"My lord, there is news from the south. Yong Kai raised an army of [-] and rushed towards Yunnan."

At this moment, a fast horse rushed to the south.Soon after, he rushed to the top of the city and reported to Dong He.

"Close the city gates and enforce martial law."

Dong He was shocked when he heard the words, but then calmly ordered.

"No." A general beside him promised, and immediately went to give the order.

After a while, the city gate closed.Dong He also led the generals back to the prefect's mansion in the city.

On the same day, Dong He issued a document that named Kou a general in Dangnan Zhonglang, inspiring the soldiers to actively defend Yunnan.



This city was the big city in central Shu that was guarded by Yan Yan at the beginning to defend against the bandits.

However, now this city is already a big city that connects things.As an important channel, Kou Feng sent his confidants to be the prefect here.

Some time ago, Zhang Fei, the later general of the Chu State, led an army through this place.It was secretly stationed in an open area nearby.

On this day, the team returning to the south led by Kou Feng also came to this city in a mighty way.

In addition to the families of many officials, Fa Zheng's [-] troops, Meng Da's [-] troops, and Chen Da's [-] Liannu soldiers.A total of [-] troops.

"Revisiting the old place today, I realized that it was really a fluke to break through Berkshire's defense." At the front of the team, Kou Feng walked out of a rather luxurious carriage and looked at the man guarding the gate not far away. The city, slightly sighed.

Had it not been for a hunter who offered a passage, it would have taken a while for them to break through Shuzhong.Even a year and a half is not impossible.

Judging from this matter, Kou Feng's luck is still good.

"Luck is also a kind of strength. After all, Liu Zhang didn't have such luck." As one of the generals second only to Kou Feng in this southern expedition, Fazheng rode his horse beside Kou Feng.Hearing Kou Feng's exclamation, he couldn't help but said with a smile.

Besides Fazheng, Zhang Song and Zhuge Liang were beside him.Except for Zheng Du, the prefect of Shu County, Zhang Song and Zhuge Liang followed as servants.

"Xiaozhi's words are good. Luckiness is also a kind of strength." Kou Feng also said with a smile when he heard the words.

Luck is also a kind of strength, and Kou Feng agrees with this statement very much.Now he sits in Shuzhong, and Liu Zhang has become the king of subjugation.

There is an element of luck.

"Where is the rear general stationed now?" Kou Feng asked after talking with Fa Zheng.

"About a small place five miles south of the city." Zhang Song said.

"Okay. The army entered from the north and stationed in the south of the city. Join the general." Kou Feng nodded.Raising his head, Kou Feng glanced ahead.

Some expectations.

Zhang Fei.

It has been a long time since I saw this uncle.I don't know what kind of mood he is in now.

I remember always complaining about myself guarding the rear.But this time, Uncle was one of the main attacking generals.It will definitely kill a happy one.

Kou Feng smiled and returned to the carriage.

After such a pause, the team continued to move forward.Like a long snake, the editor's team slowly entered the city, out of sight.And out of town.

During the march of the team, Kou Feng did not choose martial law throughout the process.Only soldiers were sent to guard on both sides of the aisle.It is relatively undisturbed.

After leaving the city, the team picked up speed.Soon another five miles were gone.Here the team took up camp in the open space near the boulevard.

Kou Feng led some of the guards and took a side road to the place where Zhang Fei was stationed.

At the beginning, Zhang Fei was ordered to be stationed in Chengdu. In addition to his position as a post-general, he also served as a lieutenant of Sili.The so-called Captain Sili is like the commander-in-chief of the capital.

Responsible for the defense of the capital.Responsibilities overlap somewhat with Fazheng, the central leader in charge of the Forbidden Army.

It was only later that Kou Feng changed his strategy midway and let Zhang Fei's army hide.He himself spread the news that he was going back to Xiangyang to let the people in Nanzhong relax their vigilance.

Therefore, the place where Zhang Fei's army is stationed is relatively secret.

After walking for about a mile, Kou Feng and his group came to a remote place.There is an open space in the middle, and the military camp is built on the open space.

There is a stream beside it, surrounded by forest on three sides.A very quiet place.

Because Kou Feng had already sent someone to notify him before he arrived.Therefore, at this moment, the gate of the military camp was wide open, and many generals greeted them outside the camp.

Among them, the figure standing at the forefront is so majestic and imposing.

It was Zhang Fei, the later general of Chu State and Kou Feng's uncle.

"Uncle." After the carriage approached, Kou Feng couldn't wait to get out of the carriage, walked a few steps to Zhang Fei, and bowed down.

Now in the state of Chu, there are not many people who can make Kou Feng salute.But Zhang Fei is definitely one of them.

In fact, Kou Feng always called Zhang Fei the rear general when there were many people.It's just that this time I haven't seen each other for a long time, and I can't help it.

"Hehe, Feng'er."

Zhang Fei chuckled and helped Kou Feng up.

Zhang Fei was very pleased to see Kou Feng's sincerity in bowing down.

The two uncles and nephews met outside the camp and said something.Zhang Fei invited Kou Feng to go to the camp of the Chinese army.However, only Kou Feng and Zhang Fei were actually included in the account.

None of the other generals could enter.

In the big tent.Kou Feng and Zhang Fei reminisced about the past, and said with a smile: "This time the Southern Expedition, my uncle's long-cherished wish can finally come true."

"I'm also one of the main players?" Zhang Fei said with his eyes brightened upon hearing the words.

He knew that Kou Feng was going to attack Nanzhong, but the specific deployment of troops.He was rather vague as to how many troops were raised.But now listening to what Kou Feng said, it seems that he is also one of the main attacking generals.

This made Zhang Fei more excited.Since entering the tent of Chu State, although Zhang Fei is a noble general, he is one of the five generals of Chu State.But it is obvious that Gan Ning, Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong, Tai Shici and others are not as good as others.

Because these people earned their military merits by relying on a knife and a gun.Only he relied on Kou Feng's trust to become the rear general.

Although no one dared to say it, Zhang Fei often felt more blushing.Now Kou Feng's southern expedition is really a great opportunity.

"All 12 troops are going." Kou Feng smiled and nodded.

"12? Feng'er has made up his mind completely and flattened the Nanman?" Zhang Fei was startled and said.

"Let it follow in the footsteps of Wuxi, Shanyue and other clans." Kou Feng nodded, his eyes were stern.

"Haha, it's really ambitious." Zhang Fei laughed.

Looking at Kou Feng today, Zhang Fei couldn't help but think of the immature Kou Feng in Xinye in the past.Who would have thought of that little general in Xinye.

It has grown to where it is now.

Dominating the southeast, with millions of people.With hundreds of thousands of armor.Opening your mouth is killing people.And not once or twice.This is the third time.

In the direction of the army, all non-our races will be wiped out.

That day, Kou Feng and Zhang Fei chatted for a while in the camp.Then Zhang Fei started to raise troops to fight against Kou Feng's army at the camp five miles south of the city.

Since then, 12 troops marched south.Civil servants and generals including Fazheng, Meng Da, Zhang Song, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Yan Yan, Zhang Ren, and Wu Yi.

With such a strong lineup, the crusade against the barbarians in Nanzhong.

Early the next morning, the army completely tore up the camouflage.Abandoning the family members and clans of the officials who followed, they brazenly sent troops to the south.

"It turned out that it was Ming Xiu's plank road, and it was hidden in Chen Cang."

In a carriage on the way back to Chengdu, Wu Cheng's face revealed a dazed look.

After Kou Feng abandoned the family members of the officials, the family members were led by some officials and returned to Chengdu along the way they came from.Since then, the news of Kou Feng's southern expedition is no longer a secret.

The doubts that had been trapped in Wu Cheng's heart for many days finally came to light.

I have to admire Kou Feng's courage. In order to make the people in Nanzhong relax their vigilance, he did not hesitate to risk the turmoil in Sichuan and conceal his purpose.

Convene or even coerce a large number of officials, family members of wealthy families, and clans to migrate.

Still, it's all worth it.It is estimated that the people in Nanzhong are rejoicing now.But the next ones to meet them were soldiers from Chu State.

Although Chu State occupies the middle of Shu.It sounds like an invasion.But isn't it all the same whoever occupies Shuzhong?Everyone is Han Chinese.same family.

It's just that the title of Han people may be replaced by Chu people in the future.But the remaining blood is the same after all.

It's better than aliens.If it can help the people in central Shu to pacify this Nanman.It is also the blessing of the people in Sichuan.The prestige of Chu Jun and Kou Gong in Shu can also be as high as the sky.

Han Sui laid a solid foundation for Chu's future center of gravity to gradually move westward into Chengdu and attack Ma Teng in the north.

"My guess is still correct. Chu's development will always be inclined to the west." Wu Yan smiled slightly in his heart.

Analyze and analyze the situation in the world to see the development direction of Chu State.It is one of the few joys in Wu Cheng's heart.


Nanzhong Yunnan City.

The weather today is fine and cloudless. It can be said to be a rare good weather and the best weather for going out.But at this moment, Yunnan City is extremely tragic.

No one is in the mood for a trip out of town.

Because Yong Kai, the king of the newly established Southern Kingdom, personally led an army of [-] to attack Yunnan City.Although Yunnan City is tall because of the city, Dong He, the prefect, is very capable.

Under his leadership, a small force of [-] troops resisted the attack of a [-]-strong army.

But as the war continued, Yunnan finally gradually became unstable.After all, the cities of Yunnan and other Chu countries have only just been established.

The hearts of the people have not been fully united, and it is all supported by Dong He's prestige.For the local people, Yong Kai is actually a Han.

It's just a Han separatist.The resistance is not too great.As the number of casualties increased, the common people inevitably experienced some changes.

On the one hand, Dong He wanted to appease the people, and on the other hand, he wanted to motivate the soldiers to resist.

It's harder to defend.

Inside the prefect's mansion, Dong He had just inspected the city wall and returned.He was still wearing armor and looked very tired.

"If Nanzhong Yongkai and others come to attack, Gu will definitely lead a large army to help them." Kneeling on the seat of the prefect, Dong He thought of Kou Feng's words in his heart.

This promise.

(To be continued)

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