Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 900 The Doubts of Wutugu

"How is the injury of the general of the town army?" After inspecting the camp, Kou Feng asked Chen Dao.

He already knew about Chen Da being bitten by a snake.At that time, it was also a shock.In this age of poor medicine, the bite of a venomous snake is almost fatal.

However, fortunately, Chen Da was also regarded as a lucky person, and he survived.

Otherwise, if Chen Daruo died in Nanzhong, it would be a huge loss to Chu State.

"There is no serious problem, thank you for your concern." Chen Da clasped his fists and said, his leg has been treated, and there is no serious problem except for a little discomfort.

"En. However, the matter of poisoning, even if it is a small matter, should be dealt with as a major matter. I will ask my third uncle to work hard and spare time to patrol the camp." Kou Feng nodded, but still instructed Zhang Feidao.

Chen Da should be given more rest time.

"Your Majesty, rest assured."

"Multiple is your lord."

Zhang Fei and Chen Daqi said in unison.

Immediately, Kou Feng finished his inspection and returned to the barracks.The generals are Zhang Fei and Chen Da, safe and reliable.There is already a small trick to deal with poisonous snakes.

Kou Feng can rest assured to sleep soundly.


Late at night, Dalangdian City, inside the North City Gate.

Meng Huo, Meng You, Yang Feng, Mu Lu, and Wu Tugu are all there.Among them, Wutugu has been put on a special scale armor.

Next to it is a good Nanzhong horse.The 7000 rattan armored soldiers behind them are also ready, and [-] of them are armed with Wei Dao, which is very effective in combat.

What's even more awesome is that there is also a group of animal trainers, as well as ten tigers and twenty leopards.What's even more sharp is that many poisonous snakes are also ready.

Temporarily locked in a wooden box, as long as the animal trainer gives an order, it can attack.

This group of combinations can be regarded as the traditional fighting power of the southerners.

"I wish the leader of Wutugu a victory, please." Meng Huo stood face to face with Wutugu. Meng Huo stared at Wutugu for a long time, then suddenly took one of the two bowls of spirits brought by the soldiers from the side, Said to Wu Tugu.

"Thank you Man Wang." Wu Tugu also picked up another bowl, said a word, touched Meng Huo, and drank it up.In the end, both of them dropped the bowl on the ground.

"Bump." "Bump." With two crisp sounds, the bowl was shattered into crumbs.

"Let's go." Immediately, Wu Tugu straddled his horse, lifted a huge iron ax from the hands of the guards next to him, yelled loudly, and led his army to fight out from the city gate.

"Boom bang bang."

The soldiers followed in unison, making muffled footsteps.

"Take care." Meng Huo, Meng You, Yang Feng, Mu Lu and others silently raised their fists and said to Wu Tugu's back.

The south is hot.Even late at night, it is very stuffy.

However, Wu Tugu was born in the south, so he has already gotten used to it.Even wearing scale armor, I don't feel stuffy.It's just that the heart is restless, but the blood is boiling.

It is about to fight against the Chu[***] team in the southeast of Megatron.For any general, this is something that makes people's blood boil.Wutugu is no exception.

"Defeat the Chu army and become famous all over the world."

Wu Tugu had this desire in his heart, and planned to step on the corpse of the Chu army, so that his reputation would spread to the big man.Be in awe of the people of the world.

Answer: The distance between Langdian City and the camp where the Chu army is located is eighty miles away.

Wu Tugu and the others walked relatively quickly, and they traveled nearly fifty li in no time.

"Pause." Wu Tugu, who was walking, suddenly ordered.

"Boss." A lieutenant stepped forward and asked.

"Let the snake driver get the snake out immediately. Go straight ahead." Wu Tugu ordered.

"No." The deputy general promised, and immediately ordered to go.

Soon, huge wooden boxes were opened one after another, and countless snakes crawled out, spitting snake messages.At this moment, strange music sounded.

The sound is sharper and spreads farther.This is the secret technique of repelling snakes of the Mulu clan in the south.Use special instruments to play music that can drive poisonous snakes.

However, not all wild snakes can be tamed.Only snakes raised from childhood will listen to the orders of this instrument.Therefore, the snakes of the Mulu clan are actually around a thousand, not too many.

And this kind of music can be heard by the soldiers of the Chu army at a close distance, so Wu Tugu ordered to start playing here.As long as the music is together, the poisonous snakes will continue to move forward.

Unless a large number of people are found together, it will not stop.


Along with the sound of the music, the poisonous snakes spit out snake letters, made a "hissing" sound, crawled forward, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

What a powerful force this is.

Facing this group of poisonous snakes, Wu Tugu couldn't help thinking enviously.As a branch of the Southern tribe, they are also good at hunting, but they are still very afraid of poisonous snakes.

Because venomous snakes are mostly deadly.

For Mulu to have such an army of poisonous snakes, Wu Tugu would of course feel envious.At the same time, I also feel confident about the night attack on the Chu army's camp.

As long as people are afraid of snakes.

"Let's go." Released the poisonous snake and paused for a moment.Wu Tugu ordered again.

"Boom bang bang."

The [-] rattan armored soldiers set sail again, and headed towards Chu Ying in the dark night following a little light.

After about thirty miles, they were already very close to Chu Ying.

I saw bright lights not far ahead.Because it was dark night, even though there were lights shining on it, Chu Ying could not be seen clearly.But even staying here, Wu Tugu felt an astonishing aura rushing towards him.

The entire Chu Ying was like a majestic monster, exuding a strong domineering aura.It's frightening.

"Very challenging."

Wu Tugu suddenly let out a low laugh.As a southerner, Wu Tugu is also an excellent hunter. The happiest time for a hunter is not how much food he harvests.

But how many beasts were hunted.Isn't the Chu army the most ferocious beast for the current southerners?

But just when Wu Tugu was laughing, a guard hurriedly came to Wu Tugu's side.Although he couldn't see the guard's expression clearly, Wu Tugu still felt a kind of panic.

"What's going on?" Wu Tugu was startled and asked first.

"Boss. I don't know what's going on. The poisonous snake doesn't move forward. Instead, it has the intention of retreating. The snake driver has tried all kinds of methods in front, but he still can't let the poisonous snake move forward." The guard said in fear.

"What?" Wu Tugu lost his voice.

This sudden situation made Wu Tugu at a loss.The poisonous snake, as the assaulter of this night attack, is basically the strongest force.

Let the entire Chu army see poisonous snakes walking all over the ground in the dark.Fear arises in the heart, which leads to chaos.And let go of the hood in the mouth of the tiger and leopard, let them roar to their heart's content.

Shock the mind.

Then, the rattan armored soldiers rushed out.Take away the camp of the Chu army.This was Wu Tugu's whole plan for tonight, Ta thought of various possibilities.But it never occurred to him that the poisonous snake would not leave.

How is this going.

The first thing Wu Tugu thought of was Mulu's frame, although now it is an alliance.But they are still competitors.After all, the land in the south is limited, so it goes without saying that eliminating a competitor will bring benefits.

If he failed, plus Yang Feng's entire army was wiped out.If Mulu took advantage of the situation and rose up, he annexed them.Maybe he will have the strength to compete with Meng Huo.

But immediately, Wu Tugu gave up this guess.Because now that the Chu army is in front, it has been proven how brutal the Chu army is.

Zhang Fei and Chen Da had [-] to [-] Chu troops rushing in, killing countless barbarian families who resisted.Nothing but women.

And I heard that the military discipline of the Chu army is extremely strict.Nothing happened to wipe out the silver.

What a terrible thing.A brave and skilled army slaughtered civilians and left behind women.He didn't kill Yin, but restrained his desire and kept it.

This is very purposeful.

The purpose of the Chu State is to destroy them all, so as to achieve the goal that there will be no tribes in the south, only the Chu State, and only the Han people.Including Meng Huo, several of their leaders felt terrified and cold when they heard the news.

The state of Chu is a wolf, a ferocious wolf that bites anyone it sees.

Therefore, the southerners have basically reached a state of close trust with each other.It is impossible for Mu Lu to assassinate him at this time.

So why?

After getting rid of Mulu's trap, Wu Tugu couldn't think of any reason.

"Go and have a look." After thinking for a while, Wu Tugu said.Anyway, no matter what the reason was, Wu Tugu didn't want to give up the poisonous snake. The existence of the poisonous snake would greatly increase the victory of their rattan armor soldiers.

"No." The guard promised, and led Wu Tugu to walk forward cautiously.Now that he was gradually approaching Chu Ying, the soldiers of Chu Ying would probably notice him if he made any noise.

Therefore, being careful is the most basic.

Soon, Wu Tugu came to the front along with the guards.In front, the snake drivers were sweating profusely, trying their best to drive the poisonous snakes not far ahead.

But the poisonous snakes were very uncooperative, twisting and twisting one by one.It seems that they are very afraid of the front and dare not move forward.

This kind of situation is very rare, and even Wu Tugu feels that something is wrong.

"What's going on?" Wu Tugu grabbed a snake driver and asked in a low voice.

"Boss, I don't know either. They just don't move forward." The snake driver said with a bitter face.

"Did you find anything unusual?" Wu Tugu asked.

"There is nothing unusual about it, but there is an unusually strong smell of wine. It drifts with the wind, and the smell of wine seems to be a little different." The snake driver took a deep breath and said.

"Smell of wine?"

Wu Tugu was stunned for a moment, and then he also breathed out.It is indeed a strong wine smell, but it seems a little impure, it seems that something has been mixed.

However, Wu Tugu didn't take it to heart.

Because Wu Tugu knows that in this world, there is no way to stop the poisonous snake except fire.People in this era have not yet discovered the important role of realgar.

There is nowhere to find out.

Immediately, when the snake driver was unable to drive the poisonous snake.In front of Wu Tugu, there was only one difficult choice left, whether to continue the night attack or retreat?

(To be continued)

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