Really never thought about it.

Wu Tugu really never thought that the progress of the war would be so smooth.After all, when they attacked the camp, they were obviously discovered by soldiers of the Chu army.

An alarm was sounded, followed by fighting and roaring of tigers.It will even cause the shock of the entire Chu army, and then resist.

But they still came in, how many roads did they walk, how many tents did they destroy.Wu Tugu has not counted exactly, but the number is absolutely astonishing.

They broke through the Chu camp and completed this feat.

Even Meng Huo was terrified. Among the Han princes, the camp of the Chu army, which dominates the east, was broken by them.

Because of the excitement, Wu Tugu's whole body was in a state of boiling blood, and his eyes were also bloody.

Therefore, he did not notice the so-called retreat of the Chu army.In fact, it is a series of battles and retreats. It looks very embarrassing, but it is very organized.

It seems to advance and retreat with a degree, very atmospheric.

With the advance of the Tengjia soldiers, they burned down one after another Chu army tents, but no soldiers escaped from them, and they fell into chaos.

In other words, there was no one in the tent at all, and they were evacuated early in the morning, and they went in line.

Tonight, if Meng Huo, Mu Lu, and Wu Tugu launch an attack with an army of 20, Kou Feng may be in a hurry.After all, his army really just came out of the forest just now, and they are all very tired.

He slept more deeply and more soundly.The action is also a little slow, if nearly 18 troops attack.Hey, even if Kou Feng wins in the end, he will definitely suffer heavy losses and get into trouble.

But the enemy has only 3 people, which is very different.

As the Chu army retreated step by step, covering the vast barracks for several miles, the rattan armored soldiers immediately broke into most of them, and the Chu army had even retreated to the vicinity of the central army's tent.

The big tent of the Chinese army is the residence of the generals in charge of the army. It is a place where the generals are called to discuss important matters.

There is a handsome flag embroidered with the word "Chu" in Dou Da.This handsome flag is the symbol of Chu State.How can it be slandered?

Therefore, after arriving here, the Chu army's resistance became firm.

The Chu army began to fight back. With fierce eyes and a sturdy figure, at this moment, the Chu army showed the arrogance of dominating the southeast.Earlier, in response to Kou Feng's order, they ate the barbarians.

Only then will he pretend to be a coward and fight while walking.Now it has retreated to the vicinity of the large tent of the Chinese army, and there is no way to retreat.Naturally, there is no need to hide it anymore.


Countless Chu soldiers roared wildly, slashing forward with their Chu knives, not limbs or bodies, but only necks, and the heads were taken.

"Puchi, puchi."

He rushed madly for a while, and didn't think of the rattan armored soldiers who were about to defend. I don't know how many people were beheaded by the Chu army's counterattack at this moment.

no one knows.

All I know is that the blood they left behind can dye a section of the Yangtze River red.


The screams of countless rattan soldiers before they died, and the screams of the scene behind them witnessing their heads soaring into the sky, and blood gushing out like a fountain, were mixed together.

Slow down the offensive of the entire rattan armored soldiers.

It also chilled Wu Tugu's excited mood.After all, Wu Tugu is also a leader among the southerners who is brave and good at fighting, and is better at leading troops.

He has countless wars all over his body.Although there is no so-called strategy to fight those same barbarian tribes.Run away if you can't do it, there has never been such a thing as luring the enemy.

But after all, he is experienced, and he is better at leading troops, and he is also smarter.

At this moment, something was wrong immediately.They broke into the camp of the Chu army, killed the Chu army and retreated steadily, and burned countless tents.

But they didn't see the soldiers fleeing in disorder.

There are various signs that the Chu army is trying to lure the enemy.

Thinking of the crucial point, Wu Tugu felt a chill all over his body.He shouted: "Retreat, retreat quickly."

But at this moment, Wu Tugu's yelling was useless.The southern army has poor discipline.The rattan armored soldiers were victorious, although they were shocked by the ferocity of the Chu army for a while.

But after recovering, they were all furious.

Obviously they won, a defeated army killed so many of their brothers.It is tolerable or unbearable.The soldiers who are good at hunting all think that this is a cornered beast.

They mustered up the courage in their hearts and rushed forward frantically.

At this moment, no one is waiting for Wu Tugu's orders.

"sucker Punch."

Seeing this scene, Zhang Fei, who was not far in front of the Rattan Armored Soldier, sneered.He had been there a long time ago, and he was the one who commanded the Chu army to retreat slowly, retreating while fighting.

"The dying struggle is the real power, don't take it too lightly." Kou Feng was also nearby, and said immediately upon hearing this.Besides Kou Feng and Zhang Fei, there are also Kou Shui and Chen Da.

The battle of trapped beasts, although miserable, is also very fierce.

"No." Zhang Fei immediately put away his contempt when he heard the words, and began to treat them cautiously.

"Fazheng, how is Wu Yi's situation?" Kou Feng turned his head and asked Kou Shuidao beside him.

"It's ready and can be encircled at any time." Kou Shui replied.

"Blow the horn." Kou Feng ordered.

"Promise." Kou Shui promised, and then sent an order to the messenger.

"Wooooow." After hearing the order, the orderly blew the horn, and the sound was a bit special.It is the horn that is specially carried out for this kind of time.

After hearing the sound of the horn, Wu Tugu's expression changed.

Although it was dark night, Wu Tugu had already expected the current situation.The army of Chu State is encircling the left and right sides.

"Retreat, retreat." Wu Tugu roared even more fiercely.

"Retreat?" Because of the miserable voice, some rattan armored soldiers woke up from the state of rage and hesitated whether to retreat.

But at this moment, the Chu army in front suddenly and slowly parted a road from it.

Kou Feng rode a white horse, and under the protection of countless guards, he came to the front slowly.Then came the commander-in-chief of Chu State.

The word "Chu" is embroidered on that side, and all the princes of the world want to destroy and trample on the flag.


"The king of Chu is in the world, the little barbarians, don't hesitate to surrender."

"The king of Chu is in the world, the little barbarians, don't hesitate to surrender."

Immediately, a violent roar sounded.These are words yelled in the language of the southerners.Although not many people in the Chu army understand the language of the southerners.

But it is still very simple to teach the soldiers a word.

"The king of Chu is in the world, the little barbarians, don't hesitate to surrender." First a small group of soldiers, and then more soldiers joined in.

Thus forming an unparalleled impact.

Although countless soldiers of the Chu army did not know what this meant.

But the rattan armor soldiers understood.He couldn't help being even more furious, obviously they had the upper hand, they broke into the Chu camp.

Obviously it is.

I don't know how much is obvious, but there is only one conclusion. They are rattan armored soldiers, the rattan armored soldiers who shocked the south, broke through the camp of Chu State, and broke the myth of Chu State's invincibility.

At this moment, he actually said that the Chu army ruled the world, and he was satisfied and surrendered quickly.

what is this.

Countless vine-armored soldiers turned their eyes red with blood, and no longer cared about Wu Tugu's orders, they began to attack the Chu army's main formation desperately.Even the more clever officers saw the traces of military exploits.

In front, is Mr. Chu?

The rattan armored soldiers are no strangers to Chu Jun. Kou Feng must ride a white horse when he goes out into battle. Many rattan armored soldiers know this.Now I see a person riding a white horse in front of me, and there is that handsome flag beside him.

Eighth achievement is no doubt Chu Jun Kou Feng.

The clever officers made a conclusion in their minds.

"The one riding the white horse is Kou Feng. This is a great military achievement. Kill, kill, kill." They shouted out the conclusion in their hearts, and shouted excitedly.

"Kill, kill the man on the white horse." Countless rattan armored soldiers became even more excited, shouting to kill and rushing over.

For a while, even the fierce Chu army was a little flustered.Really imposing.

However, this is exactly the effect Kou Feng needs.Kill the general and capture the flag.Although the southerners are vulgar, they know the meaning of beheading the enemy commander and the king.

Let the rattan armored soldiers come at him, don't even think about retreating.

This is Kou Feng's plan.

"Fire the crossbow and hold on." Kou Feng ordered lightly on top of the black cloud horse.

Tens of thousands of troops, tens of thousands of rattan armored soldiers shouted to take his head.But Kou Feng ignored all of them. He has been fighting for many years, so why be afraid of tens of thousands of people.The world does not know that there are millions of people who want to take his head.

Maybe more.

But so far, the big head on his neck still belongs to him.

"Promise." Chen Daying made a promise, and began to lead the Liannu soldiers forward.

Just now, the reason why the Liannu soldiers did not attack was not because they were afraid of the defensive power of the rattan armored soldiers.After all, rattan armor soldiers can defend their whole body, but they cannot defend their face.

With all the arrows fired, there must be many rattan armored soldiers who were shot in the face and died.Therefore, Liannu still has a certain lethality.

The reason why it is useless is, of course, to lure the enemy.

If the Liannu had played a certain lethality, it would scare away their guests.You can't do your best to kill all these rattan armored soldiers.

But at this moment, there is no need to worry.

Because after the sound of the horn just now, Kou Feng had already sensed that the Chu army led by Fazheng, who was ambushing on the left and right, had begun to advance.

The rattan armored soldiers advanced step by step, and they retreated step by step.Countless army tents were lost, and at the same time as the luggage was heavy, all the soldiers who were sleeping were gathered together.

At this moment, it is time to close the door and beat the dog.

Following Kou Feng's order, rows of Liannu soldiers soon walked up to the stage.


Chen Da gave an order.

Countless Liannu soldiers pulled the trigger immediately.

"Swish, whoosh, whoosh." Countless iron arrows with strange speeds were ejected with slight noises.

Chu Jun, began to close the door and beat the dog.

(To be continued)

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