"En." Hearing this, Kou Feng felt completely at ease.

The fifteenth army, deployed in Hanzhong, has been nailed to the iron plate.

Immediately, Kou Feng pointed to Huang Quan and said to Pang Tong: "I haven't introduced it to Shi Yuan yet, but this is Huang Quan, styled Gongheng, a man of wisdom, and I have already appointed him as a general of the left army division to join the army."

"I've seen the general." Huang Quan straightened his body upon hearing the words, and said to Pang Tong.

"Gongheng." Pang Tong also smiled back.

Huang Quan's reputation is very famous in Yizhou, and Pang Tong does not exclude cooperation with him.After all, one person is short-witted, and two people are wise.Now under Pang Tong's tent, there are only Ma Su, Deng Ai and others.

They are all juniors, although they have good abilities.But they haven't fully grown up enough to discuss matters with him.With one more Huang Quan, we can listen to different opinions in the future.

Kou Feng smiled and watched the two meet, and he was overjoyed.Join forces with Pang Tong and Huang Quan to control Hanzhong's 15 troops.You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat.


After rejoicing for a while, Kou Feng saw that Pang Tong looked a little tired, so he couldn't help but smiled and said: "Shi Yuan has worked hard all the way, let's go down and rest first. After three days, I will go up to Dingjun Mountain with Shi Yuan alone. Take a look at Yong Liang from above."

"No." Pang Tong promised.

Immediately, Pang Tong, Huang Quan, Xiang Chong, Kou Shui and others all bid farewell and left.

After sitting in the empty hall for a while, Kou Feng moved to the study.

In the study, Kou Feng began to consider the rewards for the officials.

Zhang Song and Fa Zheng were the most successful in entering Shu, followed by Pang Tong, Chen Da, Meng Da, Gan Ning, Deng Ai, Xiang Chong, Ma Su, Xu Sheng, Kou Shui and others.

The war in Wancheng is not over yet, Kou Feng has received news, and Xu Shu is still confronting Cao Cao at present.But Kou Feng knew that it was because the news of Shu's pacification did not spread to the north.

Otherwise, Cao Cao will definitely retreat.

Because Cao Cao raised his troops this time, saying it was outrageous revenge, it would be better to say it was exerting pressure so that Kou Feng could not move with all his strength during the process of entering Shu.

Therefore, the two sides win and lose each other, and the casualties are not large.Otherwise, it must be a bloody battle.Not as it is now.

Therefore, Wancheng should also be rewarded.

Zhao Yun is the most powerful, followed by Xu Shu.In addition, Wenpin, Wei Yan, Li Yan, Sha Moke and others also have some credit.In addition to these, there is also the disposal of the [-] elite soldiers who surrendered with Liu Zhang in Chengdu.

That part can be regarded as the essence of the Shu land, and Kou Feng does not intend to let those people disarm and return to the fields.

"I really have no idea." Kou Feng couldn't help rubbing Taiyang Xue, feeling very headache.It would be great if it was in Xiangyang, as long as he asked the Sangong Jiuqing to discuss it as appropriate, he could make a decision.

But now it is remote in Hanzhong.But the matter could not be eased.Kou Feng's principle is to reward every meritorious service, and there will be no delay.

After thinking about it, Kou Feng still drafted their rewards by himself.

"Let's start with Xu Shu and Pang Tong."

Kou Feng thought about it, and decided to start with the leading general.At present, the highest general position in Chu State is the general of the left and right military advisers, and the latter are the front, rear, left and right middle, as well as the general of the town army, general of the guard and so on.

It turned out that the last time Wuyue was destroyed, he fought against Jiangdong.Pang Tong, who fought with the army, and Xu Shu, who guarded the rear and guarded against the Wei army, both contributed a lot.

But because Kou Feng was afraid that the reward would be too high, he was afraid that there would be no promotion in the future.

But this time, the credit for destroying Shu and fighting Cao Cao will not work.It can be regarded as a combination of previous and previous achievements.

Moreover, Pang Tong and Xu Shu are not young anymore, they are both in their thirties and nearly 40 years old.The ancients called themselves old men at the age of 30, and these two are old and prudent.

So Kou Feng thought of two positions.In front of their general titles, add a large character.Create a kind of general who is the same as the Sangong.

"Pang Tong, the general of the Zuo Army Division, fought alone and wiped out the bandits. Stationed in Hanzhong, and restrained the soldiers and horses in Hanzhong."

"Xu Shu, the general of the right army division, went to fight with the lonely..., that is to say, he was named the general of the right army division, the same as the three princes, and gave five hundred gold, one thousand silver, and one million money."

Soon, Kou Feng wrote two official documents.After reading it, put it aside.

Immediately afterwards, Kou Feng added Zhao Yun's fiefdom and ordered him to recruit [-] troops, a total of [-] cavalry and more than [-] horses, and stationed in Hanzhong.

Under the control of General Pang Tong of the Left Army Division.

In addition, Kou Feng added Deng Ai as General Yokono, led [-] troops, and stationed at Dingjun Mountain.To look down on Yongliang.Yuan Yue was a general in Pingyi Zhonglang, who led an army of [-] barbarians and stationed in Hanzhong.Under the control of General Pang Tong of the Left Army Division.

The rest Xiang Chong, Ma Su, Xu Sheng and others were all named Generals of Zhonglang.

In this way, together with Pang Tong's [-]-strong army, Hanzhong's [-]-strong army is ready.

In addition to this part of the Hanzhong generals, Kou Feng also gave small rewards to Wenpin, Wei Yan, Li Yan, Sha Moke and others who had made some contributions in fighting Cao Cao under the leadership of Xu Shu.

In addition, Kou Feng also rewarded Gan Ning, Chen Da, Kou Shui and others.He also ordered Gan Ning to mobilize the navy and return to Yangzhou to guard.

Finally, it is about the transfer of soldiers and horses in Chengdu.

Where Kou Feng used to be, Pang Tong was there.Pang Tong's army is the ultimate army to defend Kou Feng.Now that Pang Tong is in Hanzhong, he is considered a foreign general.

Kou Feng must get another share of military power.Fazheng is a good person, a genius.In addition, he is also very loyal.If you are nice to him, he will be devoted to you.

Therefore, Kou Feng planned to give Fazheng more military power.Anyway, there are still [-] elite soldiers waiting to be received in Chengdu.In addition, Kou Feng also wanted to pacify Nanzhong Menghuo.

There must also be a general who will guard Nanzhong after the initial leveling of Nanzhong.

Just like Shanyue, the Nanmans couldn't be calmed down all at once.At least several years, even more than ten years.Because what Kou Feng wants to do is not to subdue it for a short time, but to annex it.

It is an annexation war between races.Either you die or I die, which will cause protracted periods of time.

After thinking about it, Kou Feng Jia Feng Fazheng was the leader of the Central Committee, commanding [-] troops, guarding Chengdu.The title of the leader of the army was originally in charge of the forbidden soldiers.

Let Fazheng defend his left side, which is justified.

In addition, Kou Feng added the post of Lieutenant of General Zhang Fei to Sili Xiao, with the [-] army of the headquarters as the main force, and Chen Da's [-] army as the auxiliary.

Gongwei Chengdu.

In addition, Meng Da was made the general of the gangsters, and he was awarded [-] soldiers and horses.Temporarily stationed troops in Chengdu.If Nanzhong is to be pacified in the future, Kou Feng may take Meng Da as a general and guard it.

These are the soldiers and horses that Kou Feng is going to gather in Chengdu, and they add up to 12.Fazheng, Zhang Fei, Chen Da, Meng Da and others will be the generals.

First use an army of 12 to deter Chengdu.After some rectification, you can raise troops to the south and attack the southern barbarians.

Although these are simple to say.But it took Kou Feng half a day to figure out this set of personnel transfers and troop transfers.

Rewards and so on.

"Sometimes, having too many generals in the account may not be a good thing." After finishing, Kou Feng felt a headache.For the personnel transfer of each person, the position will be promoted.

It is really exhausting.In addition, in addition to the Hanzhong Department, the Wancheng Department, and the now established Chengdu Department, there are also the Yangzhou Huangzhong Department and the Jiangdong Luxun Department.Jiaozhou Buzhi Department.

These people fought against each other with strong soldiers, and under their tents were Gan Ning, Tai Shici, Lu Meng, Zhou Tai, Xu Huang and countless other powerful soldiers.Once a local war breaks out.

Just another batch of rewards.

Civil and military officials, civil and military officials.It is estimated that there are more than a hundred or even more arrogant soldiers under Kou Feng's account.Because these are only famous people, and some commoner generals who have been promoted with clear rewards and punishments and military merits are even more numerous.

By the way, there are people like Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, and Wu Yi, and Kou Feng also intends to win them over.

In short it is much.

However, after the headache, Kou Feng felt that he seemed a little shameless.Others have no generals to use, such as Ma Teng, Han Sui and others, but they only have Ma Chao, Yan Xing, Pang De and others in their tents.Just like Gongsun Kang, there are no famous generals under his account at all.

On his side, there are fierce generals like clouds, but he thinks it's too much.

Kou Feng couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

After a little distraction, Kou Feng took the official documents written on the case one by one and stacked them together.A small official was found and ordered to hurry up and go to Xiangyang to report.

Xiangyang is preparing to seal the letter and formally mobilize troops.And all kinds of supplies and so on.

These details are left to Jiang Wan, Liu Ba and other three officials and nine ministers.

When Kou Feng handed over these official documents to the little official, he was really relieved. Seeing that there was no one around, he couldn't help stretching, and said cheerfully: "It's all done at last, and I will leave for Dingjun in three days. Shan and his party, we can go south to Chengdu. We have taken over the entire power in Central Shu. Famous generals Wu Yi, Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, and Zheng Du will also be found."

Although there are indeed a large number of officials and generals under Kou Fengzhang, but for the recruitment, famous generals and officials are recruited.Kou Feng still has extraordinary persistence.

Because back in Jiangxia, there were two or three big cats and kittens under the tent, so I was afraid of poverty.Although I am rich now, I feel a little headache.

But for these famous generals, Kou Feng still enjoys it.

Furthermore, Kou Feng intends to establish an army of the Chengdu system.The commanding generals of Fazheng's and Mengda's troops are too small. If they join Wu Yi, Zhang Ren, Yan Yan and others, they will become much fuller.

Appointing these local famous generals and ministers in Yizhou also has a lot of benefits.It is more conducive to the forces of Chu State to gain a firm foothold in Yizhou.

Anyway, now Kou Feng rewards a large number of civil servants and generals, promotes a large number of civil servants and generals, and recruits a large number of civil servants and generals, all of which are consolidating Shuzhong.

Lay a solid foundation for the South and North Wars in the near future.

Kou Feng also felt a little tired after sitting for a long time, and looked at the time, and it was not time to eat yet.I don't plan to sleep with him before talking.

Thinking of sleeping.

Although the conditions in the prefect's mansion are good, Kou Feng still misses the big bed at home.The soft bodies of wives and concubines.Even if there is no ups and downs, sleeping with your arms around is very comfortable.

Now that Chengdu has settled down, I am afraid that in the next few years it will be dominated by Chengdu.They should have been relocated here, as well as the entire small imperial court.

Kou Feng had a plan in mind.

(To be continued)

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