"Whoosh whoosh." No matter how surprised Zhao Dun felt at this moment, the arrows of both sides began to pour out of each other.

Amidst the howling sound all over the sky, arrows were shot at each other.

"Ah, ah, ah."

Countless soldiers on both sides of the enemy and us screamed, fell off their horses, and then didn't say a word, being trampled into flesh.But after all, Zhao Yun has more cavalry.

5000 people, almost double the number of tiger and leopard riders.The result is doubled, and the advantage is extremely obvious when shooting.

After this round of arrows, the situation on both sides became much looser visible to the naked eye.Because many people died.

One round, the arrow has only one round.Because the distance between the two sides was approaching in an instant, the soldiers on both sides drew out the knives from their waists at the same time, and started fighting.

The knife is the same knife, whether it is the production process or the appearance is similar.But one is called Chu Dao and the other is called Wei Dao.Like two countries at war.

Chu State, Wei State.The positions are quite different.

"Kill." After the knife was pulled out, the soldiers on both sides roared and rushed forward to kill.

The soldiers on both sides are the kind of elite, decisive, resolute, not afraid of death.All the advantages of the elite, they have it.

"Come on." The soldiers of both sides finally collided. For a while, many people fell to the ground with the horses because of the collision of the two horses. Some tiger and leopard soldiers were able to avoid this by relying on their excellent riding skills.The soldiers of the Chu army can also rely on the strength of the stirrups to stabilize their figures.

Although this was just an inconspicuous scene, as an excellent cavalry general, Zhao Dun still noticed it.He was the first to notice the stirrups on the feet of Zhao Yun's cavalry that could fix a person's figure.

"This." Zhao Dun's eyes widened suddenly, with inexplicable horror and surprise in his heart.As long as you tell Wei Gong this news, as long as you tell Wei Gong this secret, he can also seal a thousand households.

It turned out to be like this, it turned out that only relying on this gadget, Zhao Yun's cavalry was able to be established so quickly.Hahahahaha.

The joy in Zhao Dun's heart is for the soldiers on both sides.is trivial.

"Kill." The soldiers on both sides fought at almost the same time.Red knives go in, white knives go out.A knife-to-knife shopping.

You have to fight with your life.

Meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.Both sides are elite and know this.Only by going forward without any direction can we achieve a great victory and achieve a supreme victory.

The weak do not win.

"Puchi, puchi."

As soon as Pu made contact, countless soldiers from both sides fell to the ground.Chu Dao and Wei Dao are too sharp.It can easily cut through the leather armor, penetrate into the enemy's body, and bring out a bloody flower.

"Kill." The tiger and leopard knights relied on their powerful riding skills, stabilized their stature, and waved Wei Dao again and again, reaping the lives of Zhao Yun's cavalry one after another.


Of course, Zhao Yun's cavalry was unwilling to be left behind. Relying on the support of their stirrups, they competed with the tiger and leopard cavalry with their strong bodies.

At this moment, what is fighting is bravery, what is fighting is courage.

Rows of soldiers on both sides fell down, but more soldiers came up.Continue to fight.Casualties on both sides were almost one to one.

This will definitely shock the people of the world.

Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are among the best in the world, while Zhao Yun's has only been established for a few months.While tiger and leopard cavalry have experienced hundreds of battles, Zhao Yun's cavalry has only experienced a few bloody battles.

But there are such miracles in the world.

Moreover, there is one thing about Zhao Yun's cavalry that tiger and leopard cavalry cannot match.With the superiority in numbers, the two sides died one to one. In the end, Zhao Yun's troops will definitely have 3000 people left, and the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry will definitely perish, and then perish.

"Kill, kill, kill."

But at this moment, the soldiers on both sides were blood red from killing, and no one had noticed this.

The battlefield is about a few hundred meters long, and soldiers from both sides start fighting, basically you come and go, the one in front dies, and the one behind makes up.But one thing is absolutely not.

Wearing silver and white armor, a spear, and a horse under his crotch.Zhao Yun used himself as a sharp knife and supported himself with his own soldiers.On the battlefield where you come and go on both sides, you can stand upright.

Under Zhao Yun's formation, within a radius of tens of meters, Zhao Yun's cavalry seldom died.Instead, the tiger and leopard riders in front of Zhao Yun lost their lives one after another.

A long spear pierced through, a little cold light flashed, and a tiger and leopard knight pawn was bound to be killed.Time and time again, without exception.

In just a moment, the tiger and leopard knights beside Zhao Yun fell down in a circle.

Zhao Yun's expression became more and more cold and hard, the murderous aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and the smell of blood rose straight to the sky.fierce.brave.Zhao Yun at this moment is Gaiden's fierce general.

There is a kind of temperament that Zhang Fei's roar can make the enemy's liver and gallbladder tear apart.

However, these people on the opposite side are not ordinary soldiers, but tiger and leopard riders, the elite of the world, licking blood from the knife edge, and rolling in the sea of ​​corpses.

Although dozens of people were killed and injured, the corpses were all down in a circle.But one by one still swarmed forward, intending to overwhelm and kill Zhao Yun with the advantage of numbers.

Among the thousands of troops, no one knows better than this group of tigers and leopards what it is like to kill the opponent's general.Back then, Cao Chun led them into the north and beheaded countless generals of the Yuan family.Invincible, Fang has achieved supreme prestige.Today, if it is possible to take down the head of Zhao Yun, the general of Chu State.

When more prestige.

"Kill." Countless tiger and leopard knight soldiers, with blood-red eyes wide open, raised their swords, and rushed over brazenly.

But Zhao Yun didn't change his face, his face was always the same, cold and hard, with an incomparably murderous coldness.

"Guard me to the left and right, rush over." Zhao Yun roared, and with a spear in his hand, he immediately picked up a tiger and leopard knight pawn who was about to attack him. among.

"Kill." As soon as Pu got into the truth, he assassinated five or six tiger and leopard knight soldiers, invincible.

"Kill." Seeing Zhao Yun's fierceness, the guards on the left and right immediately rushed to kill him with a roar.

"Kill, kill, kill."

When the two sides were in a stalemate, Zhao Yun's side kept breaking in, breaking in, breaking in.People who ride tigers and leopards have fought for a lifetime.

There are trends and there are contrarians.But ever since the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry became famous, no one had ever dared to lead dozens of soldiers from the left and right to break into the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry's main formation under the watchful eyes of many Tiger and Leopard Knights.

Because this is a way of courting death, just a few people from Tiger and Leopard Cavalry can handle it.But Zhao Yun rushed in, and went dozens of steps deep.

Together with the left and right guards, dozens of people were beheaded along the way.

Even if it was as strong as a tiger and leopard cavalry, it was beaten in a daze at this moment.However, the tiger and leopard rider soon began to react, and what arose in their hearts was not cowardice, but incomparable humiliation.

Then go berserk.

"Kill him, kill him." At this moment, Zhao Dun had come to his senses, seeing that Zhao Yun dared to enter the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry formation with only dozens of personal guards, he couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

Tiger and leopard ride the best in the world, people talk about it and turn pale.Every soldier here has the strength of a hundred generals.The general of a hundred people here means one out of a hundred.

But it doesn't mean that ordinary people are one in a hundred, but elite soldiers are one in a hundred.elite.It was originally crawled out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood.And such people are one in a million.

One can imagine how powerful this tiger and leopard cavalry is.No matter how brave a single general is, heaps can kill the generals.Even Xu Chu, who is as strong as a tiger idiot, dare not say that he will be able to defeat a hundred soldiers of tiger and leopard cavalry on horseback.

Not to mention the little Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun is very fierce, but this era has basically been changed.There is no such brilliant record as Zhao Yun Wanjun rescued Adou.

That kind of courage and courage is almost the best in the world.

Zhao Yun did not get that title.Therefore, in Zhao Dun's view, the most brave man in the world is the tiger idiot Xu Chu.Zhao Yun is at best an excellent cavalry general.

Zhao Dun looked down upon Zhao Yun.

However, the situation was exactly as Zhao Dun imagined. Although Zhao Yun led the left and right guards to rush out of a gap, although the cavalry charged afterward, they wanted to further tear open the gap, thus defeating the tiger and leopard cavalry.But the Tiger and Leopard Riders were more aware of what kind of result this was. They charged desperately, desperately.

In a blink of an eye, the gap was blocked.Now Zhao Yun is surrounded by tiger and leopard cavalry except for dozens of soldiers on the left and right.The cavalry in this formation were dozens of steps away from them.

"General, the soldiers in the rear didn't follow up. The tigers and leopards around are too hard to kill." A soldier's face was covered with blood, his eyes were blood red, looking around, a little desperate.

They went too far.

"What are you afraid of? If you can come in, you can go out. Fight out." Zhao Yun also wanted to open the gap with his own bravery and the desperation of his left and right soldiers.But the tiger and leopard cavalry were too strong, and the soldiers behind them couldn't keep up.

Not only did they fail to tear open the gap, but they were deeply trapped in the enemy's formation.But Zhao Yun is not an idler, he snorted coldly, swung the spear in his hand, and stabbed to death the three tiger and leopard soldiers in front of him. Completed the front to back movement.

"Turn the horse's head and charge out." Zhao Yun, who had successfully turned around, let out a fierce roar, fighting in front of him, intending to break out of the encirclement and return to the main formation.

"Kill." Seeing this, the left and right soldiers immediately turned their horses and headed back towards the main formation.However, not everyone can have Zhao Yun's superb riding skills. When turning the horse's head, more than half of Zhao Yun's left and right soldiers were killed or injured.Only a dozen people succeeded.Charge with Zhao Yun.

But these ten or so people are also the bravest among the personal soldiers, they are superb in riding skills, and they are full of murderous aura.They cooperated with Zhao Yun and rushed forward fiercely.

Dozens of steps.Every step is bloody.All tiger and leopard riders who stood in front of them were killed by them in the end, and none of them could block their way.

(To be continued)

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