Bi Fan didn't care so much, he directly broke the restriction, and then used a peerless method to directly suppress the Nine Dragon Cauldron. \%>_<%_original_creation%>_<%\

The Nine Dragon Cauldron is really powerful, the nine dragon souls that were suppressed in the Nine Dragon Cauldron roared and wanted to attack Bi Fan with great power, but it was a pity that they met Bi Fan.

Bi Fan knocked Dragon Soul to the ground with nine consecutive punches, and the Nine Dragon Cauldron immediately died down and stopped struggling.

Bi Fan successfully collected the Nine Dragon Cauldron, and first suppressed it in the Holy Palace of Hundred Wars, and slowly refined it when he had time.

"Brother Long Yufeng, Brother Long Yuxiang, let's go out and continue collecting treasures." Bi Fan was extremely excited. [

Being able to collect a high-grade spiritual weapon that is close to the top-grade spiritual weapon is a very big harvest, even greater than Bi Fan's previous harvest.

Not only the Nine Dragon Cauldron, but Bi Fan felt that the two-color Qilian devouring the spiritual fires of the earth veins was an even greater harvest, which he could not realize for the time being.

Once the effects of the Earth Vein Spirit Fire are brought into play, there will be continuous benefits, and even Bi Fan's cultivation can be accelerated.

"Okay!" Long Yufeng and Long Yuxiang were shocked to see that Bi Fan had easily collected the Nine Dragon Cauldron.

Long Diao led the Baizhan Shenggong out of the room, and then Bi Fan let Long Yufeng and Long Yuxiang out.

Yu Siyan and the others found many rooms with strong restrictions. Bi Fan got busy, while Long Yufeng and Long Yuxiang continued to look for rooms with strong restrictions.

Powerhouses from the Tianmo Sect, Tianyun Sect, Tianxie Sect, Moluo Shenzong, and Silver Wing Palace have penetrated into the central area and began to break the restrictions on the rooms and search for treasures.

There are too many rooms, and there are no great treasures, so there is no fight yet.

However, the rooms in the central area are the same as those in the outer area. Many rooms are empty. Not every room has treasures. Some rooms have very few treasures, and there are very few rooms with a lot of treasures.

Like Tianyunzong, there are only six strong people left, and they can only act together, which is very inefficient.

Seeing the strong men of Tianmo sect divided into four teams and continuously collecting treasures, Huang Xinglong was extremely depressed, and his hatred for Bi Fan deepened in his heart.

Fortunately, Bi Fan and the others didn't go to the central area to stir up trouble, otherwise they might clash with other forces.Especially Long Diao's talent of breaking through the sky and breaking the ban makes people extremely envious and jealous.

The blue devil's eyes were red, and he kept muttering: "The jade plate of the devil sky, appear quickly! >

The Motian Jade Plate is one of the treasures of the Tianmo Sect's township sect in ancient times, and its significance is greater than its power.

Being able to take back the Motian jade plate is a great achievement. Now that the Blue Devil has met him, of course he wants to seize this opportunity.

At this time, each faction has gained a lot, and everyone is very excited.

However, the real treasures such as God's Walking Step, Breaking the Forbidden Bead, and Demon Sky Jade Plate have not yet appeared, which shows that the real treasure house has not yet been discovered.

Knowing this situation, Bi Fan became less anxious, and slowly searched for treasures outside.

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