"Ghost Feng also really likes me, but so what? We can't be emotional, otherwise our cultivation of Tianhu Meigong will be in vain. /www>

Zi Baihe said: "Then let's continue to follow, I am really afraid that I will fall into it."

"Let's just stick to our hearts." Violet said.

Heiyou and Guifeng also got deeper and deeper, unable to extricate themselves, and they told Bi Fan of the situation at any time, so that Bi Fan really didn't know what to say.

"You guys take care of yourself, Viola and Violet are not easy, please don't reveal our secrets." Bi Fan reminded them. [

Heiyou and Guifeng still firmly remembered this point.

They have also been with Viola and Violet for about a month, and basically no news has been leaked.

Violet and Violet exchanged directions to inquire, but unfortunately it was still useless.

Because Viola and Violet were by their side, those who attacked Heiyou and Guifeng gave up automatically, saving them a lot of trouble and gaining a lot.

On this day, the four of Heiyou unexpectedly encountered a group of strong men who did not know the two daughters of Violet and Violet.

This group of people seems to belong to different forces, and their strength is not bad. The key is that they have a large number of people. There are a total of 36 strong people.

"What a beautiful girl! >

"Damn it, twin beauties, this kind of top-quality double flight is the best, I must try it." An extremely wretched man laughed.

Heiyou snorted coldly: "Looking for death!"

Heiyou made a sudden move, using the eight techniques of bleeding evil, beheading the man on the spot.

Heiyou was angry, and the consequences were dire.

"You trash, you actually insulted our companions, all of you will die!"

Heiyou directly took out the top-grade spiritual weapon, the Heiyou Demon God Zhushen Banner, and 81 poles of the Zhushen Banner flew out instantly, besieging all 36 strong men.

The 81 god-killing flags were arranged into a black and deep god-killing array. This array is so powerful that it claims to be able to kill gods and destroy immortals.

Although Hei You couldn't display such powerful power, he was still very powerful.


Heiyou manipulated the formation, constantly strangling the trapped strong, the strong ones could still resist, and the weaker ones were all buried in the Heiyou God Punishing Formation.

After these strong men died, their corpses, nascent souls, souls, and spiritual consciousness were all absorbed by Zhushen Banner, adding to the power of Zhushen Banner.

Seeing that Heiyou had killed more than a dozen strong men in a blink of an eye, Viola and Violet felt a little chilled, but at the same time they were a little happy. [

It was the first time for them to see Heiyou and Guifeng so furious. It was obvious that Heiyou and Guifeng were like this because the other party insulted them.

Someone cares and loves, which is something no woman will refuse.

"Brother Heiyou, let me kill some of you!" Guifeng couldn't vent his anger, and walked around in circles.

"All right!"

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