As for those strong men in the Moluo Sect, each of them possessed an astonishing amount of treasures, making Bi Fan and the others a windfall. [Baidu search www>

The spiritual weapon on Mo Luo Wuhen's body was quickly found. He himself had four complete high-grade spiritual weapons, of which the one he used was the best, named Longquan Excalibur.

However, what Bi Fan cared most about was Mo Luo Wuhen's Jingtao Divine Fist. If he could get the fist manual, it would be far more precious than a few high-grade spiritual weapons.

The power of the explosion was too great, and the items on Mo Luo Wuhen's body were scattered around, making it difficult to find them.

Although Dongfang Canglong and the others found a few Qiankun bags and Qiankun bracelets, none of them contained the Jingtao Shenquan manual. [

Bi Fan had no choice but to let the dragon mink out: "Greedy for mink, look for objects in the surrounding space."

"Okay, leave it to Master Diao." Long Diao quickly flashed his figure.

After a few breaths, Long Diao came back with a Qiankun bracelet dangling from his mouth.

Bi Fan took the bracelet and carefully examined the treasure inside.

Mo Luo Wuhen is dead, and his objects in space are unowned, so it is very easy to check.

It's a pity that I searched the entire Qiankun bracelet, but I couldn't find anything that recorded martial arts.

At this time, Long Diao had already gone back and forth several times, and there were a few more Qiankun bags and a Qiankun bracelet beside Bi Fan.

There are quite a lot of space objects on Mo Luo Wuhen, and Long Diao is still searching.

"Dragon Sable is still fast!" Dongfang Canglong exclaimed.

"This dragon mink is amazing!" Long Yufeng and others opened their eyes even more.

Bi Fan continued to check the Qiankun bag and the Qiankun bracelet, even the Qiankun bag, hoping to find something.

Long Diao kept finding space items, and Bi Fan kept checking, until Bi Fan checked the No.90 nine space items, inside a universe bracelet, and finally found what Bi Fan wanted.

Inside this Qiankun bracelet, all are filled with jade slips that record legal decisions.

Bi Fan checked the jade slips one by one, and finally found the jade slip of Jingtao Shenquan.

Most of the remaining jade slips were obtained by Mo Luo Wuhen's adventures, and some were left by the strong men he had destroyed. On the contrary, Mo Luo Shenzong's martial arts did not have any of them.

These big forces have very strict control over martial arts, and it is impossible to let the disciples who go out take the jade slips out.

However, Bi Fan didn't pay much attention to other martial arts, and it was already a pleasant surprise to get the Surging Waves Fist.

"Everyone, do you want to practice Jingtao Shenquan?" Bi Fan asked.

Most people shook their heads, only Xiaoyaokuang hesitated and said, "Brother Bi Fan, can I practice?" [

"Of course!" Bi Fan threw the jade slip to Happy Maniac.

"Thank you!" Xiaoyaokuang got the jade slip, immediately memorized the first practice method, and then returned the jade slip to Bi Fan.

God-level martial arts must be practiced one by one, and the first one must be cultivated to the state of great accomplishment before the second one can be practiced.

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