The leading man was furious: "These people pretend to be ghosts, kill them for me. o(∩_∩)o~~www>

That person rushed out first and went straight to Yu Siyan.

Bi Fan once again used Yin Yang God Calculation and killed a strong man who was in the supernatural state.

He didn't directly kill the strong man in the Divine Sense Realm, just to fight later so as to hone his martial skills.

Afterwards, Bi Fan attacked again, and killed another strong man who was in the supernatural state, and there were seven people left. He no longer used Yin Yang God Forging. [

Before the ten strong men reached Yu Siyan and the others, three strong men fell down for no reason, and the remaining seven were trembling.

"Kill!" This time, it was Bi Fan and the others who took the initiative to pounce on each other.

Bi Fan and Yu Siyan split up the two powerhouses of the Divine Sense Realm, and the five Dongfang Canglong wanted to fight against the powerhouse of the Divine Soul Realm, but it was a pity that there were only two remaining from the powerhouse of the Divine Soul Realm, and Jingfeng and Dongfang Canglong preempted them.

As long as there is a fight, Jingfeng and Dongfang Canglong are always the most active. Jingfeng fights gracefully, and Dongfang Canglong is synonymous with berserk.

The two have very different styles, but both are very belligerent.

Bi Fan used the Eight Blood Fiend Techniques as soon as he got started, first he took the time to sharpen his martial skills, and then made a quick decision.

This place is already the inner layer of the ancient battlefield, so it can't be delayed for too long, and it can't be consumed too much, otherwise it will be very troublesome to attract other strong human beings or blood demon beasts.

Bi Fan's opponent is a strong man in the Divine Sense Realm, and his martial arts are also exquisite, it should be a set of nine-star martial arts.

Fighting against such a martial skill, the Blood Fiend Eight Techniques can improve very quickly.No matter what martial art it is, there are always some characteristics and advantages, these characteristics and advantages can help Bi Fan, he can perfect the Eight Blood Fiend Techniques.

The Blood Fiend Eight Techniques are becoming more and more powerful, and their restraint against other martial arts is becoming stronger and stronger.

Bi Fan's opponent was terribly restrained from the very beginning. Although his level was higher than Bi Fan's, but he was affected just now, and his strength could not be fully utilized, so he was forced to lose by Bi Fan.

You know, Bi Fan hasn't used any hole cards yet, if Bi Fan used his hole cards, wouldn't the battle be over soon.

Yu Siyan's opponent is the leader of the other party, that person is more cruel, but unfortunately the opponent is Yu Siyan.No matter how powerful the other party was, it was calmly resolved by Yu Siyan.

Yu Siyan didn't have any mood swings, she just kept showing what she had learned, honed her martial arts skills, and at the same time found out the details of her opponent.

This time, Wang Zhong, Monan, and Ji Yinglan were the quickest to end the battle. They met a strong man of the same level, and it was useless to hone their martial arts skills, so they directly attacked the killer, and they were killed in an instant.

All of a sudden, there were only four of the ten powerhouses left. These people's morale was taken away, and they had no fighting spirit.

Chapter 140

After the three of Ji Yinglan finished the battle, they just watched the battle from the sidelines, and had no intention of joining the battle.

Of course, Dongfang Canglong and Jingfeng finally found suitable opponents, and they didn't want Ji Yinglan and the others to intervene. [

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