Even if Bi Fan has cultivated to the Divine Sense Realm, he is no match for those who are strong in the Tribulation Realm. \%>_<%_小_说_网原_创%>_<%\

Unless Bi Fan can cultivate some supernatural powers and the Holy Fist of Hundred Battles to the perfect state, and use them smoothly, he can possibly defeat the strong ones in the Tribulation Realm.

Of course, the most important thing is to improve the strength. Only when the basic strength is strong can one be able to challenge the top powerhouses.

One day, when Bi Fan and others were practicing in the barren valley, suddenly five strong men flew over the barren valley.

"It is said that the key to the treasure house of Shenxingzong, the Fengxing key, has appeared in the world. Only those who have the Fengxing key can lead people into the treasure house of Shenxingzong. And one Fengxing key can only bring ten people into it. The treasure house of Shenxingzong. Now the three super powers and the powers of the eighteen worlds are all acting. "[

"Shenxingzong is one of the treasures with the most treasures in ancient times. Many treasures of super powers in ancient times have been stolen by Shenxingzong. If you can get one, you will be prosperous."

In the ancient battlefield, it is generally not allowed to use the escape at will. If the escape reaches the place where the blood fiend monsters gather, wouldn't it be death.

These few people chatted while flying with their swords. They didn't know that there were strong men hidden in the barren valley, so they listened to what they said.

After those people left, the seven of Bi Fan gathered together.

"What do you think?" Bi Fan asked with a smile.

"Needless to say, it's natural to grab the Fengxing key." Jingfeng laughed.

Dongfang Canglong said: "That's right, we have been in the ancient battlefield for so long, and we haven't seen a single treasure left over from the ancient times. This time we can't fail."

"Let's sum it up, there are many strong players competing for the Fengxing key this time, we must be more cautious." Yu Siyan is always the calmest.

"set off!"

Bi Fan and the others set off with high spirits.

After a year of hard training, their cultivation level has not improved much, but their mental state and martial arts cultivation level are no longer the same.

No matter how big the crisis is, I believe they can handle it better.

Not long after walking, Bi Fan and the others encountered a blood fiend monster. This time, Bi Fan and the others attacked more sharply, and quickly settled the battle.

Dongfang Canglong and the other seven people have all improved their combat effectiveness a lot, which is the benefit of their improved mental state and martial skills.

Dongfang Canglong, Wang Zhong, Jingfeng, Monan, and Ji Yinglan, after several months of tempering and a year of hard work, they finally mastered the first form of Wuxing Shenquan and learned the five elements The second form of Shenquan.

The improvement in strength made them more confident.

It is not so easy to compete with those big forces to grab the popular key this time.

From the conversations of those people, Bi Fan and the others knew that the Fengxing key appeared in the Wolf Fang Mountains, but a Fengxing key was only discovered until now, which has caused a lot of bloody storms.

Up to now, the popular key is still changing owners, which shows how fierce the fighting was. [

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