"Your Majesty, spies have heard the news. Meng Huo led tens of thousands of troops to station in the west of the city, forming a corner with Diancheng."

Kou Feng hadn't been happy for a long time, when a guard entered the door to report.

"Go out and see."

Kou Feng frowned, and then said.

"No." The guard promised, and immediately went down to prepare.Not long after, Kou Feng, Fazheng, Zhuge Liang, Kou Shui, Meng Da and others rode out of the camp, rode their horses towards the south of Dian City for a certain distance, and observed Menghuo's camp up close.

The so-called Menghuo camp is still under construction.

At present, only some fences have been built, and a large number of migrant workers are building them.More are a large number of barbarians guarding outside the camp.

Obviously, he was afraid of being attacked by the Chu army when building the camp.

"It's too late to repair the spear before the battle."

Kou Feng looked at this situation and smiled slightly.

The so-called momentum of cornering does not mean that just setting up a large camp will become two forces supporting each other.It is to get the news of the war first, and build a camp with extremely complete fortifications and amazing defense capabilities.That's the momentum of the fight.

But now that his army has reached the outside of the city, Meng Huo is still building a big camp, isn't it a joke?

"It's a little effort to make up for it. Meng Huo is better than Yong Kai."

Fazheng next to him said with a smile.

"Ah, it's better than Yong Kai." Kou Feng nodded and said with a smile.

The so-called great harm in Nanzhong was nominally rebelled by Yong Kai with the intention of separatist Nanzhong and cholera Chu, but in fact Kou Feng valued Meng Huo the most.

This person is a great harm.

If it can be removed, there will be peace in Nanzhong.

"Your Majesty, you only know about repairing the camp when you see Meng Huo in battle. It can be said that your foothold is not stable. Why don't you lead the army to break it?" Meng Da next to him suggested.

"Middle policy."

Kou Feng shook his head and declined with a smile.

"Here, forgive me for my lack of wisdom and plan. I don't know what your majesty means?" Meng Da couldn't help but said when he heard that he didn't understand.

Zhuge Liang and the others also cast their eyes on Kou Feng, some with smiles in their eyes, and some with puzzled expressions in their eyes.Seeing this, Kou Feng knew he should explain.

In fact, Kou Feng's evaluation was correct. Taking advantage of Meng Huo's construction of the big camp, which hardly had the defensive capabilities of the big camp, he took advantage of this to attack and pull it out.

Firstly, the big camp can be pulled out, saving Meng Huo from building the big camp, and there will be endless troubles at that time.

On the other hand, it can also dampen the spirit of the Southern Army.However, this method of advancing troops will have great shortcomings.So Kou Feng called it the middle policy.

When there is no best policy, the middle policy can also make do with it.But now there is a good idea.

"Today's Nanzhong is known as the Southern Kingdom. The Nanman Meng Huo obeys Yong Kai and belongs to the same faction. However, that is on the surface. Meng Huo is such a powerful man among the Nanman people. He can almost be called the Nanman King. Another foreigner, can he submit to Yong Kai willingly?" Kou Feng said with a smile.

Immediately, Kou Feng glanced at the generals. Some people who didn't understand the reason gradually understood after listening to his words, but some people still didn't quite understand.

Kou Feng couldn't help explaining again: "Their two forces are like rice cakes. The more you beat the rice cakes, the more entangled they become. We defeated Meng Huo outside the city, and Meng Huo would flee into the city. Unite with Yong Kai. But if we relax a little bit and let Meng Huo build the big camp, they will feel a little safer after the fight is formed, and the intrigue will appear again. At that time, As long as a little trick is used, these two people can turn against each other. This Nanzhong will be settled smoothly."

"The way of civil and martial arts lies in opening and relaxing, not to force too tightly." Fa Zheng said with a smile beside him.

"Xiaozhi's words are reasonable." Kou Feng also nodded with a smile, and then he pulled the rein and turned the horse's head and said, "Let's go back to the camp and let them make troubles on their own."


Fazheng and the others made a promise, and returned to the camp with Kou Feng.


On the city, Yong Kai can be said to have seen the whole process of Kou Feng's stay and departure.

Just now he received a report from the guard of the city gate, saying that dozens of knights stayed in the north of the city and pointed at him. He knew that it was Kou Feng, or the general of the Chu army who came out to observe Meng Huo's construction of the camp. .

"I don't know which of these people is Kou Feng?"

Not only Yong Kai, but also some generals saw it.Seeing Kou Feng and others leave now, some generals couldn't help but say.

"I really want to see if this man is really powerful. He has killed so many heroes." Some generals sighed a little.

"Three heads and six arms? It's just a lucky guy." Hearing this, Yong Kai couldn't help but cast a cold glance at the general who was speaking, and said.

The military commander immediately knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and he couldn't help lowering his head deeply.

"The widow estimates that Kou Feng is indeed among the dozens of horsemen, and the one riding the white horse is probably the one." After glancing at the general, Yong Kai withdrew his gaze, pointed to the dozens of horsemen ahead, and said.

In fact, general generals seldom ride white horses, and white horses are mostly used for viewing or hunting.Because it is too dangerous, if a general rides a white horse, he will definitely attract the attention of the enemy.

In this way, the chance of death will be very high.

However, Kou Feng is the king of Chu, protected by guards inside, surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops outside.Qualified to ride a white horse.

Also known to the world.

Therefore, when Yong Kai saw a man riding a white horse among the dozens of riders, he knew it was Kou Feng.

Overlord of the Southeast, King of the Chu Kingdom.

As soon as Yong Kai's words fell, countless generals and soldiers on the top of the city raised their heads one after another, looking at the legendary man who had three heads and six arms and wiped out all heroes.

Although Yong Kai said just now that Kou Feng was just a lucky guy.But obviously these generals and soldiers don't think so.


Yong Kai's face was very ugly, and he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything to reprimand him.Can't stop Yoyo's mouth.

"Send someone to notify General Meng. It is said that Kou Feng came to inquire about the situation in person. Maybe after a while, the army will attack the camp." After a while, Yong Kai ordered.


A small official made a promise and left immediately.

Immediately, Yong Kai raised his head and faced the north again.With a serious look on his face, Yong Kai didn't know what Kou Feng was thinking at the moment.However, according to the art of war, it should take advantage of Meng Huo's unstable foothold to attack, pull out the camp, and defeat Meng Huo in order to boost morale.

This is common sense inference.

And Yong Kai was also afraid of this.Can Meng Huo hold the big camp, and can they form a corner?This can be related to Jiangshan Sheji.

"Meng Huo, Meng Huo, this time the widow depends entirely on you."

Yong Kai said to himself in his heart.

Camp west of the city.

Meng Huo was going into battle shirtless, personally urging the barbarians and civilians to build a big camp.

"General, the king sent me to tell the general that Kou Feng personally led dozens of cavalry, observing from the north, it is very likely that he will lead troops to attack."

At this time, a small official sent by Yong Kai came to Meng Huo and reported.

"The Chu army's attack is a matter of course if the foothold is not stable. It would be a secret if the troops stay still." Meng Huo nodded and said, obviously as expected.

"Send the order, the soldiers step up their guard. Anyone who dares to relax will be dealt with by military law." Immediately, Meng Huo ordered.


The messenger beside him promised, and after a while, the news of Meng Huo reached the ears of the generals of the army.The entire Nanman army was shocked by it.

Began to welcome the Chu army's attack with vigor.

However, Meng Huo and Yong Kai put all their efforts on guard, but what they got in the end was tranquility.With almost no wind and no obstruction, it took Meng Huo only three days to forcibly build a large camp that could accommodate [-] to [-] troops.

Daying stretches for more than ten miles, and the difference between the left and Diancheng is only one or two miles.Go north and confront Kou Feng's camp of Chu State.It formed a corner with Diancheng, forming a barrier to stop the Koufeng army.

But when the big camp was built, Meng Huo and Yong Kai suspected that they were in a dream.

It went so well, everything went so well.Originally, according to the art of war, they built the camp just before the battle. It was the most correct way for the Chu army to take advantage of the situation to attack when they were at their weakest.

Both Meng Huo and Yong Kai were ready to fight to the death.

But the Chu army did not make a move. On the one hand, Meng Huo and Yong Kai felt the uncomfortable feeling of punching cotton and making people vomit blood.

On the other hand, they also have deep doubts and even feel uneasy.

Who is Kou Feng?The overlord of the southeast has swept countless heroes, so he can be called the hero terminator.Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Liu Biao, and even Cao Cao have all suffered under Kou Feng's hands, such as Liu Bei and others are like yesterday's yellow flowers, disappearing without a trace.

Such a person, who dares to say that he does not know the power of the army?

Even if Kou Feng doesn't understand.But with so many famous people under his command, there are always one or two who are knowledgeable in military affairs and are confidantes, right?

But such a good opportunity, he did not attack.

In fact, both Yong Kai and Meng Huo were happy because Kou Feng did not take the opportunity to attack.Now that the big camp has been built, it can be said that the trend of smashing corners has been formed.

They are guaranteed to resist and even resist Kou Feng's attack.

But on the other hand, they had to guess why Kou Feng didn't attack.This is too unreasonable, abnormality must be a demon.

"Hey, what the hell is this Kou Feng up to?" Yong Kai muttered to himself in the study of the South Palace in the city.

The so-called Nanwang Palace is actually Yongkai's mansion in the past. With a little polish, it can be called a palace.However, no matter how you say it is called the palace, Yong Kai himself is enjoying himself.

However, because Kou Feng hadn't attacked in the past three days, he couldn't eat, and he was very, very worried that he would fall into Kou Feng's tricks, which would lead to his defeat and death.

(To be continued)

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