Shu Han of the Three Kingdoms I call the shots

Chapter 984 Don't be fooled

Chang'an is very noble in terms of dignity.Because it was the capital of the pre-Han period.From a geographical point of view, it is also very favorable.It is located in Guanzhong, surrounded by plains, and has a large agricultural foundation.

In addition, the East is Tongguan.Tongguan is known as the No. [-] in the world. During the Warring States period, Qin State dominated the northwest. The powerful power made the eastern princes fearful and attacked Qin State repeatedly.

But it is rare to cross Tongguan.

There are millions of bones under the city of Tongguan.With this majestic pass, it is enough to resist threats from the east, and to the north is the Yellow River, which is considered dangerous.

In addition, the area around Chang'an was also an important channel for Ma Teng and Han Sui to communicate with the state of Wei.If Chang'an is captured by Chu State, it would be tantamount to cutting off an important supply line.

The only thing to do is to cross the Yellow River from Bingzhou to resupply.

This is a great loss for Qin, Liang, and Wei.

"You can't bear children, you can't trap wolves. If you want Kou Feng to die, you have to abandon Chang'an." Faced with everyone's reluctance, Zhong Yao shook his head and said boldly.

"In that case, how should I explain to Mr. Wei?" Cao Hong was also moved after hearing this, but he still hesitated, and the hesitation came from Cao Cao.

After all, the matter is too big, and if they fail, they will bear the blame.

"Now the general is General Zhengxi, commanding all the soldiers in the west. Don't ask the king's order." Zhong Yao raised his head and looked at Cao Hong, and said.This method is somewhat feasible, but it must have Cao Hong's support.

General Zhengxi was not appointed in vain.

It's not that Cao Hong was a little hesitant, but on second thought, now that he is alive and dead, he still cares about what to do.Either win a big victory and keep Wei Guozuo, or lose a big defeat, and Wei Guo also perishes.

There is no third way.

"Okay, let's withdraw the five thousand elite soldiers from Chang'an and go to Xianyang."

Finally, Cao Hong gritted his teeth and said.

"The general's vision."

Zhong Yao sincerely admired that this decision was not so easy to make. Although Cao Hong is the absolute direct descendant of Cao Cao, the risk is too great after all.

Once it fails, no one can afford it.

Cao Hong himself is also very courageous.

"Don't expect those idiots of the Qiang people. Rectify the army and fight to the death with the Chu army." Zhong Yao turned his head and said to Ma Teng, Ma Chao, Yan Xing and others.

"This is the only way to do it now." Ma Teng said with a sigh.

The situation was unfavorable, and Ma Teng's confidence suffered a blow.

"It's a fight." Ma Chao's eyes flashed, but he was still full of vigor and drive.


In Mei County, in the hall of the prefect's mansion in the center of the city.

Kou Feng summoned Pang Tong, Zhang Fei, Chen Da, Deng Ai and others to discuss important matters.

"Just now, Gu received news from Zhao Yun in the northwest. He beheaded tens of thousands of Qiang cavalry outside the city, and successfully held the Qiang back, creating a good environment for us." Kou Feng's face was full of joy, Happy Road.

As much a blow to Ma Teng as this news was, it was as much joy to Kou Feng.

Zhao Yun did a good job, holding back 20 Qiang cavalry with only [-] cavalry.

"Zilong is really a good general." Pang Tong praised with a hint of surprise on his face when he heard this.

Deng Ai's eyes flashed, admiring him very much.When he was in Xinye, Zhao Yun's prestige was already like thunder.Now Zhao Yun is still in his prime, brave and good at fighting, he is really a role model for other generals.

"It is expected that Zilong can stop the Qiang cavalry. The key is how we can defeat Ma Teng and Cao Hong."

Zhang Fei said with a serious expression on his face.

In fact, before that, Zhang Fei was quite worried about Zhao Yun.After all, what Zhao Yun was facing was a nation on horseback. Their cavalry was trained the day after tomorrow, and they could ride horses at a few years old.

The gap is here.

Zhang Fei also does not deny that with acquired training, it is indeed possible to surpass a nation on horseback.But the number, the Qiang have four times as many cavalry as Zhao Yun.

So Zhang Fei was also worried before, but now the news has come.Zhao Yun stabilized the situation in Xiliang and helped Chu consolidate the interests it gained in Liangzhou.

Has completed the task perfectly.

Then it was their turn to attack Yongzhou and live up to Zhao Yun's efforts.

Kou Feng couldn't help nodding his head when he heard the words and said: "That's the truth. It's gratifying to win, but after all, it's a matter of the past. You can't always be complacent, and you have to look forward."

As he said that, Kou Feng asked Pang Tong, "I don't know what happened to the [-] recruits transferred from Yizhou and Jingzhou?"

Before the Northern Expedition, Kou Feng had already ordered fifty thousand recruits to be recruited to ensure safety.When Fa was attacking Jincheng and sent Zhao Yun to Xiliang, he immediately thought of this elite soldier, so he notified Situ Jiangwan to prepare soldiers to go to Jincheng; on the other hand, he also notified Kou Feng.

Kou Feng did not stop Fazheng from doing this, because it should be done.Even now that Zhao Yun has stabilized Xiliang, the [-] recruits still have to pile up in Jincheng.

A second barrier belonging to the northwest was cast to protect the safety on the left side of the army horse where he was.this is very important.

"We should have arrived in Hanzhong, and we should be able to enter Jincheng in about a month for defense." Pang Tong was very clear about these things, so he couldn't help but say.

After a pause, he said with a smile: "When these 10,000 recruits gather in Jincheng, plus the [-] infantry in Fa Xiaozhi's hands and the [-] infantry in Wu Yi's hands, it will be enough. There are [-] infantry. It may not be able to deal with the Qiang's [-]+ cavalry, but the security of the defensive flanks is completely sufficient."


Kou Feng's face became more joyful, and he nodded.

Zhao Yun dragged them for a while, and then the army returned to their positions.No matter what the next war is, the Liangzhou area south of the Yellow River already belongs to Chu State.

Tianshui, Qinchuan, Jincheng, Wudu, Longxi.A large piece of land ah.

If you want to fight a long-term war, you can immigrate directly from Yizhou and Jingzhou to reclaim the fields. After two or three years, the grain produced on this Yongliang land can meet the food consumption of the Chu army.

The grain road is smoother.

Of course, this is only the back road.In Kou Feng's view, if you can avoid a long-term war, don't fight a long-term war. It is best to clean up Ma Teng and Han Sui tomorrow, and copy Cao Cao's lair the day after tomorrow.

"Where are Xu Shu, Lu Xun, and Huang Zhong's army? Now the tigers and leopards are riding in the northwest, which is a good opportunity." Therefore, Kou Feng pinned his hopes on Xu Shu and the other three, and couldn't help asking Pang Tong.

"At the beginning, it was said that we would attack together in January, but now it has been 20 days. After ten days, it will be the day of the general attack." Pang Tong said.

"Ten days later. It will be Chu's five armies, one of which will destroy Liang, the other will destroy Qin, and the third will destroy Wei. It is really fun to fight against the Three Kingdoms with one's own power." Kou Feng was in a good mood when he heard the words, laughed.

Pang Tong, Zhang Fei and others all nodded with a smile. Although it is said that today's world is so-called [-]%, in fact, Chu State has already occupied [-]% of it.

On the compilation, Chu State has Jiaozhou, Yangzhou, Jingbei, Jingnan, Yizhou, Yanzhou, Nanzhou, and half of Liangzhou.The three northern countries only have Yongzhou, Bingzhou, Jizhou, Youzhou, Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Yuzhou, Xuzhou, and half of Liangzhou.Not too much difference.

In terms of geography, population, military power, and economic power, Chu State surpassed the three northern countries in an all-round way.

The five-way armies destroying the Three Kingdoms together is not due to arrogance, but due to their strength.

If it is said that Cao Cao went south, it was the right time.Now Chu State is the real time, and the world must be unified by Chu State.

"Don't we just look at the generals and their attacks, and we are here to guard?" Chen Da asked, seeing that Xu Shu and the others were about to enter the army, there were flames of war everywhere.

Zhao Yun fought against the Qiang people again in the northwest, but only the troops from their route were piled up in Mei County, which made him a little bit reconciled.

"Don't worry, we won't move, but Cao Hong, Ma Teng and his ilk will. After all, fifty thousand tigers and leopards rode here, and they made up their mind to destroy our army first, and then return to the Central Plains."

Kou Feng smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said confidently.

"Your Majesty is right, it is better to step up the defense first and wait for them to attack."

Pang Tong also said.

Kou Feng is the main one here, and Pang Tong is the second. In front of the two, the others are all small fish.The two masters were slow, even if it was Chen Da and Zhang Fei, no matter how eager they were to fight, they could only obey helplessly.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move, and if the enemy moves, I will not move. If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

While everyone was discussing the current situation in the hall, a small official came in from outside the door.

"Your Majesty, some spies have heard the news. Chang'an's military strength is a bit strange." After entering the hall, the official immediately reported to Kou Feng.

"Strange? What do you mean?" Kou Feng asked strangely, Chang'an, that place is the place he has been coveting for a long time.The capital of the early Han Dynasty.Cao Cao's guess is also correct, if he gets Chang'an, Kou Feng will be ready to proclaim himself emperor.

Truly become the Ninth Five-Year Master, Vega at home.

Because at that time, it means that Chu State is truly invincible in the world, and even Cao Cao is just dying.

Proclaiming the emperor is a matter of course, following the destiny.

"The defenders of Chang'an are withdrawing to Xianyang on a large scale." The little official said.

It's really weird.

Kou Feng rubbed his chin, Chang'an is such an important place, but he didn't let go of troops.

"This is both meat and a trap." Pang Tong also thought so, and quickly guessed that it was a trap, so he couldn't help but say.

"It's a trap, but the material is enough. If anyone has low self-control, I'm afraid they can't help but jump on it. Chang'an, getting Chang'an is equivalent to getting the whole Guanzhong, which is the world."

Kou Feng smiled and nodded.

"However, he underestimated Gu. Ignore him. If you want to eliminate Gu, let him come to Mei County and fight to the death." Immediately, Kou Feng said coldly.

A large piece of fat meat exuding an unparalleled fragrance was placed in front of his eyes.

But is Kou Feng a mortal? How could he be fooled?

Immediately, Kou Feng ordered: "Build the fortifications with all your strength, and wait for them to come."

"Promise." All the generals agreed and said.

(To be continued)

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