"Blood evil monsters generally incorporate the blood evil spirit left by the ancient powerhouses. Their defense is amazing. When they attack, they also carry the blood evil spirit, which can weaken the opponent's strength, so they are very difficult to deal with. ( www>

Jingfeng was surprised and said: "It seems that we have to be careful when we encounter a blood demon beast, and don't get hurt carelessly."

The blood fiend monster is not simple either. After approaching Bi Fan, it shoots out a blood-red light, fast and urgent.

This bloody light is obviously condensed with spiritual power, and it is indestructible. Once hit, it will even be affected by the evil spirit of blood.

Bi Fan sneered when he saw the bloody monster's attack, and then let the blood light hit. The two-color Qilian had already been prepared and swallowed the blood light directly.This kind of attack with concentrated spiritual power is the favorite of the two-color Qilian, it devours Dabu. [

Don't look at the little bloody light, the spiritual power contained in it is amazing, otherwise it wouldn't be invincible.

With the two-color Qilian, Bi Fan seems to be the nemesis of the blood demon beast.

Even Yu Siyan didn't see clearly how Bi Fan deflected the attack of the blood demon beast.

"How did Bi Fan do it? The bloody light contains amazing spiritual power. Even if I make a move, I'm afraid it will take a little effort." Yu Siyan thought secretly.

After devouring the attack of the blood fiend beast, Bi Fan's mind became active, and he was not in a hurry to kill the blood fiend beast.

He began to induce the blood fiend monster and let the blood fiend monster attack.

Bi Fan didn't have a blood blade in his hand, so he couldn't directly devour the energy of the blood fiend beast. Only by using this method to let the blood fiend beast release as much energy as possible could Bi Fan be able to devour it with the help of the two-color Qilian.

As long as he can devour the energy of the blood demon beast, Bi Fan can speed up his cultivation again.

Although Bi Fan is already a strong person in the Soul Realm, the gap is still too large compared to those top-notch experts. What he needs to do now is to gradually narrow the gap.

After a while, the blood demon beast launched dozens of attacks, and it was exhausted, but Bi Fan was still at ease, and his spirits improved even more.

Seeing that the attack from the blood fiend monster was no longer that powerful, Bi Fan decided to end the battle.

"Heavenly Demon Sword - Thunder Strike!"

When the god-level martial arts were displayed, the aura was so amazing that the blood fiend monsters couldn't even move.

It was as if the bloody monster stretched out its neck and waited for Bi Fan to chop it off. Naturally, Bi Fan would not be polite, and directly chopped off the head of the bloody monster without bleeding.

The flame knife was so fierce that it directly evaporated the blood of the blood demon beast.

"Bi Fan, how did you defuse the attack of the blood demon beast? I can hardly defuse this kind of energy attack. I can only disperse it directly." Yu Siyan was a little curious.

Bi Fan pretended to be mysterious: "I have a treasure that can absorb this kind of pure energy attack directly. Of course, the attack can't be too strong, and it can't absorb it if it is too strong."

"So that's it!" Yu Siyan didn't ask much.

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