Anzhong is a big city belonging to Nanyang County.If the front is Wancheng, if Wancheng is breached.Then you can retreat to Anzhong and temporarily stop the enemy.

Therefore, Anzhong Yicheng is very important to Xu Shu.Xu Shu himself was stationed in Wancheng, and had the power of governor of Nanyang military.He can order the local prefect to repair the city without submitting a letter to Kou Feng.

And Anzhong is a city that has been built and reinforced year after year.

Now the city of Anzhong is eight feet strong and three feet thick.Very solid and reliable.

Because Kou Feng plundered Nanyang in the past, the people in Nanyang became very rare.Later, Cao Cao moved the people from the Central Plains to expand the population of Nanyang.It can be regarded as restoring a little popularity in Nanyang.

But it's just popularity.The further population migration started from Koufeng.He emigrated hundreds of thousands of people from Chu State, and came to Nanyang to take root.

Therefore, there are many people in Anzhong City, more than ten thousand people. Most of these people are loyal to Chu State and are willing to help those who guard the city.

Therefore, Anzhong City can be said to be an important city and a big city in Nanyang second only to Wancheng.

On this day, General Zhao Yun of the town was ordered to lead an army to Anzhong.Zhao Yun was originally stationed at the rear, but Xu Shu had to transfer Zhao Yun to Anzhong in order to prevent the Wei army from plundering people.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's temperament has undergone a fundamental change.

To say that Zhao Yun in the past had more than enough courage, but not enough fierceness.A man who can take the head of a general from a thousand troops, can you say he is not brave?

This is an absolutely appropriate and correct evaluation.

But Zhao Yun doesn't look fierce, because his appearance is elegant, like a literati.And the surname is modest, like a good person.It looks much different than Zhang Fei's.

The development of this kind of temperament may also be the reason why it has not been reused and has never been alone.

And since Zhao Yun entered the bandit tent, although he also has a lot of military power.But when he is alone, it is very rare.Until the last time, when he fought Zhu Ling's [-] elite cavalry outside Xudu City, Zhao Yun was truly alone.

And then, Cao Cao blatantly retaliated.Zhao Yun used his cavalry to clash with the tiger and leopard cavalry quite a few times. Although the scale was small, the tiger and leopard cavalry were elite and the battles were quite fierce.

At the beginning, Zhao Yun lost more than he won, which is nothing to say.After all, Zhao Yun's cavalry was a trick, and they were not really elite, while tiger and leopard cavalry were formed in five years and had been fighting for decades.

But as the battle continued and deepened, the cavalry under Zhao Yun's tent gradually changed from losing more to winning less to now that the two sides are almost equal in victory and defeat, basically only one level behind.

Not only the cavalry gradually became resolute and capable.Zhao Yun's own temperament has the temperament of a titan.The appearance is still elegant, but the expression is full of coldness and firmness.

Zhao Yun at this moment can be said to be both brave and fierce.

A total of [-] troops and [-] horses rushed into Anzhong.The movement of the army was very quiet and silent.There is only the sound of ticking horseshoes, which is very, very solemn.

Even a layman can tell that this is a well-disciplined army.The expressions of the soldiers are mostly decisive, cold and murderous.

The second feeling is that this army can fight well.

A general in front, straddling a steed, wearing silver and white armor, with a rein in his left hand and a whip in his right.His expression was cold and full of strength.daunting.

The so-called Xionghu general refers to this kind of person.

The overall feeling of this army is strong soldiers and strong generals.Riding for the world.

"No wonder it can compete with tiger and leopard riders."

The position of Anzhong is very important, so the guard must be good at defending. Now the prefect is Huo Jun. Back then, Huo Jun led [-] troops to resist Tai Shici's attack in Changsha. He made great achievements.After Ping Wu, there was no war in Changsha, so he was sent to Nanyang under Xu Shu's tent.

At this moment, Huo Jun led his troops to greet Zhao Yun at the gate of the city. Looking at Zhao Yun and the elite cavalry, he couldn't help admiring in his heart.

"General Zhao." When Zhao Yun approached, Huo Jun cupped his fists and said to Zhao Yun.

"General Huo." Seeing Huo Jun, the cold expression on Zhao Yun's face loosened a little, and he smiled and said.

Immediately, Huo Jun wanted to say something.But was interrupted by Zhao Yun: "The battle is urgent, let's talk inside first."

"Promise." At this moment, Zhao Yun's aura was extremely strong, and his voice was extremely convincing, Huo Jun couldn't help but promise.

Immediately after, Zhao Yun and Huo Jun arranged for the cavalry and arrived at Huo Jun's general's mansion in the city.

After arriving at the General's Mansion, Huo Jun planned to invite Zhao Yun to take a seat, while he himself sat on the side seat.

"How's the battle ahead?" Zhao Yun asked Huo Jun after sitting down.

After Zhao Yun received the transfer order, he led his troops here immediately.It's not clear what's going on ahead.

"The tiger and leopard riders haven't moved yet, but they may loot the people of Nanyang to some extent. Return to the north with Cao Jun." Huo Jun shook his head and said.

He also doesn't know the news ahead, in fact, Huo Jun also received Xu Shu's order to gather the nearby people into the city.

But how can time storage be completely migrated in?Plus it's spring plowing time.There is no way, Huo Jun can only relocate the people outside the city.In remote places, I didn't ask much.

To protect the people outside the city, it depends on Zhao Yun's cavalry.

"Let's recharge your batteries. If the tiger and leopard cavalry really come from the north, just lead your troops to fight against them." Zhao Yun nodded and said.The eyes are very sharp.

Zhao Yun was also very much looking forward to the confrontation with the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry. Although there were small-scale conflicts some time ago, the scale was not large.


This day, in the mansion of the Great General in Wancheng.

Xu Shu was eating, but his appetite was not very good, he only ate a little and put it down.Ever since he humiliated Cao Cao yesterday, Xu Shu began to worry about whether Cao Cao would be ruthless.

"It's a bit too much." Xu Shu put down the bowl and chopsticks, feeling a little troubled.

"General, the soldiers guarding the city have come to report, Cao Jun's tens of thousands of cavalry have come out." Suddenly, Wei Yan hurried in from the outside with an anxious look on his face.

"You really guessed it right, Chief Wen. Although this Cao Mengde is old, he is strong and in his prime." Xu Shu said, not surprised but happy when he heard the words.

When it doesn't happen, it's the time to worry.Once this happened, Xu Shu would have a way to deal with it.

Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover up.

"Tell me what's going on." Immediately afterwards, Xu Shu ordered his servants to remove the meal, first asked Wei Yan to sit down, and then said.

"Just now, the soldiers discovered that more than [-] cavalry had dispersed and invaded southward in an all-round way." Of course, Wei Yan knew everything, and said to Xu Shu.After speaking, Wei Yan clasped his fists at Xu Shu again and said, "Cao's cavalry is powerful, and there are more than [-] cavalry. I'm afraid General Zhao Yun's [-] elite troops are still a bit weak."

"It's okay, most of the people in Nanyang County are Cao Mengde who migrated from the north. Although our state of Chu migrated [-] people to Nanyang to expand its population after occupying Nanyang, most of them live in Anzhong, Wancheng, etc. Inside and outside the big city, I have given orders now, and they have probably moved into the city. In this way, it is no problem for these cavalry to rob some of the people who Cao Cao moved south back then. As for the issue of military strength." Xu Shu A smile appeared on his face, and he said: "Since Cao Cao dispersed the cavalry to plunder. We will concentrate on the cavalry and defeat them one by one. Mainly kill the tiger and leopard cavalry."

"Hmm." Wei Yan nodded with a look of surprise on his face.However, there is still some reluctance in my heart. Although some people were migrated by Cao Cao back then, they are also Chu people now, and they were looted for nothing.No one will be happy.

Seeming to see through Wei Yan's thoughts, Xu Shu said with a smile: "In troubled times, it is only natural to plunder each other's people to supply oneself. There is no need to be entangled in Wen Chang's heart." After speaking, Xu Shu paused, and then said: "Furthermore, Cao Cao sent tiger and leopard cavalry to plunder our people, we can also plunder theirs, and even occupy some places, cities."

"Oh, what do you say?" Wei Yan asked in surprise.

"For a long time, I have not planned to expand the war. I just defend and not attack. That's because the king is in Shu, and the war doesn't know whether it will go well or not. We just need to be able to stabilize Cao Cao. And now the king has calmed down Shuzhong, Hanzhong. Then we don’t have to worry about it. It’s fine for Cao Mengde to retreat after yesterday. Since he won’t leave, we will fight him.” Xu Shu said with a confident look on his face.

"Now occupying the city, and then assisting with the large camp outside the city. As well as General Zhao's cavalry, we can compete with Cao Cao's army. What kind of strength can we counterattack?" Wei Yan was very puzzled and said.

Although it is said that Chu State has the upper hand in terms of geography.If you can defend the dangerous and important places, you can isolate Cao Wei's army.And if the Chu army goes north, it will be easy to attack Cao's hinterland.

This is the gap between the two sides at this stage.

As for the current fighting power in Nanyang, Chu State is obviously inferior to Wei State.They can only barely contend, just like Xu Shu ordered Zhao Yun to attack and kill the tiger and leopard cavalry just now.

It is only a small local battle, and it will definitely be a victory, but the gains may not be many.And counterattack, really.Wei Yan felt unreliable.

It is estimated that as soon as they leave the city, Cao Cao will lead a large group of cavalry in a decisive battle with them like a chicken blood.

At that time, not only will there be heavy casualties, but it is estimated that even Wancheng will be destroyed.

These generals either died in front of the battle, or all of them would be beheaded by the emperor after returning.

"A general pays attention to the gains and losses of a city and a place, but a handsome man depends on the layout of the world." Xu Shu smiled slightly when he heard the words, and taught him a word.Standing up, he said to Wei Yan, "Follow me."

With that said, Xu Shu got up and walked towards the door, Wei Yan immediately followed after hearing the words.Soon, the two came to the study of the General's Mansion.

Xu Shu led Wei Yan to a screen with a landscape map embroidered on it.Yangzhou, Jingzhou, and Yizhou are all eye-catching.

Yizhou has just been occupied, and there is nothing to describe.But in Yangzhou, Jingzhou has two very striking points.One is Wancheng, and the other is Shouchun.

(To be continued)

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