Chu Batian began to focus on fighting against Bi Fan, and he had already discovered that Bi Fan was the most powerful fighter among the group.Read the latest chapter of vip\>

Bi Fan was also a little shocked when he saw that the Holy Fist of Hundred Battles was unable to kill his opponent.

This person is no ordinary strong man, Bi Fan decided to use all his hole cards.

Bi Fan immediately used the three-color startling talisman, and then activated the Yin-Yang God Forging, attacking Chu Batian's consciousness, and also let the soul lock release some ghosts with bloody aura, and launched an attack at the same time.


At the same time, Bi Fan and Yu Siyan unleashed the strongest attack at the same time, Bi Fan used the combination of Hundred Battles Holy Fist and Reversing Demon Strike, and Yu Siyan used the Xieyun Excalibur.

Chapter 140 Nine

Chu Batian did not know where he came from, and his strength is indeed strong.

After being hit by Bi Fan, the yin and yang god who had been amplified by the Nether Soul Rescue Bell recovered instantly.

But the invading Nether would be troublesome immediately. The Nether with bloody aura was difficult to deal with, and its lethality was much stronger.

Chu Batian had to be distracted from dealing with Nether, but Bi Fan and Yu Siyan's attack arrived just in time.

Both of them sent out the strongest attack, and Bi Fan's strongest attack could defeat a middle-level average God-Spirit Realm expert.

Although Chu Batian is excellent, but under the distraction, he still loses.

"Ah!" screamed, Chu Batian was dismembered by Yu Siyan.

Chu Batian was too confident, but he didn't expect to fall into the hands of Bi Fan and Yu Siyan in the end.

Chu Batian also has the capital to be proud. He is not a strong man from the three superpowers, nor has he learned god-level martial arts, but he has the strength to leapfrog challenges.

With his cultivation at the peak of the distraction state, he can usually compete with the strong of the elementary gods and spirits, which shows that his talent is extraordinary and his cultivation is strong.

He underestimated Bi Fan and Yu Siyan, because they were not of high level, so he was unscrupulous, carelessly lost Jingzhou, and was beheaded by Bi Fan and Yu Siyan.

"Sweep the battlefield quickly, and leave here." Bi Fan said loudly.

In fact, without Bi Fan's instructions, the five Dongfang Canglong had already collected a lot of treasures in just a few breaths.

Bi Fan and Yu Siyan also did it themselves, and quickly took away the bodies of the dead.

The five Dongfang Canglong followed suit, took a few breaths, and took away all the corpses without leaving any traces.


Bi Fan used the two-color Qilian's consciousness to scan the surroundings, but he didn't find any strong human beings hiding, so he led everyone away. [

This deal has made a lot of money, so it is only reasonable to leave as soon as possible.If another strong man appeared, trouble would arise.

Bi Fan and the others were very fast and hurried on their way with all their strength, and they were far away from the battlefield before long.

"Today is really cool! It's a pity that those equipments dare not be used. It's a pity>

Yu Siyan said: "Everyone, don't talk about what happened today, walls have ears. Bi Fan, leave all the results of the battle to you, and you can leave my share to my father."

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