Bi Fan punched, the Thunder God Fist was combined with the Vajra Bodyguard, and he punched Fang Tian's painted halberd directly. [The source of this book www>

The golden light was shining, Bi Fan was fine, but Fang Tian's painting halberd was thrown backwards.

Fang Tian's painted halberd was so fierce that it flew towards Bi Fan again and launched an attack.

Bi Fan punched Fang Tian's painted halberd with one punch, and each punch was stronger than the next. After a dozen punches, Fang Tian's painted halberd had almost exhausted its energy.

"Suppress!" Bi Fan grabbed Fang Tian's painting halberd, ignored Fang Tian's painting halberd struggling, and put it directly into the Tianyuan ring. [

Bi Fan took Fang Tian's painting halberd, and Blue Devil also took the broadsword.

Du Feng was lucky, and took the sword first.

Huang Xinglong wanted to collect the Azure Dragon Saber, but unfortunately he hadn't succeeded, because there are indeed many strong people competing with him for the Azure Dragon Saber.

Silver Wing Feihong went straight to the Meteor Hammer. Because the Meteor Hammer was not popular, there were few people competing with him, so he got a top-grade spiritual weapon as he wished.

Namo Luo Wudi is even amazing, after giving up fighting for Fang Tian's painting halberd, he chose to collect the bow, but he has not succeeded for the time being, and there are too many strong people who robbed him.

The powerhouses of the other four major forces have already started fighting among themselves, fighting for the whip.

In front of the treasure, no one will give up. Brothers in the past can turn against each other, not to mention this temporary alliance.

As for other powerhouses, many of them intervened to snatch them, but their strength was a little bit weaker, and it was still almost impossible to win the top-grade spiritual weapon.It's just that these people meddled indiscriminately, causing a lot of trouble for those strong people who wanted to collect the top-grade spiritual weapons, and the speed was much slower.

With a glance of his eyes, Bi Fan saw the situation clearly.

"Snatch the Azure Dragon Saber!" Bi Fan shouted.

It is a huge gain to win one more top-grade spiritual weapon. Since there is still a chance, Bi Fan will not give up.

As for offending people, Bi Fan had offended almost all the forces present, so he didn't care about that much.

Huang Xinglong's most powerful competitor to snatch the Qinglong Sword is Huang Xinglong. Bi Fan has confronted him many times, not once more.

Moreover, Bi Fan had to be fast. When the other treasures had their owners, there would be more strong ones to snatch the Azure Dragon Saber.

In order to snatch the Qinglong Sword faster, Bi Fan took Yu Siyan, Long Yufeng and others to act together. Yu Siyan and the others were responsible for blocking other strong men, and Bi Fan was responsible for collecting the treasures.

Chapter 170 Trading

The fight for the treasure came to the back, and it became more and more fierce. There were strong people who died continuously, and the screams were heard, which was shocking.

These are all elites of various sects, but for the sake of treasures, they are buried here forever.

No one will pity, and no one will be sad. They can't see their dead companions, because they only have the best spiritual weapon in their eyes. [

Huang Xinglong watched Bi Fan and his group rush towards him, and shouted, "All the brothers from the Tianyun Sect come to help me!"

It's a pity that no one responded to Huang Xinglong's shouts. Those strong men from Tian Yunzong all went to grab the whip, and they were fighting with the strong men from the other four major forces.

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