No matter how dangerous the future is, in order to become strong, they must take risks. (www>

Chapter 150

In the Langya Mountains, the aura is rich, and the evil spirit of blood is even more serious.

Obviously, in ancient times, this place must have been the residence of the Martial Arts, and many powerful people died here, otherwise there would not be such a heavy bloody aura.

After Bi Fan entered it, he immediately absorbed the aura of blood evil, which was really enjoyable. [

But Yu Siyan and others had to use their spiritual power to resist the erosion of blood evil spirit, and their strength was weakened instead.

Most of the strong men will be like Yu Siyan and others, there are not many strong men who are not afraid of the evil spirit of blood, and there are even fewer strong men like Bi Fan who can absorb the evil spirit of blood and practice without scruples.

The rich aura made the two-color Qilian very enjoyable. After the blood fiend aura was refined, it was divided among the spiritual weapons in Bi Fan's body, the two-color Qilian, and Bi Fan himself.

When Bi Fan and the others entered the Langya Mountains, the first thing they did was to inquire about news.

The Fengxing key was born, but Bi Fan and the others only heard a little news, and didn't know the details at all.

Now there are probably tens of thousands of powerful people in the Langya Mountains, and it is still very easy to inquire about the news.

After the first popular key was born, it was first obtained by a lucky team.

The Fengxing key cannot be put into the space object, and every eight hours it will shine brightly, lasting for a quarter of an hour.

Because of this, that team no longer exists, and was murdered for treasure.

Afterwards, the Fengxing key changed hands many times, and at the same time, the news that the treasure house of Shenxingzong was about to be born also spread.

Afterwards, a large number of strong men poured into the Langya Mountains, and the competition for the Fengxing key became more fierce, and it may change hands several times in a day.

Until three days ago, the first Fengxing key fell into the hands of the strong man of the Tianmo sect, and no one changed hands again. No one dared to snatch the Fengxing key from the strong man of the Tianmo sect.Even the strong men of Tianyun Sect and Tianxie Sect were unwilling to fight with the strong men of Tianmo Sect for a popular key.

The second Fengxing key has not yet been born, but there are more and more strong people in the Langya Mountains. Many strong people have come from the three superpowers, Silver Wing Palace from the Silver Wing World, and Mo Luo from the Mo Luo World. Shenzong, the Yuanshi Sect of Tianyu Great World, Boluo Great World Exhibitors, etc., these top powers have come to many powerful people, and they all want to get a share.

The treasures of the Shenxingzong are so tempting. Anyone who knows the news, regardless of their strength or not, wants to try their luck.

Only now was a Fengxing key born, and hundreds of experts had already died fighting for the Fengxing key.

If it weren't for the strong man from the Tianmo sect to seize the Fengxing key, more people would probably die.

Although there are many strong men in the Langya Mountains, the tens of thousands of peaks in the Langya Mountains are scattered, so it is not easy to meet other teams of strong human beings.

Now, everyone is waiting, waiting for the second popular key to appear in the world.

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