The Xieyun Divine Sword was evenly matched against the Heavenly Demon Divine Sword, but Bi Fan's Heavenly Demon Divine Sword had been cultivated to the level of Dacheng, and its power was several times stronger than the Xieyun Divine Sword at the Xiaocheng level. \%>_<%_小_说_网原_创%>_<%\

If Liu Menghu hadn't been much stronger than Bi Fan, Liu Menghu would have been defeated soon.

After fighting for a long time, Bi Fan gained a lot, and he became more and more comfortable in using the Heavenly Demon Sword.Moreover, the opponent he faces is stronger, and the more benefits Bi Fan will get.Because Bi Fan might be able to fight with god-level martial arts after using the Eight Blood Fiends, the power of the Eight Blood Fiends has increased rapidly and is constantly being improved.

How shrewd Liu Menghu was, he soon realized that Bi Fan was using himself to practice martial arts, and he was instantly furious.

However, he also knew that Bi Fan was not weak, and if he didn't show some hole cards, it would be difficult to defeat Bi Fan. [

"The evil king possesses himself!" Liu Menghu used the method of explosive power, and Liu Menghu's body suddenly increased by three feet, his body became much thicker, his eyes were red, and he looked very scary.

"Bi Fan be careful, the evil king's possession can increase the power three times!" Yu Siyan reminded.

"Boy, go to hell!" Liu Menghu was very proud, and wanted to defeat Bi Fan in one fell swoop, so that Yu Siyan would look at him with admiration.

Bi Fan hastily used the Shocking Talisman, his Shocking Talisman is already a three-colored Shocking Talisman, which can increase the power by four times.

Although Bi Fan's strength is still not as good as Liu Menghu's, those gaps are more than made up for by the flame knife.

The strength of both of them has increased several times, and the battle has become more intense. Flying sand and flying stones, towering trees are about to be interrupted, and the momentum is earth-shattering.

Seeing that Liu Menghu was still unable to win after using the Demonic King's Possession, he was extremely shocked.

"Who is this person? Could it be that he is also a strong man of the three superpowers, but why have I never heard of this person's name?" Liu Menghu secretly guessed.

But no matter how hard he thought, it was impossible for him to think that Bi Fan came from a small sect in the Tianyu Great World.

As long as there is a stalemate, Bi Fan doesn't want to win. If he wants to win, he can only win by using the Holy Fist of Hundred Battles, so he is not ready to reveal this boxing technique yet.

The stalemate is beneficial to Bi Fan, it gives him the opportunity to slowly sharpen his martial skills and improve his cultivation.

Liu Menghu also had some hole cards, but he didn't want to use them.

The ancient battlefield is full of dangers, and the real powerful enemy has not yet appeared. Liu Menghu does not use more cards for purpose.

On the contrary, Bi Fan didn't have any scruples, and continued to sharpen the Eight Blood Fiend Techniques and the Heavenly Demon Sword. Using these two martial arts alternately, the Eight Blood Fiend Techniques were perfected faster and more powerful.

Hei You had studied it long ago, and he found that the Eight Blood Fiend Techniques were not simple martial arts, and could always be continuously improved.

Moreover, whenever he has time, Heiyou uses the Eight Blood Fiends to fight against Bai Ming, Guifeng, and Whirlwind, and let them perform different martial arts to perfect the Eight Blood Fiends.

Although the current Blood Fiend Eight Techniques are not as exquisite as the god-level martial arts Heavenly Demon Sword, the difference in power is not too great.

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