard Got up, turned to Kou Shui and said.

"Promise." Kou Shui promised, got up and left immediately.

We can talk about this matter in a while.Kou Feng's governance of Hanzhong was not as simple as destroying Taoist temples.

"Where is Yuan Yue's camp now? What is the population?" After ordering Kou Shui to go down, Kou Feng asked Xiang Chong again.

There are three major events in Hanzhong, the Five Dou Rice Religion.The Han people annexed the Yi people, as well as hoarding and transporting food for the army to attack Ma Teng and Han Sui.

These three things are Kou Feng's top priority.

At present, the Yi people number in the hundreds of thousands, and when combined with the Hanzhong people, there are more than one million people.Such a huge population, coupled with the fertile land in Hanzhong, is the basis for Kou Feng to support an army of more than [-].

"In recent days, Yuan Yue has basically collected all the Yi tribes and forcibly robbed them down the mountain. There are about 35 people, mostly women and children. Because they are afraid of conflict with the Han people, they are currently stationed in the northwest of Hanzhong." I understand it very well, so I can't help but say it immediately.

"En." Kou Feng nodded, the three generals of the barbarians headed south with a hundred thousand people, but only tens of thousands survived.It must be mostly women and children.

In addition, Kou Feng dispatched [-] strong men to set up an army for Yuan Yue.The male-to-female ratio has increased.This is beneficial to Han to take more Yi women.

Many Han people.

For this, Kou Feng is quite satisfied.

"Immediately choose some confidants, trustworthy officials who know the barbarians better, go to the northwest to replace Yuan Yue, and appease the barbarians. Let them farm at the foot of the mountain with peace of mind. In addition, Gongheng, you help Gu draft an order to mobilize Yuan Yue is coming to Nanzheng, and will be stationed near Gucheng for now." Kou Feng first said to Xiang Yan Pu, and then he said to Huang Quan.

Although Kou Feng used Yuan Yue, he didn't trust him too much.There is no way around this, Kou Feng doesn't trust foreign generals except Sha Moke.

Of course, Yuan Yue would not be allowed to continue camping near the places where the Yi people gathered.He was transferred early to separate him from the Yi people.Slowly let Yuan Yue become an ordinary general.

"Promise." Yan Pu and Huang Quan agreed in unison.

"I don't know how many soldiers and horses your majesty plans to station in Hanzhong?" After Kou Feng came to Hanzhong, all kinds of measures and personnel transfers were for the purpose of stabilizing the people, increasing the population, and cohesive hearts and so on.Yan Pu, the prefect of Hanzhong, felt an indescribable pressure, so he couldn't help asking.

"This. It's probably the 14 elite soldiers of the General of the Zuojun Division, and the [-] cavalry of the general Zhao Yun in the town. However, I plan to increase Zhao Yun's soldiers to [-]. There are also more than [-] horses. And this Yuan About [-] barbarian elites. A total of [-] troops." Kou Feng had the final say and couldn't help saying.

Although he already knew it in his heart, Yan Pu was still taken aback.

An army of 14 is stationed in a county.Yan Pu has personally experienced the fighting ability of the Chu army. Even Yuan Yue's barbarian army, after a year or two of training, is probably enough to be an ordinary elite soldier.

With 14 troops stationed in Hanzhong, is Kou Feng planning to destroy Ma Teng in one fell swoop?Han Sui?

Even Huang Quan, who was next to him, couldn't help being taken aback. It was really powerful, with an army of 14.

"Your Majesty intends to eliminate Ma Teng and Han Sui in one fell swoop?" Yan Pu asked uncontrollably.Originally, Yan Pu thought that Kou Feng would nibble at every step, and by boiling frogs in warm water, he first attacked Ma Teng who was entrenched in Yongzhou with a small number of troops, and nibbled at every step.Han Sui couldn't react.

Slowly kill Ma Teng first.

But seeing that Kou Feng gathered an army of 14 at once, he must have wanted to destroy Ma Teng in one fell swoop, and Han Sui did it.It's like Cao Cao led 20 troops to march west.

With so many troops attacking, Ma Teng and Han Sui will definitely unite again to resist Kou Feng.In this way, there is an opportunity to eliminate Ma Teng and Han Sui in one fell swoop.

It is very difficult to supply so many troops with food.Of course Yan Pu was surprised.

"Yes, Gu intends to wipe out Ma Teng and Han Sui in one fell swoop, and occupy Yongliang. However, not only them, but also Gu wants to wipe out or drive away all the Qiang people who are entrenched in Liangzhou. Therefore, just looking at the 14 army If it is not enough, if the Northern Expedition occurs, Gu will also mobilize the troops under General Zhang Fei, Fa Zheng, and General Chen Da of the Town Army, totaling more than [-] troops. At that time, Ma Teng, Han Sui and others , none of them can run away." Kou Feng's aggressiveness was much greater than Yan Pu imagined, so he couldn't help laughing and said.

"A 20 army will need a lot of food. I'm afraid Hanzhong County won't be able to supply it." Yan Pu was taken aback and couldn't help shouting.

Hanzhong supplies 14 troops, and it is still very ample. It supplies 10,000 troops and [-] horses. If you tighten your belt, you can still live.But there are two [-]+ troops, plus more than [-] horses.Usually feed, the supply during the war is even greater.Killing Yan Pu would not dare to be the prefect.

"Hehe, sir, don't worry. I will not put all my courage on the shoulders of my husband. I will mobilize food from Sichuan and Jingzhou one after another, and hoard it. When the war breaks out, it can be mobilized smoothly." Kou Feng smiled, relieved road.

Yan Pu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the words, but there was still some lingering fear on his face.

"However, Your Majesty, it will definitely be very slow to mobilize food from Sichuan through the difficult and dangerous mountain roads. If you want to gather food for an army of 10,000+, it will take a few years. But after a few years, the food may rot again." Huang Quan Beside him, he thought of another question and couldn't help but say.

This is a bit difficult for Kou Feng. Chu State does have food, but how to mobilize food from Shu?

Two 10,000+ army movements, it is definitely not enough to mobilize food by relying on Jingzhou waterways alone, because if the war really breaks out, Kou Feng will not just send troops all the way, Xu Shu's army in Wancheng, and Huang Zhong's army in Yangzhou will take advantage of the situation And rise.Jingzhou's food should be given priority to Huang Zhong and Xu Shu.

That is to say, when the war broke out, most of the food would be supplied by Sichuan, even if it was normal hoarding of food.But the mountain road in Shuzhong is difficult and dangerous.

Kou Feng had a headache, but at this moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to Kou Feng's mind, and he thought of a term.

Muliu cattle and horses.

Why did he forget this, Kou Feng slapped his thigh in his heart and shouted ashamed.Historically, it was also very difficult for the Kingdom of Shu to go to war, and food access has always been a problem.But Zhuge Kongming invented a kind of unicycle, relying on this unicycle to cross mountains and ridges.

Accelerated the supply of food.Only then did the miracle of attacking a big country with a small country come about six out of Qishan and nine expeditions to the Central Plains.Such a useful thing, he actually forgot.

Kou Feng cursed secretly in his heart.

However, this matter has to wait until we go back to Chengdu and send people to study it slowly.There is no rush now.Therefore, Kou Feng made up his mind to develop immediately.Smiling at Huang Quan, he said, "Of course there is a way."

Although Kou Feng answered, but this sentence naturally has a solution, but Huang Quan and Yan Pu aroused incomparable curiosity in their hearts, what kind of solution can solve this problem.

However, no matter how curious the two are, Kou Feng will not explain.

Now Kou Feng's heart is more relaxed. There are three major events in Hanzhong, one of which is the Five Dou Rice Sect.Now Kou Feng has made up his mind to eradicate him, and has taken some measures.

The second is that the Han nationality forcibly merged the Yi nationality, and Kou Feng also explained this matter.And there is also the location of Yuan Yue's army stationed.

The third is the problem of food delivery.Kou Feng also had a clue.

Once these three major events are completed, Kou Feng can safely hand over Hanzhong to Yan Pu, Pang Tong and the others.He could go back and completely take over the power of Shu.

(To be continued)

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