"General." The guards on the left and right shouted with tears in their eyes, and turned back to fight Zhao Yun desperately.But more tiger and leopard riders retreated quickly.

The master will die, and the soldiers will die.This is the iron law.

Regardless of whether the soldiers can go back or not, they will all be executed.Now that he fights back and kills Zhao Yun, there may be a chance of survival.

"Ah." Zhao Yun danced wildly with his spear and fought with dozens of Zhao Dun's soldiers on the left and right. One by one, Zhao Dun's soldiers were stabbed to death.

But in a short while, Zhao Yun also had three or four more wounds on his body.The personal soldiers are the most elite group of tiger and leopard cavalry, one can imagine how powerful they are.

Not to mention, now that Zhao Yun has killed Zhao Dun, the soldiers will die if they don't kill Zhao Yun.It goes without saying that he was ruthless.In addition, Zhao Yun was injured first, if it was only a moment later, Zhao Yun might be ground to death.

But don't forget, Zhao Yun was just chasing and killing him quickly, and thousands of cavalry were still behind him.

"Kill." Seeing Zhao Yun being besieged, thousands of cavalry couldn't help their eyes tearing apart, shouted to kill, and rushed up.Almost instantly, these soldiers of Zhao Dun were immediately slaughtered.

"General, are you alright?" the deputy general stopped by Zhao Yun's side and asked concerned.

"Take a break first." Zhao Yun shook his head, but his face was pale, which was the sign of excessive blood loss.Tiger and leopard riders are skilled in riding, and Zhao Yun knew that he would not be able to catch up.

The more you chase, the more likely you will encounter another cavalry nearby, don't forget.Cao Jun's more than [-] cavalry are scattered and looting.Meeting another cavalry is a disaster.


The lieutenant made a promise.

The soldiers went to clean up the mess, but Zhao Yun himself dismounted from his horse, sat aside, took off his armor, and let the soldiers bandage up.

It was really painful.

During the fight, Zhao Yun didn't feel any pain, but this time it was very painful.However, even so, Zhao Yun's expression was still cold and hard.

What is contained in the eyes is not pain, but joy.

Although the battle just now was twice as successful.He didn't get all the power, but he was able to fight the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry with a one-to-one death ratio.

And when the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry escaped, the soldiers killed many people.There are many people in a rush.In addition, he shot away the commander of the tiger and leopard cavalry.

It can be said that after today's battle, the cavalry of Chu State has proved to the world that they have the power to challenge the tiger and leopard cavalry.It was comparable to Gongsun Zan's famous White Horse Army back then.

Moreover, the growth potential of their cavalry is still very strong.With the confrontation time after time, with the increase of experience time after time, it will surely become a top cavalry army.

Sooner or later, it will overwhelm the tiger and leopard cavalry.

Zhao Yun has been obsessed with cavalry all his life, and now the cavalry under his tent can have such combat effectiveness.Naturally, he was full of joy, and the pain was naturally nothing.

Of course, Zhao Yun did not forget the contribution of the stirrups and horseshoes.These two things invented by Kou Feng are of great help to the growth of cavalry experience, which is unimaginable.

Especially the power of the horseshoe has not yet been brought into play.If one day the army of the Chu State enters the grassland and rushes for a long distance.To intercept and kill thousands of miles back and forth, it is necessary to rely on horseshoes.

Soon, the soldiers had cleaned up the mess.The wound on Zhao Yun's body was also simply bandaged.

"Go, continue hunting tiger and leopard riders." At this moment, some blood had returned to Zhao Yun's face, he stood up and ordered loudly.

"No." The surrounding soldiers were full of awe for Zhao Yun, this iron-like man.

…………… North of Wancheng.In the camp of the Wei army, in the tent of the commander of the Chinese army.

Cao Cao knelt on the handsome seat with a very ugly expression on his face.The faces of Zhang Jaw, Xia Houyuan, Zhang Yan and others who moved left and right were also not very good-looking, and the only one who was normal was probably Jia Xu.

"How can we get rid of this Zhao Yun?" After a long silence, Cao Cao raised his head and asked.

Since Zhao Dun's death in battle that day, there have been continuous battles, with tigers and leopards riding, and the ordinary cavalry suffered great losses.Although Zhao Yun's losses may not be small, and in this battle, tens of thousands of people were captured and tens of thousands of houses were burned down.Nearly 10 refugees may be formed.

This group of people will have no food, no houses, and no food.Chu State will definitely find a way to help.It was like giving Kou Feng a big gift.Consume supplies, food, etc. that can feed a hundred thousand troops for a year.

But Cao Cao still felt distressed.Very distressed.Another five or six thousand was lost because of the tiger and leopard cavalry.A loss makes Cao Cao feel distressed, let alone so many.

And according to intelligence, Zhao Yun's cavalry is becoming more and more elite.Fighting with it, even the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is very difficult.Ordinary cavalry can't be hostile to it, and the loss is more than ten thousand, and it is gradually increasing.

Now Zhao Yun has basically become a thorn in Cao Cao's side.

However, at the same time, Cao Cao couldn't help feeling envious.This miraculous Zhao Yun not only trained a usable cavalry in a few months, but also commanded so well. In the battle formation, he honed the army more and more powerful with each fight.

Such a cavalry general is really rare in the world.Even his former Cao Chun might be difficult to match.

What kind of people are really harmed by Kou Feng.

After being envious, Cao Cao couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.He swept up the heroes in the north and took in many famous generals.But like Zhao Yun, they are still rare.

Such talents were first acquired by Liu Bei.But with Liu Bei, Zhao Yun had no chance to show his abilities at all.On the contrary, now under Kou Feng's tent, he has an astonishing performance.

Is it really fish and water?

"Your Majesty, lure Zhao Yun to appear and kill him." At this time, the general opened his jaw and raised his fist and said to Cao Cao.

Zhang Jai had no interest in Zhao Yun's cavalry, but Zhang Jai was more interested in hunting famous generals.If Zhao Yun can be beheaded, he can easily get rid of Zhao Yun's cavalry.

When it is a great achievement.

"Success." Cao Cao pondered for a moment when he heard the words, then nodded.However, Cao Cao then said: "It's just that the people in Nanyang County are either moved into the city by local officials, or they are looted by us. How can we lure them?"

This is a problem. It is not that the cavalry cannot attack the city, but the cost of attacking the city is very high.Moreover, Zhang Fei in Fancheng, Xu Shu in Wancheng, and Zhao Yun, a cavalry soldier, were all there.

These people are distributed in Nanyang and Fancheng, forming a very large defense network.It's okay for them to plunder a village, but if they attack a city, there will definitely be trouble.

"Nanyang County is about the same, but there are still some people in Wancheng area." Zhang Jaw said.

"It's a long distance, I'm afraid it's not easy to plan." Cao Cao thought for a while, but still felt it was wrong, so he couldn't help but said.

"The end will go in person."

He opened his jaw and clasped his fist.

Jaw open?Cao Cao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked up and down, and opened his jaw. Compared with Kou Feng's general in the town, who is stronger and who is weaker?

Zhang Jaw is good at ingenious changes, marching and arranging formations.In local wars, he is almost invincible.

"Okay. One hundred thousand cavalry will be handed over to Junyi." In the end, Cao Cao agreed to Zhang Jaw's request. The tiger and leopard cavalry suffered heavy losses, which made Cao Cao feel very uncomfortable.

The existence of Zhao Yun made Cao Cao even more jealous.Now only [-] cavalry are able to deal with him. If it increases to [-] in the future, what should we do with [-] cavalry?

Cao Cao did not forget that Zhao Yun ransacked hundreds of thousands of horses during the battle of Xudu.

"Promise." Hearing the words, Zhang Jaw solemnly promised, then turned and left.

After Zhang Jaw left, there was a moment of silence in the tent.Then, Jia Xu suddenly said, "Your Majesty, Dongfang has to guard against it."

"I know." Cao Cao said with a flash of his eyes.

A spy sent news from Xiangyang that the court of Chu State allocated some grain to the east.Although it is not necessarily a war, it is also a kind of change.

Conquest is no small matter.The wind and grass have to be guarded against.Cao Cao has ordered Xiahou Dun, Xun You and others to be on alert.

Jia Xu is also out of reminder, seeing Cao Cao already counted.Can't help but fell silent again.


After Zhang Jai got out of the big tent, he immediately returned to his own military tent and found a map of Nanyang area.

About where more than [-] cavalry are active.

"Mobilize the army to Fancheng intensively, and we will fish Zhao Yun out." Zhang Jai said with great ambition after looking at the map for a while.

Get rid of Zhao Yun and hunt down famous generals.

"No." A soldier next to him agreed.

……………… Anzhong.

After days of hunting, Zhao Yun's cavalry were exhausted, and they were all huddled in Anzhong City.Zhao Yun's own injuries are not serious, and he is currently recuperating in the prefect's mansion.

At this moment, in the prefect's mansion, in a bedroom.Zhao Yun was lying on the bed. Although the wound on his body was scarred, the doctor said that it is better to move less.

Zhao Yun just lay there.Only with a strong body can we fight on the battlefield.Zhao Yun cherishes his body very much.

"General Zhao, there is news that Cao Jun's many cavalry have gradually moved deeper into the southern Fancheng area." At this moment, Huo Jun walked in from the outside.

Said to Zhao Yun.

Although Zhao Yun was lying on the bed, like a sick cat.But Huo Jun never dared to underestimate him. In a short period of time, under Xu Shu's multiplied strategy, Zhao Yun led the cavalry to kill no less than [-] tiger and leopard cavalry and more than [-] ordinary cavalry.But our own casualties were only around [-].

Not only is Zhao Yun's commanding ability very good, but more importantly, the cavalry led by Zhao Yun has become more capable in a short confrontation.

Killing Tiger and Leopard Cavalry is no longer an unrealistic idea.

"Hehe, I guess they want to lure me out of the city." Zhao Yun said with a chuckle when he heard the words.Look very relaxed.Days of fighting made it difficult for him to move while lying on the bed.

The cavalry were also tired and wounded.Those who were seriously injured were no longer a minority.At this stage, it is difficult to fight again.Although he dared to attack and kill Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, he was definitely not a reckless man.

It pits a weary army against a lean army.Furthermore, he can see the other party's intentions. It is false to rob the people, but it is true to lure him into battle.

(To be continued)

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