After the three left, Kou Feng sat and waited for the result.

The reason why Zheng Du and Zhang Song were allowed to negotiate.It's because Kou Feng doesn't feel much about the so-called borders, and sooner or later he will use force, and the current borders are meaningless.

It can be as short as a few months or as long as half a year, and the army of Chu State will be ready.

Sending troops in the future is called brazenly tearing up the covenant and attacking allies.

A sneer appeared on Kou Feng's face, and then he closed his eyes, waiting for the result.

The efficiency of Zheng and Du was good, they didn't make Kou Feng wait long, they returned together in half an hour.

"Your Majesty." Both of them saluted Kou Feng in unison.

"What's the matter?" Kou Feng opened his eyes and said with a smile.

"After a rough division, we recognized Meng Huo's governance rights in Nanzhong, but reserved several cities including Yunnan. They will be used as forward bases when we advance troops in the future." Zhang Song replied.

"A few cities are enough. If there are too many, it will make Meng Huo and others highly nervous. If there are too few, it will cause certain obstacles to the advance of troops in the future." Kou Feng nodded with a smile.

Now most of the cities in Nanzhong are under the control of Meng Huo and Yong Kai.It is already a very good thing to be able to obtain the governance rights of several cities.

"Issued an order to order Dong He, the prefect of Nanzhong, and all aspiring Han people and officials from nearby counties and counties to move into Yunnan City. He was named Dangnan Zhonglang General and secretly ordered him to repair the city and prepare for war."

Kou Feng said.

Immediately, Kou Feng thought of another thing and couldn't help asking: "Is Dong He's wife also in Chengdu?"

In today's troubled times, except for Kou Feng, most of the princes will let their wives and most of their children stay in the capital for officials and generals who have been released.Liu Zhang also used this trick.

It stands to reason that Dong He is also on the list, but Kou Feng only knows that Dong Yun is in Nanzhong.

"Except for the eldest son Dong Yun, they are all in Chengdu." Zheng Du knew a lot about things in Chengdu, so he said immediately.

"Send people to condolences, and send them to Yunnan to meet with Dong He." Kou Feng nodded and said.

"This." Zhang Song and Zheng Du's expressions changed slightly.Immediately, Zhang Song said: "Your Majesty, is this too hasty? If Dong He has a different mind because of the power of the Southern Barbarians, wouldn't there be no contingency measures?"

At the beginning, Liu Zhang put the homes of generals who had been sent abroad, especially those near the border, in Chengdu.It's like putting insurance on those generals who are sent out.

It can be said that Liu Zhang was quite popular in Yizhou at the beginning, so he chose to do the same.But now Kou Fengxin has won the middle of Shu.Not Zhang Song, but Zheng Du doubted Dong He's character.

But this thing is really risky.

"Don't be afraid. Dong He is a person with lofty ideals, and he will not join forces with the Nanman people. In addition, there is a famous saying, don't be suspicious of people, and don't be suspicious of people. If you trust him and let him sit in Yunnan, why do you want to take his family?" Small as a bargaining chip? If so, wouldn't Gu be like Liu Zhang?" Kou Feng smiled.

In fact, it's not just that the employer is unsuspecting, Kou Feng also believes in Dong He's integrity.If Dong He didn't stick to it, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to raise a prime minister like Dong Yun.

Zheng Du and Zhang Song were speechless.It should be because what Kou Feng said is the last word, no doubt about employing people, and no doubt about doubting people.Although the two are still worried about things in Yunnan, they have to admit it.

That's the end of the Nanban matter.The two sides have a tacit understanding, knowing that even if there is a war, it will be several months later.

But one thing was beyond Kou Feng's expectation.Meng You, Meng Huo's confidant, has lived in Chengdu, and he seems to be staying in Chengdu as a proton.

Although Kou Feng was surprised, he didn't drive this person away.

Nanzhong, Taixi City.

Taixi City is the third largest city in Nanzhong, but the living conditions in the city are the same as most Nanzhong cities, where Han and barbarians live together.The streets are full of bustling crowds.

But they all serve differently.

The gate of the county guard's mansion in the city was wide open, and there were many guards lined up at the gate.A middle-aged man and a teenager stood among them.

The middle-aged man looks dignified, very refined and refined.

The appearance of the young man is somewhat similar to that of the middle-aged man, but his demeanor is somewhat stronger than that of the middle-aged man.The eyes are even more bright and energetic, although they are young, they are already showing signs of excellence.

One of the few in this group is naturally Dong He, Dong Yun and his son.

"Father, we haven't seen mother for more than a year. That's great." Dong Yun said with a little joy on his face.

"Well, it's been more than a year." Dong He nodded, his eyes were a little deep.

Today he received news that his family members were brought here by guards sent by Duke Chu.There were waves in Dong He's heart.

Kou Fengxin got Shuzhong, but he didn't call him back.Instead, they escorted his family to join him in Nanzhong.This may be a means to win over people's hearts, but it is undeniable that Dong He was a little moved.

Moved by the trust, Dong He didn't have much affection for Liu Zhang.He was slandered by others, so he was sent here to be the prefect.

Therefore, while being moved, I have a sense of belonging to Kou Feng.

However, as a wise man, Dong He also knew that something must have happened behind the incident.For example, the South.

Dong He sits in Nanzhong and knows the situation of Nanzhong very well.Regarding Kou Feng's move, he naturally had a guess.

I'm afraid it will be troublesome.Dong He also sighed a bit in his heart.

While waiting, more than ten carriages drove up ahead.Two of them are relatively luxurious, obviously they are ridden by noble people.There are many guards around.

When the carriage gradually approached, it stopped at the gate of the prefect's mansion.

Immediately, a woman stepped down from the carriage. This woman was beautiful and dignified.It was Dong He's wife.Afterwards, four or five children came down, of different ages, male and female.

They are all children of Dong He.

"Master." The woman saluted when she saw Dong He's eyes light up slightly.

However, Dong He nodded to the woman and said, "Madam, you have worked hard all the way." Having said that, Dong He turned to Dong Yun and said, "Take your mother down to rest."

"Promise." Dong Yun happily promised when he heard the words, and immediately came to the woman's side.Immediately, he walked in with the woman and her younger siblings.

Dong He looked away from his family members, and turned to look at a leading guard in front.

"Dare to ask the sergeant, but you brought Chu Gong's order?" Dong He asked very politely.

Surprise flashed in the guard's eyes, but he still nodded, took out a package from the side, handed it to Dong He and said, "This is an order, burn it after reading it."

"No." Dong He promised, and took it solemnly.

Immediately, Dong He ordered someone to entertain a group of guards.He went to the study by himself.In the study, Dong He opened the package and read the contents of Kou Feng's package.

"Mr. Chu is really good at tricks and determination." A smile appeared on Dong He's face.Immediately, he raised his head and shouted to the door: "Come here, go down and let the eldest son prepare. We will return to Chengdu tomorrow with the guards who escorted the wives."

"No." The guard outside the door promised and left immediately.

"Reciprocate. Since the king is so trusting, he is determined to deal with the southern barbarians. Of course, the minister must try his best to plan." Dong He smiled politely, but there was determination emerging in it.

Kou Feng brought his family over here because of trust and an attitude.And Dong He went to Chengdu with his eldest son Dong Yun, on the one hand to deepen the trust between the two parties, and on the other hand to let the Dong family stay behind.

Dong He is a Han, and the Han and the Southern Barbarians are incompatible.Since Chu Jun Koufeng left him to sit in Yunnan, he will also defend the city to the death.

Even if the city is destroyed, it will not hesitate.


It has been one or two months since Meng You, the Nanban envoy, arrived in Chengdu.The situation in Chengdu has also completely stabilized.

Fazheng, Meng Da and the others are training soldiers, while Zhang Song, Zheng Du, Zhuge Liang and others are stepping up efforts to consolidate and govern Shu County.

It can be said that everything is on track.Kou Feng is already considering moving the government office from Xiangyang to Chengdu.After all, Kou Feng's strategy has already moved from the southeast to the northwest.

In addition to crusade against Meng Huo, Ma Teng and Han Sui must also be attacked upwards.

If the government is placed in Xiangyang again, I am afraid it will not be very flexible.However, Kou Feng has not discussed this matter with anyone.After all, it is equivalent to the major event of moving the capital, so you have to find a reliable person to discuss it, so that you can feel at ease.

In the hall of Duke Chu's Biefu, Kou Feng was meditating.Kou Shui came in from the outside and reported.

"Your Majesty, the guards escorting Mrs. Dong and her party have returned. They also brought back Mr. Dong's eldest son, Dong Yun."

"Dong Yun is here?" Kou Feng suddenly raised his head and said in surprise.

He arranged for someone to escort Dong He's wife to the south in order to deepen the trust with Dong He.Therefore, although Kou Feng was worried about Dong Yun's safety in Nanzhong, he did not rush to ask for it.

You sent someone's wife and family over there, but asked for the eldest son.Isn't this superfluous.

But I didn't expect Dong and that person to know how to reciprocate. In order to show that he had no dissatisfaction, he brought the eldest son Dong Yun over.

The method was played by Kou Feng himself, how could he not know Dong He's purpose for sending Dong Yun here.

Dong Yun.Zhuge Liang who is currently serving as a servant, Jiang Wan who is Situ, and Fei Yi who is studying in the Chu School, plus the current Dong Yun.

The four prime ministers in the middle of Shu are all gathered.

Once, Kou Feng vowed to control his own destiny and be the master of the national destiny of Shu Han.But no one is as good as God, he has never walked out of this path.

Now he has included the four most elite ministers among the Shu Han.

At this moment, Kou Feng was very happy in his heart.

"Called in, I just want to meet this Dong Yun." After a while, Kou Feng Anai suppressed the joy in his heart and said.

"Promise." Kou Shui promised and went out.

After a while, he walked in with a young man.It is Dong Yun, one of the four phases.

(To be continued)

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