
Kou Feng's amiable face reassured the three craftsmen, they promised, and looked up at Kou Feng.

These three craftsmen are all dedicated craftsmen in the Kingdom of Shu.Classified as officially supported talents.But the status is low, how have you ever met Liu Zhang?

The three of Liu Zhang have never met before, so it's hard to speculate.But Kou Feng in front of him, although he was kind, but the heroic aura made the three of them feel afraid to look directly at him, so they could only slightly lower their heads and look at Kou Feng from the corner of their eyes.

"Let's all gather around." Seeing this, Kou Feng shook his head and said.

It seems that the amiable appearance cannot be the awe in the hearts of these craftsmen.However, Kou Feng's original intention was not to win people over, he just wanted to create a small guide array.

These can be regarded as skilled craftsmen in the Kingdom of Shu, and they can always be taught by hand, right?

"Surround them all around?"

The three craftsmen were taken aback for a moment, then hesitated for a moment, and then stepped forward.

Immediately, Kou Feng began to explain in detail how to make the compass.

When these three craftsmen were called over, they were very apprehensive.In the past, they were always given orders from above, and no one ever wanted to take them to see the king.

Although Kou Feng's amiable face reassured them a little, they were still very puzzled.

After Kou Feng explained to them how to make the compass, the hearts of the craftsmen quietly changed a little, because they thought it was impossible.

These people are all skilled craftsmen, among them the old man is surnamed Xie, a famous craftsman.For generations, they are all born as craftsmen, and for more than a dozen generations, they are still the children of the Mohist family.

Very famous.He is the head of artisans in central Shu.

Thanks to Gong's family tradition, he is naturally very good at a military tool like a guide car.But he has never heard that this small thing called a guide array can be used to replace the guide car.

You must know that some weather and some landforms are very complicated, and it is easy to get lost.The existence of the guide car is to allow the army to distinguish the direction.

Not to get lost.

But in some places, it has no effect, for example, in the rainforest, as a native of Sichuan, Xie Gong has heard of the miasma in Nanzhong and the severity of the dense forest.

Even if there is a guide car, it is estimated that it is quite confused.

It would be really nice if this compass could replace the compass car, but is it possible?

Xie Gong thought it was impossible.

Listening to Kou Feng's explanation, Mr. Xie felt that it was impossible to imagine that a compass comparable to a compass could be produced with just a few small processes that ordinary craftsmen can complete?

Then what do these skilled craftsmen do?

As a descendant of Mohism, Xie Gong is very humble towards others, but he is very conceited towards Gong.The same is true of the two craftsmen behind him.

Therefore, the three of them revealed it unconsciously.

Seeing this, Kou Feng was not annoyed, but shook his head slightly.Although these three people are the essence of craftsmen in this era, they are far behind when compared to modern times.

It's not that they are not smart enough, but that the overall level is too different.

Kou Feng wants to promote the various backwardness of this era.For example, let Zhang Zhongjing create an official medical center and recruit apprentices.

The purpose of Kou Feng is to improve the medical level of the entire Chu State, so that the life expectancy of people will be greatly increased, and the population will be increased in an alternative way.

The compass and other small objects can be used to popularize the development direction.Don't ask everyone to understand physics and chemistry all at once.That's not realistic because this is the Han Dynasty.

But at least one seed must be planted.

Although it is still a melee among princes, it is too far to talk about these.But Kou Feng's goal in mind is to improve the status of craftsmen, so as to break the contemptuous gazes of Qi Yin's ingenious tricks.

Promote the development of the entire Han nationality.

"Come here alone." Immediately, Kou Feng smiled slightly, said something, and walked out.

Xie Gong and the other three looked at each other suspiciously, but they didn't dare to neglect, and followed them out.

Kou Feng took Xie Gong and the three out of the mansion, and then came to an official blacksmith workshop.According to the method of making a compass in memory, I made a simple compass step by step.

Of course, plastic cannot be found in this era, so Kou Feng replaced it with other things.

When a small compass appeared, Xie Gong and the others were almost dumbfounded.

The outside of the compass is made of pottery, and there is an embroidery needle floating inside.It was really just an embroidery needle, they could see the process clearly, it was just burned and cold water soaked it.

It becomes a magnetic needle.

The head of the needle is facing south and the tail of the needle is facing north.

"It's really ingenious, it's really ingenious." Xie Gong held a compass in his hand and almost murmured.

Kou Feng's production was really bad, and there was a little accident in the process.However, the ingenious conception made Xie Gong completely overwhelmed.

The so-called technique has specialization.They attacked the craftsmen together.But Kou Feng is the way of the emperor, but he did not expect that this powerful and well-known Chu Jun in the southeast would have such an ingenious idea.

It's both admirable and ashamed.

They were suspicious of Kou Feng just now.

"How about this?" Looking at the stunned expressions of the three craftsmen, Kou Feng laughed.

"If Lord Chu brings this to the south, Nanzhong will settle down." Xie Gongzu was a descendant of the Mohist family. His family has a long history of education. He not only knows characters, but also knows some important principles. He is old and experienced.

I know how clever and ingenious Kou Feng is, the king of Chu.But specialize in one road, that is the way of the emperor.Kou Feng came to them and taught them how to make this compass.

The intention must be to calm down the Quartet.

Nanzhong, Nanban.

Kou Feng was quite surprised by Xie Gong's words.Although he said that he wanted to improve the status of craftsmen, he hadn't started yet.At present, artisans are still relatively lowly.

But I didn't expect that this old craftsman could know that he was going to fight south with such a gadget.Really extraordinary.

However, Kou Feng immediately thought that this was the middle of Shu.Very close to Nanzhong.The local elders know Nanzhong very well, so it is not surprising.

"Thank you, old man, for your good words." Kou Feng said with a smile.

"Don't dare, dare not." After Xie Gong finished speaking, he actually regretted it.As a small craftsman, how could he have the room to dictate the important affairs of the state of Chu.

If one is not good, it may be beheaded.

But I didn't expect Kou Feng to be so amiable.Xie Gong only felt flattered.

"Okay. Now that the old man knows the usefulness of this gadget, I won't say much. Try to make a large batch in a short time. I still have important things to do, let's go first." After a while, Kou Feng said .

"No." Xie Gong led the other two craftsmen to bow and promise.

Immediately, Kou Feng turned and left, Xie Gong sent Kou Feng a few steps respectfully.

"This Chu Jun is really approachable."

"It's still ingenious."

After Kou Feng left, the two craftsmen beside Mr. Xie couldn't help admiring.

"Mr. Chu came to Shu and intended to conquer the South, and to quell the disasters in the South. He is Ming Jun. You two should not talk about it behind your back." Xie Gong reprimanded after hearing this.

Although these two people praised each other, Xie Gong was not happy to hear it.

Not only because of Kou Feng's status as the king of Chu, talking about the king behind his back is a crime worthy of death.It was also Kou Feng who wanted to attack the south, and as a child of Shu, Xie Gong hated those barbarians in the south extremely.

Xie Gong knew that Kou Feng wanted to conquer the south, so his admiration for Kou Feng couldn't help reaching its peak.


The two craftsmen's faces were shocked when they heard the words, and they agreed.

The craftsmen in Central Shu hate the barbarians in South Central for this. It can be seen that if Kou Feng pacifies Nanzhong, everyone's status in Central Shu will surely reach its peak.

From then on, Shuzhong will be like Wuzhong and Jingchu, completely surrendering to the authority of the Chu monarch.

Regal prestige does not refer to the ruling power of the emperor, but refers to the peace of the world, the attachment of people's hearts, and the prestige of the sky.Only when the world is at peace can people's hearts be attached, and only when people's hearts are attached can the prestige of the monarch be radiated.

For example, Liu Xie, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, has people's support, which is worse than the lord of a city.Also talk about Regal.

...... The production of the compass is simple.But Kou Feng did it himself, and it took a lot of energy.In addition, since this period of time, Kou Feng has continued to appease the gentry, powerful, officials, and common people in central Shu.

relatively tired.

Therefore, after returning to Chugong Biefu, Kou Feng planned to take a nap to refresh himself.

Still, wanting to rest is one thing, but being able to rest is another.

As soon as Kou Feng returned to the mansion, Kou Shui came to report, saying that the governor was engaged in seeking an audience with Ding Xiang.

The governor of Yizhou, Kou Feng, has not yet been determined.At present, the most important part of the state of Chu, the Inspector of Jingbei is personally held by Kou Feng, and Yizhou is the territory of Chu State for external development, and the center of gravity of Chu State has the intention of gradually moving westward. Therefore, the position of Inspector of Yizhou is Kou Feng is for himself.

However, it is currently vacant.However, Kou Feng had already prepared the staff needed by Jingzhou governor, and most of them were some of Liu Zhang's former staff.

This Ding Xiang is one of them.

This person is relatively inconspicuous, and Kou Feng has only met him a few times, so he doesn't have much impression.It's just that they didn't withdraw because they wanted to appease the various forces in Shu.

He asked to see him suddenly, and Kou Feng was rather puzzled.

After pondering for a while, Kou Feng waved his hand and said, "Let him go to the lobby to see Gu."


Kou Shui made a promise and left immediately.

Kou Feng looked in the direction of the backyard, gave up the soft bed, and walked to the hall.

When Kou Feng came to the hall and sat down, Kou Shui came in and reported, "Your Majesty, Prime Minister Ding is already waiting outside."

"Call him in." Kou Feng nodded.


Kou Shui promised, turned and walked out.After a while, another middle-aged man came in.This middle-aged man is not good looking, and his figure is also ordinary.

There is no peculiar aura about him.

Just ordinary officials.It was Ding Xiang.

"My lord." After coming in with Kou Shui, Ding Xiang immediately saluted Kou Feng and bowed.

"Excuse me." Although Kou Feng guessed that Ding Xiang was looking for him for something, he didn't show it on his face, and said with a very pleasant face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Ding Xiang thanked him.

(To be continued)

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