Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 954 Pulling Out the City


No matter how desperate Ma Kuang was, Chu Jun would never give him a chance.There were more and more Chu troops standing on the city, and they kept coming up from under the city.

The monstrous shouts of killing made the Xiliang soldiers' faces change when they heard it.


Finally, when the situation became more and more rotten, when Ma Kuang had fewer and fewer soldiers around him, and when the reinforcements from the three walls had not yet arrived, Ma Kuang finally couldn't hide his despair, roared, turned and left.

At this moment, about two-thirds of the city wall has been occupied by the Chu army.

Not only is Ma Kuang unwilling to fight, even his own soldiers are too.If it weren't for the fact that the main general died in battle, and the soldiers would also be buried, they would have scattered and left long ago.

Therefore, when Ma Kuang yelled to leave.The soldiers all around felt relieved, and they couldn't wait to carry Ma Kuang to the city.

When Ma Kuang was still there, the defenders could barely hold on, but when Ma Kuang led his troops to flee, the defenders finally couldn't resist.Powerless to resist, and unwilling to resist.

They abandoned the Chu army in front one after another, and followed Ma Kuang.

"The city is broken."

The Chu army was not the same. Their momentum became more and more powerful. When they killed none of the defenders, they didn't know that the city was broken. Only then did they discover that the city had been destroyed, and except for those who escaped with Ma Kuang halfway, the defenders had been killed by them.

A loud voice immediately resounded through the city.

The city is broken.

The vanguard led by Deng Ai broke through a city with [-] guards, which was equivalent to the advance base of Chu State in terms of strategic position, Mei County.

And the time it takes is just a few quarters of an hour.

If this is the case, it is not enough to praise.But the opponent he faced was the Qin army with fierce and strong Xiliang soldiers as the main body, which was enough to make Deng Ai look down upon the world.

"Finally lived up to His Majesty's expectations, and the flag has been won." Even Deng Ai, who didn't often smile openly, at this moment slightly outlined his lips, smiled, and was delighted in his heart.

"General, the city gate is open."

At this moment, the deputy general said to Deng Ai.

"Well, take over and search for possible remaining guards in the city, and clear everything to wait for the emperor's arrival." Deng Ai put away the joy in his heart and nodded.


The deputy general promised and went to preside over it.

At this moment, the soldiers led by Ma Kuang and some of the remnants had not left for a long time. The city was a big city, eight miles long from east to west.

It takes a little time to walk to the center of the city, and then take a detour to the north gate to escape.This is also an important reason why the reinforcements from the three walls did not rescue in time.

At this moment, Ma Kuang was leading his troops near the center of the city.

When he heard the cheers "The city is broken" resounding through the whole city behind him, his complexion kept changing.But in the end, it turned into unwillingness.

The [-] guards were not because the Xiliang soldiers were too weak, nor was it because the Chu army was too strong, but because the numbers were too different.If he is given [-] elite soldiers, Ma Kuang believes that he will be able to guard the city.

Because the ferocious offensive of General Deng Ai of the Chu Army's Yokoye would not last long.As long as you defend the previous wave of attacks, you can defend the city.

However, Ma Kuang also knew that it was too late now.They underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Chu army too much. The [-] defenders were too few, and there was no chance of increasing them.

We can only make up for our mistakes from another battlefield.


The first thing Ma Kuang thought of was cavalry, the cavalry that Xiliang people are proud of.Whether it is Ma Teng from Yongzhou or Han Sui from Liangzhou, the troops led by them are all from Xiliang soldiers, and the cavalry is proud of the northwest.

Falling down on pawns, falling down in the first battle.But the news of Ma Kuang has been sent out, and the cavalry will arrive in no time.It is estimated that at that time, it was the time when Kou Feng's army came out of Xiegu, and it was a head-on blow to shame Xuemei County.

Ma Kuang's heart became ruthless, and he pinned all his hopes on the cavalry.

Just as he was thinking, more than a thousand soldiers suddenly came in front of him, they were reinforcements from the three walls.

"General, why are you here? Don't you need reinforcements?" A military commander who was coming to meet Ma Kuang said in astonishment when he saw Ma Kuang.

Ma Kuang almost shed tears.

"Let's go, the city is broken. Let's retreat to the north first." After a while, Ma Kuang calmed down and said.

"What?" Jun Sima was shocked.

He did hear the cheers of the city breaking just now, but he thought it was a trick of the Chu army to make the soldiers in the city uneasy, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Immediately afterwards, Jun Sima followed Ma Kuang and led the rest of the army to flee north.

On the other side, Deng Ai has also entered the city.He didn't stay near the city wall, and directly led his soldiers to the prefect's mansion in the city to sit in charge.

Then he dispatched troops slowly to take over the city.

At this moment, in the prefect's mansion, there are many personal soldiers and strict guards.

In the hall, Deng Ai sat in the first place, receiving the reports from the generals in the army one after another.For example, they took control of the North City Gate and South City Gate, discovered that Ma Kuang had escaped, and so on.

"General, we found the granary, a huge granary."

At this moment, a military marquis came in from the outside and said excitedly.

"Big granary?" Deng Ai was slightly taken aback, and then asked, "How big is the granary?"

"The general made a preliminary estimate, and there are about [-] shi of grain." The military marquis immediately replied.Generals in the army, nothing else.

But it is still very accurate for estimating food. After all, there is a saying that soldiers and horses have not moved food and grass first.

"Fifty thousand shi?" Deng Ai had a smile on his face when he heard this. The food of 3000 shi was obviously not prepared for the [-] defenders, because [-] people couldn't eat so much.

It won't last long.The fifty thousand stones were probably prepared for the reinforcements behind.For example, the cavalry is dispatched quickly, so there is no time to gather food.

According to the current situation of grain storage in the city, Deng Ai can know Ma Teng's overall plan on the one hand.The three thousand defenders were placed in such an important place in Mei County, not only because of self-confidence, but also because of a sense of luring the enemy.

They only waited for the Chu army to attack the city, and then they received the news and led the cavalry.However, it was all ruined.Three thousand defenders did not stop him for a few days, or even an hour.

In addition, there is another situation that is also one of the reasons for Deng Ai's joy, that is, [-] shi of grain is really a drop in the bucket for Chu, and there is nothing to be happy about.

But for countries like Qin, Liang, and Wei, it might be enough.

The loss of a city, one or two thousand troops, and fifty thousand shi of grain is probably enough for Ma Teng to drink a pot.

"I see, you continue to search for the defenders who may still exist. Make another notice and tell the people in the city that anyone hiding Xiliang soldiers will be executed."

Deng Ai ordered.Deng Ai's gaze was very sharp, there was a reason for doing this, as I said just now, nothing can happen if we have to wait for the emperor's arrival.Not a single residue is allowed to remain.

"No." Hearing the words, Junhou immediately agreed and left.

After the Marquis Jun left, Deng Ai said to the door, "Look for the Quartermaster."

"No." Outside the door, the soldiers promised and immediately went down.Not long after, the quartermaster of Deng Ai's army walked in.

The quartermaster is about 30 years old, a very quiet person.

"General." After entering the hall, the quartermaster immediately saluted Deng Ai.

"Immediately go to the people in the city to buy pigs, raise chickens, ducks, geese and other meat animals, and cull them. I want to reward the three armies. In addition, there are about [-] to [-] shi of grain found in the city. You go and count them. In addition , Go check the household registration in the city, and divide the five to sixty thousand grains equally. I not only want the army to have enough food, but also the people in the city to have enough food." Deng Ai said.

"No." The quartermaster was surprised at first, what is this?Reward the whole city.But for a long time, the quartermaster has developed absolute trust in Deng Ai. After being surprised, he immediately agreed and turned to work.

Reward the people of the city.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to buy people's hearts.Because Deng Ai knew that Ma Teng and Han Sui of Yongliang were not good at governing the country, and they used to rely on their laurels.

Later, although with the support of Cao Cao, there was some improvement, but because it didn't last for too long, the effect was not obvious.The people are suffering.

Now that the Chu army is here, the first thing to do is to open warehouses to solve the urgent needs of the people.The common people will regard the Chu army as the king's teacher.With the lessons learned from Mei County, I believe that the cities behind will also think so.

Master Wang, generally the people who greet Master Wang are applause and gratitude.Those who greet the rebels are resolute resistance.

Deng Ai did this to gain fame for the Chu army, so that this war would be further beneficial to the Chu army.It's a deliberate decision.

Not long after, the entire city released two news.

One is that those who hide Xiliang soldiers without authorization will be sentenced to death.The second is that the Chu army opened warehouses to help the people.This can be said to be a sword and a carrot.

Not only did many Xiliang soldiers who hid in the city because they did not escape from the city, or simply planned to be spies in the interim, were pulled out.

The people of the whole city also lined the road to welcome the Chu army, and the hearts of the people were very happy.

The [-] shi of grain was obtained from Ma Teng's granary, and generously donated to the people of Mei County.It has gained huge popular support.

Deng Ai not only took down Mei County, but also conquered the hearts of Chu.

In the south, flags were flying on the Xiegu Road, and the 11 soldiers and horses of Kou Feng's headquarters, who were one step behind the pioneer Deng Ai, stretched on the Xiegu Road.

Because they are all relatively small roads, Kou Feng himself does not have a Luanjia, but just rides on a dark cloud horse.

"Your Majesty, good news from General Deng Ai." In the army heading north, a fast horse came retrograde, rushed to Kou Feng's side, jumped in a fish, got off the horse and knelt beside Kou Feng, and took out a book , report.

"Oh? Have you taken down Mei County?" Kou Feng lifted his spirits, got off his horse immediately, and took the folder in the soldier's hand. After reading it, the smile on his face became even wider.

Did it only take a few quarters of an hour to conquer the city?He also helped the people and won the hearts of the people.

Really did not disappoint Gu.Kou Feng smiled very relieved.

(To be continued)

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