Long Yufeng's scheming was even deeper, he was calculating everywhere and always. (www>

Therefore, Long Yufeng and Long Yuxiang began to look for Bi Fan and his party everywhere, hoping to join Bi Fan and the others in their most difficult time, so that they could become the confidants of the Liujue Adventure Group most easily.

It's a pity that Bi Fan and the others changed places from time to time, and Long Yufeng and Long Yuxiang searched for it for a long time, but to no avail.

"From now on, I will search randomly, otherwise it will be useless to search specifically. It depends on our fate." After Long Yufeng thought about it, they no longer searched specifically, but hunted the blood demon beast all the way. Penance, sharpen the state of mind.

The seventh Fengxing key fell to the ground on the tenth day, during which no less than a hundred strong men died for it. [

In the end, Tianmo Zong made a superior move and was even more ruthless, winning the seventh popular key.

Being able to have two Fengxing keys, Tianmozong made Tianyunzong and Tianxiezong extremely envious. Moluo Shenzong and Silver Wing Palace also wished to have one more Fengxing key, which means ten more places. Great opportunity.

If more powerful people enter the treasury, they will always get more treasures. If someone is lucky and can get the inheritance of the Shenxingzong, it will be even more powerful.

Chapter 160 Two Bravery

The competition for the seventh Fengxing key is over, making those forces more eager to snatch a Fengxing key.

Among them, the Yuanshi Sect united the Zixuanmen of the Zixuan Great World, the Daguangming Temple of the Guangming Great World, the Demon God Temple of the Demon God Great World, and the Nihility Palace of the Xiefeng Great World. They are all looking for Bi Fan's trace.

The Yuanshi Sect of the Tianyu Great World, the Zixuanmen of the Zixuan Great World, the Daguangming Temple of the Bright Great World, the Demon God Temple of the Demon God Great World, and the Nihility Palace of the Xiefeng Great World, are even more powerful than the three superpowers. Very limited.

Although not all the strong men of these forces are here, they are already very powerful.

After the five major forces united, a reward was offered, as long as anyone knew Bi Fan's whereabouts and told the leaders of the five major forces.

Now the five major forces are very high-profile, and they have already publicized it everywhere, and they are bound to win the popular key in the hands of Bi Fan and the others.

The five major forces are united, and their strength is still higher than the five giants, but they are all afraid of the forces behind them and dare not act rashly.

When the five major forces offered rewards, Bi Fan and the others had nowhere to hide.

It didn't take long for the five major forces to find out the whereabouts of Bi Fan and his party, and immediately sent strong men to surround and kill them.

Before Bi Fan and the others knew what was going on, they were surrounded. When they saw the strength of the audience, Bi Fan and the others changed their expressions drastically.

Those who are kind do not come and those who come are not kind, that's true.

"Bi Fan, let's see how you escaped this time?" A strong man in the high distraction state laughed.

He is Yuan Shizhong of the Yuan Shi Sect. Although he is in the same realm as the Blue Devil, his combat effectiveness is quite different.

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