With so many teams, most of them are dissatisfied, but they dare not speak out. (www>

After discussing for a while, several major forces finally selected a strong man to challenge Yu Siyan and others.

This person turned out to be the leader of the Sky Demon Sect, the Blue Devil. The Blue Devil had a great reputation.

Because of the bloody aura on the ancient battlefield, the blue devil is the most advantageous among several high-level distraction-level powerhouses, and his combat effectiveness must be the first.

Although these big forces have made concessions and have not besieged, the strong men they can send are also sure. [

The popular key has too much to do with it, and no force wants to let it go.

"Miss Yu Siyan, do you want to end in person? I won't be merciful, I will be merciful." The blue devil laughed.

Bi Fan stepped forward: "To deal with you, there is no need for Sister Siyan to go out in person, I will meet you."

"Boy, you're not mistaken, a powerhouse at the peak of the Soul Realm dares to challenge me, you are contemptuous of me." The blue devil was furious.

Huang Xinglong smiled and said: "Blue Devil, don't underestimate that guy. He was the No. 1 guy in Zixie Star's experience back then. He dared to offend the three superpowers if he was not strong. In the end, he was not included by the three superpowers. Do you think he is a simple character?"

Huang Xinglong's provocation was obvious, he wanted to kill Bi Fan with the hands of the blue devil.

Bi Fan said coldly: "The three superpowers don't accept me, it's their loss. Now even if the three superpowers beg me, I won't join."

"What a mess, if you meet me, you will die." The blue devil roared.

The blue devil was so angry that his hair stood on end.

"Bi Fan, be careful!" Yu Siyan cared.

"I will be careful."

Soon, a large area was vacated in the middle for Bi Fan and Blue Devil to compete.

"The blue devil is said to be more terrifying than the devil. His attacks are extremely ferocious, and he rarely survives. Those who die in his hands are often extremely miserable. Although Bi Fan is somewhat famous, the difference in strength is too great. The blue devil is A strong player in the high-level distraction state, Bi Fan is only at the peak of the soul state, and there are two big levels in the middle, so I am afraid that Bi Fan will lose."

"The Blue Devil's combat strength is comparable to that of ordinary high-level gods and spirits. Even Bi Fan has a hole card, the gap is too big>

The powerhouses present were discussing a lot, and almost no one was optimistic about Bi Fan, and even the Happy Man was aroused when he saw that Bi Fan was going to fight.

Xiaoyaokuang didn't know Bi Fan's strength, he thought Yu Siyan was the strongest.

But Bi Fan has already gone to battle, so it's hard for Happy Man to say anything.

The blue devil held the ghost head knife in his hand, and erupted with a gloomy aura, his eyes seemed to be capable of killing people.

Generally strong people would definitely be intimidated by the blue devil's aura, but Bi Fan and the blue devil looked at each other, and nothing happened. [

Bi Fan was able to defeat a high-level God-Spirit Realm powerhouse, with full confidence and no fear of the blue devil.

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