"If I hadn't placed people in your guards, wouldn't I be on the spot today." At this moment, Meng Huo hadn't completely rushed out yet, when he heard Yong Kai's roar, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Brother, what else do you want to say to him. Let's go out first and then talk." Meng You persuaded him.

When he was speaking, Meng You had already rushed out, the Wei knife flashed wildly in his hand, and chopped three or five people in a row.

"Yong Kai, you will regret it." Meng Huo snorted coldly at Yong Kai, then drew his Wei knife and rushed over.Just like what Meng You said, it's better to rush out and talk now.

Although Meng Huo placed a lot of people in the guards, they were not enough to really confront Yong Kai.Although Meng Huo bought a guard of the city wall, it was still not enough.

Because there are still a large number of Yong Kai's soldiers and horses in this city.

In addition, although Meng Huo hated Yong Kai very much, he didn't want to fight with Yong Kai and consume his power.Now, it's better to rush out as soon as possible.

"Puchi, puchi."

Yong Kai and Li Dong arranged 300 swordsmen and axes in the palace, but more than ten of them were Meng Huo's spies, which caused great confusion.

After a burst of random killings, these guards couldn't tell the enemy from ourselves.Be very wary of each other.

This gave Meng Huo, Meng You and more than a dozen people a chance. In addition, Meng Huo and Meng You are both fierce generals of the Southern Barbarians, who can tear tigers and leopards. Siege.

Rush out towards the outside of the hall.

"Pursue. Mobilize the army to chase and kill." Yong Kai never thought that there would be Meng Huo's spy among his guards, but never thought that [-] guards were ambushing and were rushed out by Meng Huo up.

His face turned blue with anger, and he roared.

"Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry. Even if Meng Huo placed a spy in the King's guard, which led to the failure of the assassination, the city is still ours after all. Most of the soldiers are loyal to the King. As long as Meng Huo is in the city, He won’t be able to kill him. Slowly mobilize the army to search and arrest.”

Li Dong persuaded from the side.

The [-] knives and axes in ambush were all Yong Kai's own guards, and some of them had even followed Yong Kai for more than ten years.Mobilize this army to ambush Meng Huo.

Li Dong never thought that there would be an accident, but he didn't expect Meng Huo to hide even deeper.

This also raises a problem, Yong Kai and Meng Huo have never really trusted each other.

"It's no wonder that Kou Feng's little cover-up can make us kill each other." Li Dong smiled wryly in his heart.

"Yeah." Yong Kai took a breath and nodded to Li Dong.

The reason is this, in the city, Meng Huo should not be able to fly out.However, this time the murder failed, and a little cloud could not help but rise in Yong Kai's heart.

I don't know what happened to the mutiny in the barbarian camp outside the city.

…… After Meng Huo, Meng You and others rushed out of the main hall, they rushed towards the entrance of the palace.Because of the shouts of killing, Meng Huo brought him into the city, but dozens of guards who were placed in other places rushed to meet Meng Huo immediately.

In this way, the number of guards beside Meng Huo reached about 80 people.

There were two to three hundred guards chasing after him, and countless guards came from all directions.

"rush out."

Seeing that there were more and more Yong Kai guards around, Meng Huo's expression became more and more dignified, he let out a loud roar, and rushed out in the lead.

"Puchi, puchi."

"Ah, ah, ah."

With a sound of sword slashing and screams, Meng Huo and others rushed out after paying most of the casualties.When they entered near the gate of the South Palace.

Meng Huo's body was full of blood, which was guarded by Yong Kai and his own.But this Nanman man looked as usual, and he didn't seem to have any discomfort.

Most of the guards behind him were also injured.Only about 40 people remained.


There were also horses that Meng Huo and others rode when they came. Meng Huo got on the horse, reined in the horse, roared, and rushed out first.


Dozens of guards behind him roared wildly and rushed towards the west of the city.

For Meng Huo and others, the West is the only way out.


Behind them are countless Yong Kai guards who came up after frantically chasing and killing them. These guards also straddle their horses and hold Wei Dao in their hands. They are very sturdy.

"Tick, tick."

"Ah, ah, ah."

The sound of messy horseshoes, miserable screams, and the sound of swords colliding.In this city, Meng Huo and Yong Kai started to bite each other frantically.

Just because of Kou Feng's little cover-up, the two ferocious beasts started to kill each other.Moreover, he would never hold back his hands, biting hard and killing fiercely.

But Meng Huo and the others escaped faster after all, and after paying some price again, they came to the gate of the west city.

"What's going on, why is the city gate open?"

The guards in charge of chasing Meng Huo behind him were at the time of joy. After all, no matter where Meng Huo fled in the city, he was still a dog.

As the so-called closed door beats dogs, one hits one.

But the city gate was open.This made the pursuers behind them startled, and many of them shouted loudly.

"Close the city gate quickly, close the city gate quickly."

"Hmph, close the city gate?" Meng Huo snorted coldly, and shouted towards the front: "Lead your troops out quickly, we don't want the city gate, we don't want anything, let's go back to the deep mountains and old forests, and see Yong Kai being killed." The Chu army is abusive."

"Promise." The guard at the gate of the city made a promise, and immediately led his loyal soldiers down the wall, following behind to open the way for Meng Huo.

"Traitor, traitor."

The defenders of their own side actually obeyed Meng Huo's order, and the pursuers behind them yelled and shouted in anger, but they could only watch helplessly as Meng Huo rushed out of the city and left in the dust.

If Meng Huo was imprisoned in the city, they would definitely kill him, or even capture him alive, but now Meng Huo is gone.

The guards reined in their horses and stopped, looking around blankly.

The news quickly spread back to the South Palace.

"What, Meng Huo escaped?"

After hearing the news, Yong Kai couldn't believe his ears.Even if their guards were a bit improper, Meng Huo rushed out of the palace.

But the gates on all sides belonged to him, so Meng Huo was able to escape.

"Yes, Deng Kai, the guard at the west gate, let Meng Huo go." said the guard who came to report.

"Deng Kai." Yong Kai was taken aback for a moment, and then became furious.

"The bad widow is a big deal, this person."

"Your Majesty, now is not the time to talk about these things. Originally Meng Huo should have been murdered in the city. Only with such careful work outside the city can he recruit Meng Huo's barbarians into the city to defend against the Chu army. But now Meng Huo has fled. The big plan, I am afraid, is stillborn. The most urgent thing is that it is no longer the time to worry about Meng Huo, but how to deal with the army of Chu State." Beside, Li Dong persuaded.

"Consider? Treat?"

Yong Kai's whole body suddenly collapsed, almost limp on the throne.

Yong Kai knew what Li Dong meant. They fell into Kou Feng's plan to separate them, and his plan to annex Meng Huo failed.If Meng Huo can be successfully annexed, it can barely be said that there will be an army of 13, which can rely on the city to resist.

But his failure now means that he only has 20 to [-] troops.Even if the city is tall and the walls are thick, it can't stop the [-] Chu army.

Furthermore, in order to let Meng Huo do his best.He has already given all the Wei swords to Meng Huo, and the soldiers in the city are holding ordinary swords, how can they compete with the Chu army?

The difference in strength made Li Dong say this.Consider, treat.It means whether to stick around and wait to be wiped out, or to surrender.

Waiting to be annihilated, at least the vigor of death.Before being annihilated, he could still enjoy Nan Wang's addiction.Surrender is precarious. It may be fine now, but in the future, Kou Feng may find any reason to kill him.

"In the end how to do?"

Yong Kai felt confused.

In the past, he was very powerful in Nanzhong, even Meng Huo had to obey his orders.Because of Meng Huo's capital, Yong Kai led his troops against Liu Zhang many times.

There is a great momentum to separate Nanzhong and stand on its own.It can be said that there are thousands of weather, and Nanzhong is king.

Recently, he thought that Kou Feng was going to lead an army back to Xiangyang, so he excitedly became the king of Nanzhong, nicknamed Nanwang.He led the army to attack Yunnan.

There is a kind of spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers.But in Yunnan, he was defeated by a little Dong He, a guy who was almost unknown.

Then in the capital city, Kou Feng used a small conspiracy and tricks to make him dizzy.And Meng Huo killed each other.Beheaded off his powerful arm.

Now it is finally sitting in a lonely city, with no reinforcements outside and no strong army inside.What kind of king are you still calling, what kind of hegemony are you still trying to do.

At this moment, Yong Kai felt extremely regretful. If he had known today, he should have surrendered sincerely in the first place and led countless cities in Nanzhong to surrender to Chu.

Maybe he can win a hero and get the title of Marquis.But no matter how Yong Kai regretted it, everything was a foregone conclusion.His arrogance, his ambition to be king, ruined himself.

"The widow is here."

Looking at the messy hall, Yong Kai let out a miserable laugh.

………………… Nanban camp.

After Meng Huo and others left, the secret work arranged by Yong Kai in the camp began to receive the Nanman army.Xi Zuo found an excuse to detain all the important generals in the army.

Then began to wait for news from the city.

However, what they waited for was Meng Huo's return.

Meng Huo is basically the barbarian king of Nanzhong, and his prestige among the Nanman people is extremely high.As soon as he sacrificed himself for a while, countless barbarians waited for orders and hacked a few small workers into meat.

"Brother, what should I do now?"

In the big tent of the Chinese army, there were still pools of blood. Meng Huo, Meng You, and some surviving generals were all sitting there.After a long silence, Meng You asked Meng Huo.

"This is a lesson for me. We will no longer trust the Han people. From then on, I am known as the barbarian king. Don't they Han people regard us as barbarians? Then I will show them the barbarism. Immediately go back to the tribe and entangle Nanzhong All the barbarians resisted the Chu army."

Meng Huo slowly raised his head and said.

Meng Huo is a member of the Nanman tribe, but Nanzhong is not only the Nanman tribe, there are also some other ethnic minorities, all of whom are soldiers.

It doesn't matter if you are a mob or a mantis is a chariot.

Meng Huo decided to deal with Kou Feng to the end.

"It should have been like this a long time ago." Meng You shouted with excitement on his face when he heard the words.

barbarian king.

Meng Huo should have proclaimed himself king long ago.

(To be continued)

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