Bi Fan was able to own the Dragon Diao, which was already a great advantage, otherwise it would be time-consuming and labor-intensive to break the restrictions one by one. ()

Long Yufeng and the others immediately split up and began to test each room.

Before the other big powers came in, Bi Fan and the others had to search for more rooms as soon as possible and collect more treasures, otherwise it would be a waste of Long Diao's ability to cross the restriction.

And Bi Fan took Long Diao, and began to search from room to room.

With Long Diao, there is no need to break the restriction, as Long Diao can take Bi Fan directly through the restriction. [

Bi Fan followed Long Diao into the first room, and found that it was a room for rest, and there used to be a female family member, because there were also items for dressing.Bi Fan took a quick glance, but didn't find any treasures, neither did Long Diao, they left quickly and continued into the second room.

Yu Siyan and the others went to test other rooms one after another. When they encountered a room with particularly strong restrictions, they would immediately notify Bi Fan and tell him the location, and then Bi Fan would rush there with Long Diao to go in and see what was going on in the room. .

"Brother Bi Fan, the path I'm on, the eighth room, is very restricted." Long Yufeng sent a message.

Bi Fan took Long Diao to the Jiedao where Long Yufeng was searching, and found the room Long Yufeng had mentioned.Long Yufeng left long ago and continued to search other rooms.

When encountering a room where the restrictions are not very strong, they will directly break the restrictions, and then go in to collect treasures.

But when they encountered strong restrictions, after they informed Bi Fan, they would continue to move forward, searching rooms one by one.

Outside, Bi Fan felt the strong restraining power, but he still couldn't stop Long Diao.

Long Diao took Bi Fan into the room, which was still a room where a strong man lived, but in the room, there were still many treasures such as void crystals, medicine pills, incomplete spiritual weapons, and top-grade magic weapons, which were placed in a disorderly manner. inside the room.

"The owner of this room seems to be very strong and has collected a lot of treasures." Bi Fan said with a smile.

"Cut, these things are rubbish, what kind of treasure? I really don't know much." Long Diao held his head high.

Bi Fan laughed and said, "Greedy mink, you look down on these treasures, so please show me some treasures that look good to me."

"Uh! I don't have one for now, I'll give it to you when I have a chance." Long Diao said indifferently, after being shameless, he is really incomparable, and he doesn't know who he learned from.

"Nonsense!" Bi Fan stopped talking to Long Diao, put away all the treasures, scraped them off, and left with Long Diao.

Yu Siyan and others also received news one after another, and found a room with strong restrictions.

After reaping the benefits, Bi Fan became more active and ran around with the dragon mink to collect treasures.

The Shenxingzong is good at stealing. All the disciples of the Shenxingzong have their own small treasury with many treasures.

Especially those powerhouses above the supernatural power level, there are quite a lot of treasures left in their rooms.

Bi Fan really made a fortune, but unfortunately he has not found the treasure house of Shenxingzong, these rooms are just extra income.

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