The Heavenly Demon Sword is obviously a set of god-level martial arts, and its power is still higher than that of the Earth Demon Sword. It's just that Bi Fan is too weak to display the power of the Heavenly Demon Sword. , I am afraid that the blue devil will soon be defeated. \%>_<%_original_creation%>_<%\

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be a channel of the Demon Sect. I will give you a chance. As long as you join the Demon Sect, I can let you live." The Blue Devil had a good idea. Shao naturally belonged to the Tianmo sect, and he could also get Bi Fan's martial arts.

Bi Fan sneered and said, "I don't care what the magic gate is. I've said it before, even if the three superpowers beg me, I won't bother to join."

"If that's the case, then go and die!" The blue devil was furious.

The blue devil used all his strength, and his power suddenly doubled. Those around him all dodged, fearing that they would hurt innocent people. [

"Look, the winner is about to be decided. The blue devil is showing off his power, and the battle will be resolved soon."

"Then Bi Fan doesn't know good from bad. If he doesn't join the Heavenly Demon Sect, he must die a miserable death."

Most people gloated after seeing how powerful Bi Fan was, wishing that Bi Fan would die sooner.

"The blue devil is really cunning, but fortunately that Bi Fan is arrogant, otherwise it would be very bad if he really let the blue devil get his way." Huang Xinglong thought to himself.

Seeing that the blue devil was finally going to play for real, Bi Fan quickly put away the flame knife, ready to unleash the Holy Fist of Hundred Fighters.

"Then Bi Fan is looking for death, and put away all the high-grade spiritual weapons. What is he going to use to compete with the blue devil?"

"Could it be that Bi Fan has an even more powerful spiritual weapon? Impossible!"

Bi Fan's actions aroused many speculations, and the Blue Devil was also puzzled, not knowing what Bi Fan was going to do.

The Blue Devil felt a little guilty, so he withdrew a little bit of strength to prepare for Bi Fan's sudden outburst.

Just when the Blue Devil's attack was about to get close to Bi Fan, Bi Fan punched.

"The first form of the Holy Fist of Hundred Battles is the Hercules Fist!—Vajra body protection!"

"Hercules Fist, the first form of the Holy Fist of Hundred Battles! — Song of Hell!"

"The first form of the Holy Fist of Hundred Battles is Hercules Fist! ——Ziji Divine Light!"

Bi Fan unleashed three punches in succession, three extremely coquettish punches.

With the first punch, Bi Fan's gleaming fist directly collided with the blue devil's medium-grade spiritual weapon, the broadsword.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, sparks flew everywhere, and the Blue Devil's full blow was missed, and Bi Fan's fist collided with the middle-grade spiritual weapon, and it was not damaged at all.

Just this punch shocked the Blue Devil, and at the same time shocked all the strong people present.

Immediately after the second punch, the people around didn't feel anything, but the blue devil was affected by the hell song, and his inner demons were rampant, so he had to be distracted to deal with the inner demons.Demon cultivators are especially powerful with inner demons. If the inner demons are detonated, they will be troublesome.

And the fist went straight to the blue devil, as fast as lightning. [

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