Liu Ba guessed what kind of expression Cao Cao would have when he got the news. . But Liu Ba also knew that it would definitely be a few days, or even dozens of days.

After all, the mountains and rivers are dangerous and the news is blocked.They Chu State got the news first because Kou Feng was personally on the front line.

Immediately, Jiang Wan discussed with Liu Ba and began to order people to build seals and prepare rewards.Three days later, these were all built.

The seal letters of the General of the Left Army Division, the General of the Right Army Division, and the General of the Central Command were sent to central Shu and the area around Wancheng respectively.

Accompanied by a batch of rewards.

When the seal was handed over to Xu Shu, Pang Tong, and Fazheng, the old seal was taken back by the officials.This is the promotion completed.


The flags in the city are flying, and there is a handsome flag embroidered with the word "Chu" on the gates of the four sides. The soldiers on the city are full of energy and morale.

Outside the city, there is a camp of Chu.They are horns with the city and serve as the main force to defend Cao Cao's army.In addition to this Chu camp, there is also a Wei camp in the north.

The camp stretches for more than ten miles, with a magnificent momentum.

At present, in Nanyang County, Wancheng also has defensive forces.In other places, Xu Shu did not deploy soldiers.If you want to come, Cao Cao, just come.You can leave if you want.

Because Xu Shu's food in Wancheng was enough to feed the army for three years, so from the beginning of the battle, although Jiang Wan and others were actively preparing food in the rear, they never brought it over.So there is no need for food roads, even if the rear city is temporarily occupied by Cao Jun, it doesn't matter.

However, the Wei army must be on guard against Zhao Yun's cavalry from our state of Chu.

Since the war so far, both sides have won and lost each other.The reason for the fighting was all because Cao Cao sent tiger and leopard cavalry to break in, trying to plunder the people and property of Nanyang.

There was a fierce conflict with Zhao Yun's cavalry.There are basically no other major wars.

On this day, Jiang Wan dispatched a team to enter Wancheng, passed through the waterway, and then traveled by night and day.It reached the outside of Wancheng.

After a while of interrogation, the team successfully entered Wancheng City.

Wancheng, inside the General's Mansion.

Xu Shu summoned the generals in the city, Li Yan, Wei Yan, Sha Moke and others, and went out of the hall to greet them.Because the Wenpin leader was stationed outside the city, he didn't come.

Although the state of Chu is still a principality at present, some etiquette is not there yet.But Xu Shu and the others have already demanded themselves according to the etiquette of an empire.

The imperial court confers rewards, and those who are dispatched are regarded as angels, and the official documents are issued.Xu Shu and others also regarded it as an imperial decree.

Xu Shu not only summoned all the generals to meet him, but also set up an incense table.When the envoy arrived, Xu Shu and others greeted the document with fists in their hands.Afterwards, the envoys were invited to rest in the inner courtyard.

It took a while.

However, these are also worth it.Kou Feng's rewards were very heavy, except for Xu Shu who was the general of the right army division, everyone else got about the same amount of gold, silver and cloth as rewards.

Therefore, all the generals, including Xu Shu, had smiles on their faces.

"Congratulations, general, for being promoted to great general." Immediately, all the generals congratulated Xu Shu one after another, feeling very honored.

Since the founding of the state of Chu, there have been no great generals.Taking the left and right army division generals as the highest title, Pang Tong has made great contributions in Shu, and Xu Shu has made great achievements in resisting Cao Cao in Wancheng.

It can be said that it was the first time since the founding of the Chu State that they were named generals of the left and right military divisions.In the future, it may be recorded in the annals that in the 17th year of Jian'an, Chu set up a general of the left and right military divisions, with Pang Tong, Xu Shu appointed him, and the post of general of the Chu State began from then on.

Think about it, what an honor it is.

Xu Shu was quite emotional in his heart, General.Even when he defected to Liu Bei, he didn't dare to think about it.Later, he was left out in the cold by Liu Bei, and even more hopeless.

I don't want to, but later Kou Feng, Liu Bei's abandoned son, suddenly rose up and invaded Jiangxia to separate one side.He entered and became a minister, and he has come to this step today.

It's really unpredictable.

Xu Shu felt boundless emotion in his heart, but in terms of joy, he was not much.Because the general is good, but the responsibility is heavier.The most urgent thing is not to be happy because of the award, but to think about how to retreat from the enemy.

"Come on, beat the gongs and drums." Xu Shu ordered.

"Beat the gongs and drums?" Li Yan, Wei Yan, Sha Moke and others looked at Xu Shu in puzzlement. Although being promoted to the general should be a happy thing, but is it too much to talk about beating the gongs and drums?

"We want to tell Cao Cao that there is a happy event." Xu Shu said with a smile.

Among the three, Li Yan was the most resourceful and resourceful. Hearing the words, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Is the general planning to tell Cao Cao that Shuzhong is pacified?"

"Yes, Shuzhong is settled. It's time for Cao Cao to retreat." Xu Shu nodded with a smile on his face.

At present, the Cao army and the Chu army have a tacit understanding, and the two sides have not engaged in large-scale battles, because Cao Cao cannot fight.If the two sides fight endlessly, Ma Teng and Han Sui will definitely become bigger.

Cao Cao led his troops to Wancheng to influence Kou to enter Shu.Everyone knows this.And Chu State has withstood the pressure of Cao Cao, and Wancheng entered Shu.

If Cao Cao knew the news, he would definitely retreat without saying a word.

Now, what Xu Shu did was to let Cao Cao know the news and retreat sadly.

This time, Cao Cao really did nothing to steal the chicken.

Xu Shu smiled inwardly.

When the Chu army entered Chu, Cao Cao brazenly mobilized an army of 20, intending to annex Yongliang.As a result, Zhao Yun's strong assault not only killed [-] elite cavalry, but also robbed hundreds of thousands of horses.

After that, Cao Cao once again launched an army, consuming tens of thousands of grains every day, and confronted Wancheng with him.The intention is to make Kou Feng also suffer a defeat, but he has no choice but to return to Jingzhou.

As a result, Kou Feng not only pacified Shuzhong, but also pacified Hanzhong.

This is not stealing chickens without losing money, what is rice?Empty consumption of food, manpower and material resources nothing more.

Wei Yan and Sha Moke next to him showed their original expressions when they heard the words, and urged them to retreat.

"Promise." Li Yan immediately agreed upon hearing the words.

With Xu Shu's silent consent, Li Yan walked out.Soon after, gongs and drums began to beat in the city.Many soldiers also cheered, the right army division general.

The cheers were extremely loud, and the whole Wancheng was shocked.

In the north, Cao Cao is in the camp.

At this moment, Cao Cao was wearing armor, and personally led Xu Chu and a group of personal guards to inspect the camp.Cao Cao has been doing this all these days.

Xu Shu was a famous general of the Chu State, and he was ranked alongside Pang Tong.Very good at fighting.It would be bad if Xu Shu took advantage of the laxity.

With such a vigilant heart, Cao Cao is very happy to patrol the camp in person.

"Your Majesty." At this moment, someone called Cao Cao from behind.Cao Cao turned his head and found that it was the quartermaster, so he couldn't help but tense up.

"Let's go back to the camp." Cao Cao stopped the quartermaster's words and said something.Immediately, return to fight immediately.The quartermaster followed closely.

After returning to the big tent, Cao Caoping retreated the crowd and sent Xu Chu to guard the gate.Kneel and sit on the handsome seat.

"But the food is urgent?" Cao Cao asked solemnly.

"Exactly. The Shangshu ordered Mr. Xun to report that food in Xudu is gradually running short, and it can only last for three months." The quartermaster said with sweat on his forehead.

It is difficult to be a quartermaster of Cao Jun. At the beginning, because of lack of food, Cao Cao once beheaded a quartermaster, and told the quartermaster in private, I will support your wife.

I don't know how this matter got out.Cao Jun's quartermasters are generally bitter, and they do it when they have no other choice.If he is beheaded, will your majesty also say that I will raise your wife?

The quartermaster trembled.

Cao Cao didn't notice the embarrassment in the quartermaster's heart. He was frowning deeply, thinking about food.Now is spring, the time to sow seeds.

It will take at least August and September until the autumn harvest.But there is only enough food for three months.This was a huge blow to Cao Jun.

If not, we will retreat.

But Cao Cao's purpose is to station troops outside to influence the Kou to enter Shu.If we withdraw our troops now, wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted?

Because in Cao Cao's calculations, it would take at least a year for Kou Feng to enter Shu.Didn't he give Liu Zhang the Wei Dao, and relying on the dangers of mountains and rivers, he should be able to withstand it for a while.

And now it has been several months, and after three months, it may be the critical moment.Back then, it was really a big loss.

In Cao Cao's heart, there are a hundred and a thousand people who don't want to retreat.But food is scarce.

"Let's find a way to mobilize from Hebei. Even if some fertile land is abandoned, you don't have to think about it." Cao Cao gritted his teeth and said, really unwilling to retreat.

The quartermaster was relieved, but also shocked.Because mobilizing food from Hebei requires countless manpower and material resources.Now is the time for spring plowing, if you recruit strong men.As Cao Cao said, some fertile land must be abandoned.

This is a big loss.

Although he was shocked in his heart, these matters of governing the country were beyond his reach.The quartermaster could only cup his fists and say, "No."

After a promise, the quartermaster turned and walked out.

"Hey, in war, what is fought is the national strength, and Gu's national strength is actually not as good as that of Chu." After the quartermaster left, Cao Cao sighed.How could he not know the price of abandoning fertile land.

The fertile land is abandoned, not only will it not be able to produce food next year, but some people may go hungry.As a result, Cao Cao had to distribute grain to help.This is drinking poison to quench thirst.

However, in order to prevent Kou Feng from entering Shu smoothly.I can't care less.

Cao Cao's eyes flashed, and he said harshly.

He failed to enter Yongliang, but instead was raided into his lair.He is already half a step behind now, if Kou Feng enters Shu smoothly.Just one step behind.

The situation in the world was very different that day.It is even more difficult to wipe out Kou Feng.

One step ahead, absolutely can't go wrong.Kou Feng must not enter Shu.Liu Zhang, Zhang Lu, and Meng Huo, you people must stand up to Gu Gu.

Cao Cao almost gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of cruelty.

And at this time, some spies heard the news that a team had entered Wancheng, and the relevant officials were going to report to Cao Cao.

(To be continued)

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