There are nine Fengxing keys, there is no need to fight against a strong man like Bi Fan for just one Fengxing key. \%>_<%Original_Creation%>_<%\

After figuring this out, many strong men left one after another, and some even greeted Bi Fan when they left, obviously wanting to make friends with Bi Fan.

"Junior Sister Yu Siyan, you really don't think about it and act with us?" Du Feng still wanted to make the last effort.

Yu Siyan glanced at Du Feng with disgust, and said coldly: "No need, as long as senior brother Du Feng doesn't target us, it's fine. I don't dare to think about cooperating."

Just now, when discussing challenging Yu Siyan and the others, there was also Du Feng. [

Apparently Du Feng was still very envious of the Fengxing key in Yu Siyan's hands, but he didn't dare to do it himself because of his classmates. He hoped that Yu Siyan and the others would lose, then he could snatch the Fengxing key openly.

To such a person, Yu Siyan naturally has no good looks.

"Junior Sister Yu Siyan, farewell!" Du Feng's face turned extremely ugly, and after seeing Bi Fan's methods, he didn't dare to get angry again, not to mention how depressed he was.

In a short time, thousands of strong men had almost left, but there were two strong men who did not leave.

The two were fighting there, hesitating to speak, as if they had something to say.

Chapter 150 Seven Join

The two strong men who remained were very strong, and they both had the cultivation base of the elementary distraction state, and they looked very young.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't speak.

"You two, is there anything else you want? Do you want the Fengxing key too?" Bi Fan said coldly.

If the other party has the idea of ​​playing with the Fengxing key, Bi Fan doesn't mind killing them.

"Brother Bi Fan misunderstood, we are not trying to snatch the Fengxing key, but just want to ask if we can join you. We are solo practitioners, my name is Long Yufeng, this is my brother Long Yuxiang, we have been An orphan, he stepped into the ranks of cultivators by chance. To be able to achieve what he is today is all due to luck. I hope Brother Bi Fan can take us in, so that we can also be honored."

The thin-looking man said, "Of course, we will also give a suitable price, and I would like to ask Brother Bi Fan to set a price."

"Oh!" Bi Fan was slightly surprised: "It's not impossible to join us."

What kind of talent is it for two solo practitioners to be able to cultivate to the state of distraction before they are a hundred years old.With this kind of talent, I am afraid that he would have been recruited by the sect long ago.

Either Long Yufeng was lying, or the two of them had a great fortune and had a wonderful encounter, just like Bi Fan.

"Brother Bi Fan, what conditions do you have? Please tell me." Long Yufeng said with a smile.

"That is to join the Six Absolute Adventure Group I created, and you must swear the Heart Demon Blood Oath and never betray you," Bi Fan said.

Both Long Yufeng and Long Yuxiang's expressions changed drastically. They discussed for a while, and Long Yufeng said: "Brother Bi Fan, your conditions are too harsh, we can't agree to them. Because we don't like to be restrained." , If we want to join a sect, we have already joined a certain sect. Can you offer other conditions? Crystals, spirit weapons, and treasures are all fine."

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