
Qinchuan is a huge city, like a mountain that never collapses, standing on the land in the northwest.This city belongs to Ma Teng.But at this moment, the national flag with the word "Chu" hung on the top of the city, which means that this city now belongs to Chu State and has nothing to do with Ma Teng.

An ultra-small army consisting of five cavalry stood blankly in front of the city at the moment, and a knight at the head said blankly.

They were the ones Yan Xing sent to warn Han Sui, and they came at full speed, almost galloping.But seeing the city in front of them, they knew that their mission had failed.

It is estimated that Lianghou Han Sui has already failed, and they have not seen Han Sui's defeated army come back, so the whole army may have been wiped out.

Thinking of this possibility, the five knights shuddered.

"Master Dubo, what should we do?" A knight asked the leader.

"The lord is mostly defeated, and most likely the entire army is wiped out. I want to go, you can decide for yourself." Du Bo pondered for a while, and said resolutely.


The knight who asked the question was slightly taken aback, but hadn't recovered yet.

"First Ma Chao and Cao Hong were defeated in Mei County, losing most of the cavalry. Now the lord is defeated, and even the entire army is wiped out. Do you still think that there is any future for Liang and Qin? There are only two heroes left in this world. That is Cao Cao, Kou Feng. And Kou Feng's chances of winning are much greater. Even if we want to fight against Kou Feng, we should go to Cao Cao. What's more, we don't have to fight against him. Let's go, this world I’m afraid it’s about to be unified. It’s not bad to go back to your hometown to work in agriculture, with this wealth.”

Du Bo glanced at the horses behind them and said.

When traveling, because Han Sui had to be warned as quickly as possible, he was equipped with three horses and one person, plus some belongings they carried with them all year round, which was a good start.

"Actually, farming is not bad." Another knight interjected, with a tired look on his face.Those who are here are all Xiliang's elite, who have been fighting all year round, and now they are tired of it.

"Okay, listen to Lord Du Bo." Others said one after another.

"Okay, let's go." Du Bo nodded, and led the crowd towards the northwest without looking back.He didn't intend to repay Han Sui's affairs at all.

"Hey, why are these people still heading north?"

At the head of Qinchuan city, Wu Yi asked doubtfully.A team of five people looked outside the city, so it was naturally impossible not to notice it.Wu Yi came to visit after hearing the news.

It is guessed that it may be some people from Xianyang who exchanged news with Han Sui.Seeing that Qin Chuan was breached, he should have been able to guess Han Sui's fate, but unexpectedly he went to the northwest again.

"By the way, it may also be that people's hearts are unstable, and they took the opportunity to escape."

But not long after, a look of understanding appeared in Wu Yi's heart, he smiled happily and said.

Immediately, Wu Yi ordered: "Come here, set up post stations on the main road, whether it is a traveler, or a fleeing Qin State, Liang State soldiers, all provide food and a batch of property. In addition, if anyone wants to join Qinchuan Household registration, become a Chu person. Also give benefits."

"Promise." A small official in the army promised and said.

"Chu is running rampant between Yongliang and Liang. The morale of the army is fluctuating, and doing some work can attract more fleeing troops. That's good." After giving the order, Wu Yi turned his head and looked at the east again, thinking to himself.



In Duke Wei's mansion, Cao Cao was looking at the map.

The map is that of Yongliang, densely covered with cities and mountains.

"There are 25 troops, and they are all elite soldiers who are brave and good at fighting. Cao Hong, Han Sui, Ma Teng, and Ma Chao are all brave and good at fighting generals. Coupled with Zhong Yao's resourcefulness, they should be able to block Chu's edge." Cao Cao stopped for a long time and said.

But having said that, he couldn't hide his uncertainty.The Chu army is fierce and sharp, and has never been defeated. No one in the world dares to confront it.No matter how strong Yongliang is, Cao Cao cannot be completely sure.

"Ming Gong, there is an official document from Shang Shuling Xun Yu, it is an urgent report." Suddenly, a small official came in from the outside and reported the report.

"Bring it here." Cao Cao's heart skipped a beat, and when he heard the word urgent report, he really felt uneasy for a while, and when he regained his composure, Cao Cao immediately stretched out his hand and said.

"Promise." The little official promised, and handed the bamboo slips to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao unwrapped the rope and opened it to have a look.Immediately his complexion changed drastically, and the bamboo slip clearly stated that Ma Chao and Cao Hong were defeated by Chu State in Mei County.

Chu State used a kind of continuous crossbow, continuous crossbow bed and other sharp weapons that had never been used before.In addition, Han Sui went east to rescue Jincheng, which may also be at stake.

Although, even though Cao Cao knew that the Chu army was prosperous and the methods of the Chu army were numerous, it was hard to imagine that Ma Teng and Han Sui were so vulnerable.Leading an army of 25, more than half of the cavalry was defeated so quickly by the Chu army on the plain of Yongliang.

This is something Cao Cao never dreamed of.

Ma Chao and Cao Hong suffered heavy losses, while Han Sui was still unknown.The military strength of Qin, Liang, and Wei between Yong and Liang may drop to 20 million.

On the contrary, the Chu army may still have 30 to [-], which means that the Yongliang gate has basically been opened by the Chu army.Unless strong foreign aid joins, Chu State is very likely to encroach on Liangzhou, aspire to win Yongzhou, and occupy the ancient capital of Chang'an in a short period of time.


According to the information, and the style of Chu Wang Kou Feng, Cao Cao clearly knew that Kou Feng had an intention, that is, to regard Chang'an as the ultimate goal, which is where his capital of the Great Chu Dynasty was located.

It is not difficult to analyze this. It is not difficult to analyze that those who have Guanzhong have always won the world. Qin Shihuang, Gaozu Liu Bang, and Emperor Sejong Guangwu all won the world if they got Guanzhong.

Although Kou Feng set his capital in Xiangyang, he moved his capital to Chengdu after a short period of time.I heard that although there is a royal palace in Chengdu, it is quite simple.A bit royal, but not the slightest bit of temperament.

This means that the gambling city in Kou Feng's mind is in the north.Chang'an.It is very likely that it is Chang'an.

"If Chang'an is captured by him, I'm afraid he will become emperor." Cao Cao held the bamboo slips tightly, trembling a little.The eyes were even sharper, and an aura of a hero in the world radiated out.

The little official in front of him was so startled that he lowered his head deeply.

After a while, Cao Cao's aura subsided.Because Cao Cao knew that it was precisely because of the urgency of the situation that he should find a way to deal with Chu State and save Yongliang's fate.

But how to save it?

There is no doubt about the strength of Chu State.It is probably useless to send ordinary troops there, even if it is an army of [-].Furthermore, Yongliang is a plain.

Suitable for cavalry, Qin, Liang, and Wei, which have powerful cavalry troops, should have a favorable geographical position.But after losing the advantage of cavalry, the plains became disadvantageous.

Because there are no mountains and rivers to defend.The advantage of the cavalry was lost again, forming a situation that was easy to attack but difficult to defend.Therefore, the best aid is to send cavalry there.

And it is more elite cavalry, for example, tiger and leopard cavalry.

It's just that Cao Cao still had some concerns. After pondering for a while, Cao Cao said to the little official, "Go down first. Inform someone else to find the map of the Central Plains."

"No." The clerk promised and walked out immediately.

Not long after, several guards walked in carrying a screen with a huge map of the Central Plains embroidered on it.The so-called Central Plains refers to the area south of the Yellow River, north of the Yangtze River, and east of Tongguan.It has been the coveted land of princes since ancient times.

Now, everything is under Cao Cao's control.It should be said that Cao Cao is the authentic one in the world, while Chu State, which is in the southeast, should be a barbarian outside the Central Plains.

However, Cao Cao glanced at the map and sighed.

After a long time, he put away the sigh in his heart.Instead, he focused on the map, first Yangzhou, and then Wancheng.These two sides are guarded by Xu Shu, Huang Zhong and others from Chu State, and there is no movement at present.

But definitely not to be ignored.

Cao Cao rode [-] tigers and leopards and put them in Xudu.In order to deter Xu Shu from going north, Cao Cao believed that Xu Shu, who had no cavalry, would not dare to go north under the edge of tiger and leopard cavalry.

In Xuzhou and Yanzhou, Cao Cao also placed Xun You, Cheng Yu, Xiahou Dun, Le Jin and others on guard to prevent Huang Zhong from going north.

These generals built layers of fortifications as a barrier to defend Chu.Making the state of Wei as strong as gold made Xu Shu and Huang Zhong dare not go north.

And if at this moment the tigers and leopards are dispatched to ride westward to support Yongliang.

Xu Shu will never remain silent. At that time, the war is very likely to spread to Xudu, which is the foundation of Wei State's rule.

In fact, in addition to the tiger and leopard cavalry, Cao Cao still has about [-] to [-] elite cavalry. Although not as good as the tiger and leopard cavalry, it is also a temporary choice.

It could have been responsible for supporting the northwest, but the problem is that Chu State still has a killer move in the north, and that is Lu Xun from Yanzhou. Today's Lu Xun is no longer as unstable as before.Chu State has made Yanzhou prosperous after large-scale immigration.

Lu Xun has a great foundation there, and has an army of nearly [-].

Although Cao Cao also sent Zhang Liao to lead tens of thousands of troops to guard Youzhou to guard against Lu Xun.But after all, there is a huge gap in military power, and Cao Cao had to deploy [-] to [-] cavalry in the Youyan area as a force to defend the capital Yecheng.

Anyway, counting and counting, it would take a lot of risk to deploy any army to support Yongliang.

"We have to save, but if we want to save, we must use the most powerful blow to hit the disabled bandits." Finally, Cao Cao's eyes flashed, and he made up his mind suddenly.

Immediately, Cao Cao sat down suddenly and began to draft official documents.

The general idea is to order tigers and leopards to ride west to support Yongliang.Soon, the official document was sent out.

"[-] tiger and leopard cavalry, the most powerful army in Wei State. In addition to the Yongliang Plain, geographically, it turns easy to attack and difficult to defend into easy to defend and difficult to attack. I also know the methods of Chu State, Liannu, Liannu The crossbow bed. It is not a problem to defeat the Chu army in one fell swoop. The only problem is Xu Shu."

Cao Cao sat on the first seat, thinking carefully.Then, an official document was issued for this purpose, ordering Xun Yu to stick to Xudu.

Cao Cao had already expected that the war would enter the hinterland of the Central Plains, and the igniting of the flames of war would definitely hurt the vitality of the Central Plains, and sticking to Xu was his bottom line.

(To be continued)

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