Only the Heavenly Demon Sect has obtained two Fengxing Keys, which can bring twenty strong men into the treasure house of the Shenxingzong, which makes other forces envious and jealous.Read the latest chapter of vip\>

The Heavenly Demon Sect was bound to obtain the Demonic Heaven Jade Plate in the Shenxingzong's treasury. This time, ten more experts could enter, and the Blue Devil seemed confident: "No matter what, I will get the Demonic Heaven Jade Plate. Once If it is achieved, it will definitely become the successor of the Heavenly Demon Sect's suzerain after returning."

However, when the Blue Devil saw the calm Bi Fan, his heart suddenly became uncertain.

After fighting against Bi Fan, he had a clear idea of ​​Bi Fan's strength.

In case of confronting Bi Fan again, the Blue Devil has no confidence at all, but he can't give up the Motian jade plate. [

"Looks like it's best to find a way to get rid of Bi Fan and the others." Blue Devil thought to himself.

"I'll count to three, everyone insert the Fengxing key together." Huang Xinglong said excitedly.


Nine Fengxing keys were inserted into the nine keyholes at the same time, and suddenly the door shone brightly, and then the Fengxing keys also released a mask, covering all ten nearby strong men in the mask.

When the mask was completely formed, the ninety strong men disappeared in an instant.

The purple-golden gate was still suspended in the air, but no one dared to break through it.

Just because of that power, no one can get close to it.

Bi Fan and the others entered another space, which was huge, filled with mountains and water, like an independent world.

In this space, the aura was so strong that Bi Fan and the others couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"This space is so beautiful, could it be the residence of the Ancient God Walking Sect?" Xiaoyaokuang asked in surprise.

Long Yufeng said: "It seems that Shenxingzong uses a special formation to hide the location of the sect, and only the key of Fengxing can be transmitted here. Moreover, the places where the nine keys of Fengxing are transmitted are not the same , we see no trace of the others at all."

"Look, there seems to be the main peak. The treasure house of the Shenxingzong is likely to be on the main peak." Bi Fan looked around, and suddenly found a main peak soaring into the clouds.

"Everyone go up the mountain quickly!" Yu Siyan set off first.

It's a pity that in this secret realm, you can't escape the sky, you can only fly with the sword.

Bi Fan and Yu Siyan were still the fastest, but by merging with the Void Crystal, they not only escaped much faster, but also improved their physique, speed, and reactions a lot.

Soon, Bi Fan and the others reached the foot of the main peak, and saw many strong men rushing towards the main peak.

Obviously, everyone thought that the treasure was on the main peak, so they ran up desperately.

Bi Fan stopped and said coldly, "Slow down!"

Soon Long Yufeng and others arrived and asked, "Brother Bi Fan, what's wrong?" [

"I suspect that the treasures of the Shenxingzong may not be so easy to obtain. There must be many traps and restrictions along the way. Let's not worry, wait a little bit and see the situation." Bi Fan said.

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