"Everyone, speed up, the more treasures you can collect, the better! This Shenxingzong is really rich, and there are not a few complete spiritual weapons. /⊙﹏⊙bwww>

Yu Siyan and the others kept passing the news to Bi Fan, and Bi Fan went immediately with Long Diao to collect the treasures.

They don't need to break the ban, the speed is already very fast.

However, there are at least tens of thousands of houses in the complex of Shenxingzong, and it is not possible to search them one by one in a short time.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise. [

The restriction outside the building complex was finally broken by the strong men of the Demon Sect, and the entire building complex shook for a while, making a lot of noise.

The restriction was broken, and even those strong men on the mountainside sensed it.

"Damn it, it was preempted by the Heavenly Demon Sect. Everyone, do your best and don't hold back."

"Take out all the trump cards, and the Heavenly Demon Sect cannot benefit from it alone."

The powerhouses of other forces took out their cards to save their lives one after another, and the speed of breaking the restriction was much faster.

They rushed to the top of the mountain quickly, really anxious.The treasure is right in front of you, so don't worry.

"Brothers, the restriction has been lifted, everyone quickly search for treasures, especially the Motian jade plate, no matter what price you pay, you must get it." Blue Devil said loudly.

The blue devils rushed into the building complex first, but they found that most of the rooms were protected by prohibitions, and they didn't even know if there were treasures in the rooms.

As for the unrestricted rooms, they were opened by Dongfang Canglong and others, and it is impossible for there to be any treasures inside.

"Brother, there are restrictions in the room, what should I do?"

The Blue Devil tested the strength of the restraint in the room, and said: "Divide into four teams, the restraint in the room is not strong, five people working together is enough to break the restraint."

The Heavenly Demon Sect happens to have eight powerhouses in the distraction realm, and each team is led by two powerhouses in the distraction realm, so there is no problem breaking the restriction.

The restriction was broken, and there were a small amount of treasures in some rooms, but for those rooms with strong restrictions, the Blue Devils spent a lot of effort, but found that the inside was empty, and there were traces of people coming.

The blue devil was furious immediately: "Brothers, don't worry about these rooms outside, someone has already walked in front of us, everyone rush, we must not let the magic sky jade plate fall into the hands of strong men from other forces."

The strong men of the Heavenly Demon Sect gathered together again and rushed in quickly. It didn't take long for them to see Bi Fan who was busy shuttling through the rooms.

"It's Bi Fan again! How did he manage to enter the room and take away the treasure without breaking the restriction?" The blue devil saw Bi Fan, and suddenly the light of hatred flashed, and his heart was full of doubts.

"Brother, Bi Fan has a magic pet beside him, it seems to be Long Diao. Long Diao has the talent to break through the air, and can completely pass through the restriction." A strong man in the distracted state exclaimed.

"Go, hurry up to them, don't let them take away all the treasures." Blue Devil said loudly.

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