Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 843 Capture Cao Zhi Alive

"Now is not the time to talk about these things, but to talk about how many soldiers and horses there are in the city. The [-] people who come here must be alone and without reinforcements. As long as we can hold on for a month or two, when the troops from all walks of life arrive, we will be able to eliminate them." They're gone."

When everyone suddenly realized, Hua Xin said.

Everyone woke up like a dream, and now is not the time to suddenly realize and rejoice in guessing where this army came from.How to deal with the current situation.

After all, the [-] army has already entered Xudu.It's too late.

"I don't know how many soldiers and horses there are in the city?" Whoever said that, all the people in the hall immediately turned their attention to Lieutenant Xing Zhen.

The generals in the north have been scattered in all directions.Now the highest military officer in the city is Xing Zhen.

"There are three thousand soldiers." Xing Zhen said with an ugly face.

"Three thousand soldiers? Thirty thousand against three thousand?" Everyone exclaimed.

Although it is only ten times, the art of war is ten times and surrounded.It doesn't just mean that the attacker can choose to besiege the city with ten times as much power as the enemy, but it also means that the defender can defend the city with one-tenth the strength of the enemy.

But things don't work out that way.If it is an ordinary small town, there are [-] soldiers, and some manpower can be scraped together to make do with it.

But Yecheng is a capital city. A capital city must first be magnificent, and then it must be large.It's not big, so I can't see the style.Yecheng can be said to be the largest city in Hebei.

Compared with Xudu, the current nominal capital of the emperor, it is not far behind.

It is more than ten miles long from east to west, and the same is true from north to south.There are twelve gates.How to defend such a big place? There is no difference between 3000 people being released and not being released.

"Actually, it's not just three thousand. The guards of each mansion should have a thousand. And the guards of Duke Wei's mansion should also have a thousand. In addition to the generals of your lords' families, some strong slaves, etc., you should be able to Make up ten thousand."

At this time, Xia Houshang next to him spoke again.

It can be seen from this that Xia Houshang is a very talented person.Every sentence hits the point.Defending the city can not only count soldiers, but some miscellaneous forces can also go up.

And here is the capital of Wei State, and there are many dignitaries and dignitaries.Not only domestic slaves, but general generals will support some old soldiers.

And the sons of these old soldiers are generally very brave.

It is not a problem to gather 1 people.

"Master Xing go to make preparations immediately. Liuqing and the eldest son will come with me." Wang Lang nodded, then glanced at Xia Houshang, and added: "Master Xia will also come with me."

Xia Houshang's composure and analytical ability just now made Wang Lang fancy.

"Promise." Xia Houshang agreed and got up immediately.Together with Liuqing including Wang Lang, Cao Pi and others, they left Wei Gongfu and rode their horses to the north of the city.

Not long after Cao Pi and others left, the sound of war drums sounded in the city.

"Boom, boom, boom." The thunderous sound of war drums not only signaled the assembly of the army, but also told a large number of officials and civilians in Yecheng that war had broken out.

At the moment, the north of the city is even more tense.

A large number of soldiers hurriedly bent their bows and set arrows, staring at the Chu army below the city.More soldiers picked up some defensive tools and piled them on the city.

There was a lot of hustle and bustle.

Wu Xue leaned against the female wall, and cast her gaze down the city.Now that the Chu army is building a big camp, it seems that they have no intention of attacking the city immediately.

While Wu Xue breathed a sigh of relief, he was still very dignified.

Slow down, not busy attacking the city, but setting up camp.This meant that the general of Chu had already made up his mind and planned to conquer Yecheng in two days, or even five or six days.

Swear not to give up.

It's setting up camp now, maybe wait a while, or there will be a violent attack tomorrow.

"General Wu, how is the situation?" At this time, Cao Pi, Wang Lang, Xia Houshang and others walked up to the top of the wall, and Wang Lang asked Wu Xuedao.

Wu Xue turned his head involuntarily, seeing that Liuqing, the eldest son and others had arrived, he felt relieved. As the saying goes, even if the sky falls, there are tall people who will hold it up.

Now that these adults are here, he doesn't have to worry.

"My lord, the Chu army is setting up camp at this moment. They are stationed at a place about 200 meters away from the city gate." Wu Xue said.

"Near 200 meters? It is expected that there are not many elite soldiers in my city." Xia Houshang said with a cold snort.

With such a short distance, if there is a sneak attack, it will be difficult for the general army to respond.But now that Lu Xun is like this, it must be expected that there are not many soldiers in the city.


Xia Houshang can't understand conceited people.

"It's very arrogant. But it's true." Wu Xue said with bitterness on his face.

"What's the situation in the west, east, and south of the city now?" Wang Lang asked again.

"There are big camps in the south and west of the city, but there is no camp in the south of the city." At this time, Wu Xue had already contacted the guards in the south and west of the city, so he knew the situation, so he couldn't help but say.

"Three rounds and one missing?" Wang Lang stroked the beard on his chin and said.

"A classic of military strategists. But his intention is definitely not to siege. Because if the emperor gets the news, he will definitely send cavalry over. One month is enough to go back and forth. And it will take time for them to escape. Therefore, their attack time is only about half a month." Xia Houshang next to him said, with a sneer on his face, he said, "Maybe it's the ambush."

"It makes sense." Wang Lang pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"So, we have to defend the city or break out of the siege, but the breakout must not go south?" Hua Xin said after a moment of silence.

"That's about it." Wang Lang nodded.

"Anyway, it seems that they are not in a hurry to attack the city now, which gives us a little time to mobilize manpower." Cao Pi said beside him.

Seeing the army outside the city slowly setting up camp, I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes." Xia Houshang nodded and said.

"My lords, how should we make a decision? Is it to defend the city, or to break through?" The people next to each said their own things, which gave Wu Xue a headache, and they couldn't help but ask.

"Let's guard it first. Lieutenant Xing Zhen has already dispatched manpower, and he should be able to make up [-]." Cao Pi turned his head and said to Wu Xue.

"No." Wu Xue couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that there were 1 hands, and promised.

In this way, the ministers in the entire capital of Cao Wei decided to temporarily defend the city after a period of discussion.In the arsenal, some bows and crossbows, Wei knives and so on were brought up.

Some tools for defending the city, such as boulders, were also transported from some places.Now is a troubled time, even the capital may experience war.

For these preparations, Cao Cao has done a lot.

The camp of the Chu army under the city was slowly built at this time.

At this moment, Lu Meng has already gone to the other side.There is only one general in the camp, Lu Xun.He led some personal soldiers and was slowly patrolling the camp.

Cao Wei was anxious, but Lu Xun was quite relaxed.Lu Xun has already made a plan, and the soldiers will rest tonight.Siege the city tomorrow, and force the ministers in the city to lead the army to protect Cao Pi and others to break through within three days.

Then they intercepted.

In a short period of time, complete the tasks of attacking Yecheng, breaking Yecheng, and obtaining Yecheng's property.When Lu Xun was still in Wu County, he had already thought about these things carefully.

After inspecting the camp, Lu Xun returned to the tent of the Chinese army.An order was given to have a good meal in the evening and then go to bed early.Tomorrow is the siege.

After giving the order, Lu Xun also planned to take off his armor and take a rest.He was also tired from the long journey.

However, at this moment, a soldier walked in.

"General, there is a man outside the camp who claims to be Xu Huang's eldest son, Xu Gai, asking to see him."

"Xu Huang's eldest son?" Lu Xun immediately lost his sleepiness when he heard the words. Xu Huang is currently working for Chu, but he has been alone all the time. Although Kou Feng gave some concubines, it seems that there is no happy news.

Therefore, Xu Huang has no relatives in Chu State.This is not a very good thing for Xu Huang.May affect some moods.

Kou Feng once thought of a way to intercept some of Xu Huang's family members.But there is no time to shoot.This time when Lu Xun went north, he also had the purpose of stopping some of Xu Huang's family members from returning south.

Now that Xu Gai actually came to see him, of course Lu Xun wanted to see him.Moreover, Lu Xun had guessed the purpose of his visit, and he probably wanted to request to return to Chu State with them.

"Find it in." After pondering for a moment, Lu Xun raised his hand and said.

"No." The soldier promised and walked out immediately.After a while, Lu Xun got two Kong Wu's powerful personal guards to guard him.

Wait quietly.

Lu Xun is a handsome talent, he does not have much force.Of course, you have to beware of assassins or something.

However, when Xu Gai was brought in by his own soldiers, Lu Xun gave up his idea. It should be because Xu Gai looks very similar to Xu Huang, almost printed in the same mold.

"Greetings to General Chu." After Xu Gai came in, he immediately saluted Lu Xun.

"Please get up quickly." Lu Xun raised his hand quickly.

Hearing this, Xu Gai stood up straight again, and took a quick look at Lu Xun from the corner of his eye.Shocked, what a young general.

"I don't know what the purpose of your visit is, sir?" Immediately, Lu Xun asked tentatively. Although he guessed nine out of ten in his heart, he still wanted to ask.

"I would like to invite the general to gather his family members and go to Chu State." Xu Gai asked.

Lu Xun nodded, as expected.Xu Huang's surrender, after all, still has influence.Although Xu Huang made great contributions to Cao Cao in the past, after he surrendered, Cao Cao did not embarrass Xu Huang too much.

But it is estimated that some supercilious eyes around are unbearable.

"At present, your father is serving as a general in Chu State. It is Chu Jun's wish to take you back to Chu State. This is a matter of course." Lu Xun said with a smile.

"Thank you, General." Xu Gai was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately bowed down.

They really suffered too much grievance in Wei State, and now their clan members are not trusted, and no one is an official.I seldom even go to Yecheng.I only guard a few points of Susukida outside the city to live.

The future is bleak.

So as soon as he heard that the Chu army was coming, Xu Gai immediately came to see him.

After thanking him, Xu Gai suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help saying: "General, I also heard that Cao Zhi, who is currently Cao Cao's favorite, is playing at a place fifty miles away from the city. Sending an army over now, maybe we can catch him." .”

Since Xu Huang surrendered, they have suffered a lot.Naturally, he has no loyalty to Cao Wei, but Chu State is willing to accept them.Xu Gai happened to know about this again, so he naturally said it.

"Haha, I didn't expect to catch one before the city was broken. Come here and send some cavalry over." Lu Xun laughed out loud when he heard this. Why did he come to Yecheng?

Breaking through the capital and forcing Cao Cao to retreat is naturally the first priority, but it is also very important to capture Cao Cao's family and son alive.

Now that the city is not broken, there is news of Cao Zhi, which is really gratifying.

(To be continued)

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