"The barbarian king is serious?"

Yang Feng responded the fastest, and said pleasantly.

How sharp this blade is, the fact is in front of you.Yang Feng's army is the most undistinguished, as long as there is no wooden deer to drive the tigers and leopards, the elephants have the power to attack.

Second, there is no bone, there are rattan armored soldiers, and defensive power. If you can get the manufacturing process of this blade, then you can rule the southeast.

Mulu and Wugutu are also overjoyed.

He believed that as long as he had this blade, he could compete with Chu State, lead his troops to the north, and occupy the land of Han.Therefore, they looked at Meng Huo with great anticipation.

"This is natural. As long as I defeat Kou Feng's Southern Expedition Army, I will distribute the craftsmanship of this Wei knife to you. And we will recharge our batteries together. After a few years, we will join forces and attack Nanzhong with 20 troops. Carve up the land of Han."

Meng Huo nodded, speaking boldly.

Meng Huo has ruled Nanzhong for many years, so he naturally has a special personality charm. He is bold, generous, and honest.So the clansmen joined, and these words came from the heart.

What is said must come true.

Mu Lu and the other three also believed in Meng Huo, and they were overjoyed when they heard this, and clasped their fists together and said, "The barbarian king is really bold."

At this moment, the three of them fought against the state of Chu, and their desire to carve up the land of Han became extremely strong, and their morale was also extremely high.As long as you have this knife.

The three of them cast their eyes on Meng You's waist.At this moment, the sharp blade has been sheathed.

Seeing this, Meng Huo couldn't help saying: "Actually, I don't want to hand over this craft to you now, because the forging of this knife is extremely complicated, and it takes a long time to complete the knife. If we can't defeat the Chu people, we can't forge it with peace of mind. But I still have [-] of these Wei knives here, and I can give each of you [-] as a gift for helping you resist Kou Feng this time."

There is also this benefit.

Mu Lu and the others, who had already longed for Wei Dao, were suddenly surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Thank you Man Wang." "The Chu army invaded. As a neighbor, it is natural to help resist. But the Man King is kind, so it is disrespectful."

After all, Mu Lu and the others were barbarians, and they didn't know what politeness meant, so they said one after another.

"With everyone's help, Kou Feng will definitely be on the spot in this battle." Meng Huo was also quite happy, and said with a toast.

"Definitely let Kou Feng often be as powerful as us southerners."

"We must let him return home without a feather."

"Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to kill him and expose his corpse to the wilderness?"

"Hahaha." Meng Huo laughed.

"Hahahahaha." Everyone also laughed and raised their glasses.


Yu Yuancheng.

As the city was occupied by the Chu army, it also became a county in Nanzhou under the name of Chu.Dong He, who is the governor of Nanzhou, has already sent several officials over.

Among them, Kou Feng, the chief officer, met and was appointed as the county magistrate.Together with his few entourage officials, Yu Yuancheng's civil service system was simply constructed.

During this time, countless grains also flowed into the city.Numerous granaries were built in the city.This city will serve as the forward base of the Southern Expedition and be protected with great care.

With the gradual increase of food, the opportunity for the Chu army to leave the city is approaching day by day.

This day, the wind is peaceful and beautiful.

Kou Feng led [-] troops to guard Yuyuan City with generals Meng Da, Zhang Ren, and Yan Yan.He personally led an army of [-] to go deep into the south to conquer Meng Huo.

On the one hand, Kou Feng wanted Meng Da and the others to guard Nanzhong, and now he could build a fortification in Yuyuan City, and after the Chu army retreated, he would be responsible for exterminating the small group of barbarians.

On the other hand, build roads, cut down forests, increase connections between South and Central China, and prevent the emergence of any separatist forces.

In the end, Kou Feng regarded the Nanman as a mob. Although they each had their own specialties, they really thought highly of them when they sent 12 troops to fight against them.

Eighty thousand troops are enough.

After traveling for tens of miles, the army arrived at the tropical rainforest, which Meng Huo and others regarded as a natural barrier and an important obstacle for the Han people of all dynasties to stop here.

The rainforest is dense and stretches as far as the eye can see.

It looks gloomy and gloomy, but it actually hides murderous intentions, such as miasma, poisonous snakes, and ferocious beasts.The general Han people would not enter here, only the barbarians who drink blood would occupy here.

"I really want to burn this place with a torch." The army stopped outside the rainforest, watching the scene before him, Kou Feng had this thought in his heart.

If it were placed in modern times, it is estimated that Kou Feng would be pointed at the spine and scolded for destroying nature, and all the high hats will be put down.But in this era, it is a coup to pacify Nanzhong.

The reason why Nanzhong was difficult to pacify and the reason why Nanman was able to defend against the attack of the Han people was because of so many rainforests.

As long as the fire is all burned, how can the southern barbarians be the opponents of the Han people.

"It's difficult. The soldiers of Emperor Xiaowu's Southern Expedition were also harmed by this rainforest. Due to too many casualties, they had to stop here, so that the forces of the barbarians survived. They also thought about it. Burn the fire, and put it into action. But there is a lot of rain in the south, and the rainforest is not dry, so it can't be burned." Fazheng said with a sigh.

"The only way to do this is to cut down the rainforest, expand roads, and strengthen connections between different places." Zhang Song, who was beside him, also said.

"It seems that the pressure on Dong He, the governor of Nanzhou, is not low." Kou Feng sighed slightly when he heard the words, it would be great if he could burn it down, but Fazheng was right.

Burning such a large piece of rainforest seems unlikely.Unless it's in the dry north.To burn down such a large forest.

However, if we rely solely on Nanzhong's strength, we may be unable to cut down such a large forest and build a road.

"When Meng Huo and others are wiped out, all their clansmen will be demoted to workers, and let them help us cut down forests. The felled trees can also be transported to Shuzhong and Hanzhong to build plank roads into the Central Plains. They can also be used for civilian use. "After thinking for a long time, Kou Feng finally found a feasible solution and said.

"This is really a good idea. At present, Hanzhong is also short of wood." Fazheng said with a bright eye.

At present there is a shortage of wood in Hanzhong.The connection between Hanzhong and Yongliang depends entirely on the ancient plank road as an entry and exit.However, because the rice thief Zhang Lu was against the imperial court, he burned all the plank roads that could supply the army to enter, in order to protect himself.Some are in disrepair.

At present, Yan Pu, the prefect of Hanzhong, is relatively struggling.And the rainforest in the south that caused inconvenience to the Han people was cut down, and it was used for Yanpu to build plank roads.

The surplus can be used for sale to increase fiscal revenue.It can be said that it is a success in one fell swoop.

However, these things, I am afraid we will have to wait until later.

"Haha, it's too early to start discussing how to divide up Meng Huo's people before Meng Huo was eliminated." Kou Feng laughed.


Fazheng, Zhang Song and others also laughed heartily.

Everyone didn't take Meng Huo seriously.

After stopping for a while, Kou Feng ordered: "After the order, General Zhang Fei and Chen Da, the general of the town army, will join forces. Every ten soldiers will bring three compasses to serve as the vanguard and build the way for the army's Pu Bridge."


Zhang Song promised, and immediately went down to deliver the order.

After a while, Zhang Fei, the rear general, and Chen Da, the general of the town army, joined forces with [-] troops and entered the rain forest with the compass, the secret weapon of Chu State.


Meng Huo has been in Nanzhong for many years, and it can be said that his roots are deep.Although most of the troops have been withdrawn, they have retreated to the south.But there are still many spies in the north.

Of course, the movements of the Chu army could not be concealed from Meng Huo's eyes and ears.

Almost not long after Kou Feng's army left Yu Yuancheng, he already knew the situation by means of special means.

He immediately called Meng You, Mu Lu, Wu Tugu, Yang Feng and others to discuss.

"Barbarian King, why are you looking for us so urgently?" Yang Feng asked after all the people arrived.Here, there are very strong wines, and there are women who are more classy in Yang Feng's eyes. These days, Yang Feng is a little bit reluctant to leave.

"It is reported that the Chu army has left Yu Yuancheng and entered the edge of the forest." Meng Huo said solemnly.

"He just came in like that? That's a rainforest that stretches for hundreds of miles, full of miasma and poisonous substances. I thought that the Chu army would stay in Yuyuan City for a few more days and learn more about the information in the forest before marching."

Yang Feng was taken aback for a moment, and he couldn't believe it.

"Hehe, people who have lived in the land of the Han people for a long time would not know how powerful the forest is. Even without us, the huge forest is a big problem. Poisons, poisonous insects, wild animals, miasma. It may also cause diseases, plagues, etc. Wait, with the weak body of the Han people rushing in, I'm afraid most of them will never return." Mu Lu said with a smile.

"It's true." Yang Feng was stunned again when he heard the words, and then laughed.

"Barbarian king, if he can win a while first and lower the morale of the Chu army, will he be rewarded?" Yang Feng was the quickest to respond, he asked.

"Yes. You all have gold, silver and jade, and it's probably not uncommon. If you can win for a while and stop the Chu army, I will give you food, rice grain from the Han people."

Meng Huo nodded with a smile.

"Okay. I would like to be the pioneer." Yang Feng asked for his life immediately.If it is said that what these tribes covet most is the craftsmanship of Wei Dao, then the second is food.

Food is an important factor restricting the number of tribes. More food can feed more people and conquer weaker tribes.

Step by step stronger.

Therefore, as soon as he heard the food, Yang Feng's eyes began to glow green.

"Why you, I am also willing to be the vanguard of the barbarian king and take this credit." Mu Lu was not happy, and said beside him.

"You can't do it, let me go." Wu Tugu also said beside him.The temptation of food is fatal to them.

Furthermore, in their view, forest warfare is their home field, let alone a small army of more than a hundred thousand, even if it is hundreds of thousands, they can stop it by relying on experience.

It can be said that Kou Feng and other Chu troops were regarded as a dish.

"Hahahaha, the general strives for success and his morale is high. I, Meng Huo, will surely win."

Seeing this, Meng Huo laughed heartily.

(To be continued)

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