However, before Kou Feng entered the city, he always had to ask these people.So Kou Feng turned his attention to Zhang Song, Fazheng, Meng Da and the other three.

Satisfied in their eyes, these three people really managed Chengdu well.

"Your Majesty." Fazheng, Meng Da, and Zhang Song bowed to Kou Feng together.

"Exemption." Kou Feng smiled slightly, got off his horse and came to the front of the three of them. Behind them, Chen Da, Kou Shui, Zheng Du and others also dismounted.

"During this period, the stability of Chengdu depends entirely on the three." Immediately, Kou Feng praised again.

"Your Majesty is serious, this is just my job." Fazheng shook his head and said.

"Hehe." Kou Feng chuckled, and then turned his eyes away from Fazheng and the others, and turned to Wu Yi, Xu Jing and the others.

Kou Feng knew in his heart that these were Shu officials.Among them, Ying Gao included famous generals such as Wu Yi.

Although Kou Feng's gaze is peaceful, but his status is limited, in the eyes of these officials in the Shu Kingdom, it is unrivaled and sharp.They couldn't help feeling nervous again, and some even lowered their heads slightly.

Kou Feng did not look down on this group of people because of these, these people are the elite of Sichuan.However, as an occupied country, it is natural to feel uneasy.

"You are all the elite of the Shu Kingdom, but it's a pity that I don't recognize you alone." Kou Feng said with a slight smile.Immediately, he said to Fazheng, "Xiaozhi, why don't you introduce me to Gu?"

"Promise." Fazheng promised, then turned around, pointed to Xu Jing and said, "This is Xu Jing, a well-known person in China, named Wenxiu."

"My lord." Xu Jing bowed to Kou Feng with a very humble look.Because he wanted to escape across the city when the city was broken, he had already lost popularity in Chengdu. Now that Kou Feng is in charge, if he didn't hug Kou Feng's thigh, he might not be able to live well.

Kou Feng narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and looked towards Xu Jing.I saw Xu Jing's appearance at this moment, rather haggard.Nor does it have the elegant temperament of domestic celebrities.

However, Kou Feng still nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Mr. Xu is famous, talented and knowledgeable, and I have admired him for a long time." After speaking, Kou Feng paused, and asked Xu Jing: "The lonely Chu school still lacks a Ph.D. With my master's erudition, I will definitely be competent. I don't know if you can share your worries with me?"

Xu Jing is a brother of the same family as Xu Shao. Xu Shao was famous for criticizing people in the world in his early years.The most famous is the criticism of Cao Cao.

According to the Records of the Three Kingdoms, Xu Shao said that Jun Qingping destroys thieves and is a hero in troubled times.Let Cao Cao become famous.

Later, Cao Cao really managed to control the troubled times and preserved the north.It's a hero.

Because of Xu Shao's relationship, Xu Jing is also very famous.He has a lot of talent and learning, but it seems that his ability is not very good.Moreover, Kou Feng also knew what happened in Chengdu.

Xu Jing failed to escape across the city, but was captured instead.Virtues have been ruined.But Kou Feng still wants to use him and raise him with a high position.

Because the official promotion system of Chu State, the ultimate core is Chu Xue.Dr. Chu Xue is like a teacher in the school.respected status.

It is a very noble position.

And because recently, Chu State conquered Shu State.Therefore, the officials of the State of Shu have carefully understood some special situations of the State of Chu.

Know the important surname of Chu Xue.

Xu Jing was also one of them, and suddenly he was pleasantly surprised.He wanted to hug Kou Feng's thigh, but thought that after the scandal in Chengdu, Kou Feng might not care about him.

I didn't expect that the pie fell from the sky when we first met, and I got such a respected position.

Xu Jing was excited, his old face was almost flushed red.However, after all, he was also a person who had seen a lot of troubles. Soon, Xu Jing calmed down, bowed deeply to Kou Feng, and said gratefully: "Thank you for your love."

Xu Jing understood that Kou Feng said that he wanted to share his worries for Kou Feng, but in fact it was a grand road.

Xu Jing was agitated, but the eyes of everyone around him were blood red, wishing to kill this immortal and replace him.

Even Wu Yi's eyes were filled with envy.

At the same time, many people don't understand why Kou Feng chose Xu Jing as a doctor of Chu studies. Didn't he know that Xu Jing was at a disadvantage when he was about to break down in Chengdu?

Of course, these people just guessed in their hearts, but no one dared to ask.Only some people who understand know why Kou Feng reuses Xu Jing.

Fazheng, Zhang Song, and Zheng Du all smiled and nodded, understanding.

"Really do big things, don't care about small details." Zheng Du sighed even more in his heart, and he was even more optimistic about Kou Feng.

For Xu Jing's thank you, Kou Feng nodded with a smile.Immediately, Fazheng took a step forward, pointed to another person and introduced: "This is a famous scholar in Sichuan, Zhang Ben."

This is a man in his 40s who looks good.But in Kou Feng's impression, he didn't have much reputation.It is estimated that he is an unknown person, but since Fazheng introduced him, he must be a very important person.It is estimated that, like Wu Yi, he is one of the local tyrants in Sichuan.

"My lord." Zhang Ben bowed down with a slightly excited expression.

"Excuse me, sir." Kou Feng lifted Zhang Ben up and said with a pleasing expression.Afterwards, Kou Feng smiled and said: "In the future, in Sichuan, it will depend on Mr. and other outstanding people to govern."

"It is the duty of a minister to share the worries of the emperor." Zhang Ben said even more excitedly.

Although the position he got was not as high as Xu Jing's, a compliment still made Zhang Ben so excited.Because in Zhang Ben's mind, Kou Feng valued him.There are plenty of opportunities in the future.

"Whether the reputation is big or small, everyone is treated equally. This is really a wise king." Zheng Du was even more impressed when he saw this from behind.

Immediately afterwards, Fazheng introduced Kou Feng again. However, the more than a hundred people present would not introduce them one by one. Relatively, they were all important people.

Finally, it was Wu Yi's turn.

"This is Wu Yi from Chenliu, whose name is Zishan." Fazheng pointed to Wu Yi and introduced. He deliberately added the word "Chenliu" to imply that Wu Yi came from outside the Central Plains, that is to say, he was a scholar from Dongzhou.

And it's the core character.

In fact, this does not need to be introduced by Fazheng. Kou Feng has a very deep understanding of Wu Yi.In history, Liu Bei entered Shu and accepted Wu Yi's younger sister as queen.

You must know that Wu Yi's younger sister is a widow, Liu Bei didn't mind, so he took her.Why?It is because of Wu Yi's important surname, because Wu Yi is a representative of Dongzhou scholars, and the power of Dongzhou scholars is very powerful in Shuzhong, and they are equal to the local forces in Yizhou.

Because Liu Bei in history is also that kind of foreign force, unlike Kou Feng's foundation in Jingchu, which is almost as stable as Mount Tai.Liu Bei's entry into Yizhou was to suppress the local forces in Yizhou.

As Dongzhou scholars who are also external forces, they are naturally the object of alliance.It can be said that half of the foundation of the Shu Han Dynasty was built by Liu Bei, and half by alliance with Dongzhou scholars.

Only then can the country be established, otherwise there will be many internal contradictions.

Moreover, Wu Yi's own ability is not bad, he is probably also a good general.Historically, Wu Yi also replaced Wei Yan as the prefect of Hanzhong.

Therefore, after Kou Feng entered Shu, the talents he wanted to acquire, after Huang Quan, Fazheng, Zheng Du, Zhang Song, Meng Da, Zhang Ren, and Yan Yan, were Wu Yi.

At this moment, I finally saw this important person in Shuzhong.

"My lord." Wu Yi bowed down.

Compared with some people before, Wu Yi was much calmer.He was already tall and tall, with the spirit of a general, and this calmness immediately increased Kou Feng's favor in his heart.

"Zishan's great name, I have heard about it in the Chu country alone, and it is a big event in my life to see him today." Kou Feng smiled at Wu Yi, a little happy, and said heartily.

Immediately, there were countless amazed and jealous eyes all around Wu Yi.Some of them even included members of Dongzhou Scholars.Previously, Xu Jing won the first prize, and Kou Feng changed from a person who was despised and despised in his later years to a Ph.D. of Chu with a word.

Respected status.

However, Wu Yi seems to be more favored by Kou Feng, which can be seen from the look on Kou Feng's face.Compared with the previous treatment of Xu Jing, he should be more enthusiastic.

Doesn't this mean that Wu Yi's status must be higher than Xu Jing's?How high is that?

Since ancient times, there has been such a saying as Chollima and Bole.But at this moment, Kou Feng is Bole, and he is Bole who turns stone into gold. He said that this horse is Bole, it must be Bole, and he said that this horse is a bad horse, it must be a bad horse.

At this moment, Kou Feng is in a position where one word determines the rise and fall of a person.

Wu Yi himself was also a little excited, and said to Kou Feng, "I'm just a mediocre man, I don't want to be valued so much by the emperor, I really die without regret."

Looking at Wu Yi's expression, Kou Feng knew that most of the words were sincere.I couldn't help but feel even more delighted, Wu Yi is still very knowledgeable and easy to win over.

It also looks more sincere.The person who should use it.

"Zishan is serious, as long as he can fulfill his duties, Gu will be very happy." Kou Feng said with a smile.

Because Fazheng still has a lot of people to introduce, the conversation between Kou Feng and Wu Yi came to an end here.However, some of the characters behind are not very important.

Kou Feng is mostly gentle and comforting.But even so, these officials felt flattered.

First there was Zheng Du's signature, then Xu Jing was promoted, and then Wu Yi got close.Kou Feng's methods, basically outside the city, have stabilized people's hearts.

Kou Feng believed that as long as a period of time passed, Shuzhong could be completely pacified.The hearts of the people are in Chu, and the monarch and his ministers no longer suspect each other.

"It's just a small trick, with gentle words to comfort, and peace in Shu. It almost instantly wiped out the influence of Liu Zhang, the Marquis of Shu, and made people's hearts cohere. Sigh." Although Zheng Du is already a minister of Chu at this moment, but In the past, he was loyal to Liu Zhang, and he might not have no emotion in his heart. Seeing this, he couldn't help being sad.

But at the same time, Zheng Du really admired Kou Feng.Liu Zhang has been in the middle of Shu for more than ten years, and it is nothing more than that.And Kou Feng had only been here for a day, and he had already caught up.

It is really the hero of life.

(To be continued)

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