Bi Fan said to Yu Qingyang: "Sect Master, there are many strong men in Baizhan Shenggong who have not joined the sect, you can recruit some strong men to strengthen the momentum of Qingyang Sect.\%>_<%原_ Create %>_<%\"

"Thank you, Bi Fan!" Yu Qingyang said excitedly.

The Qingyang Sect was not strong in the first place, but now there are nine elder-level strongmen, plus a large number of disciples who did not follow Yu Qingyang to join the Six Absolute Adventure Group, it seems that the Qingyang Sect is even weaker.

Bi Fan let Yu Qingyang let go to develop Qingyangmen, which made Yu Qingyang have no scruples.

Yu Qingyang led people from Qingyangmen to lobby in Baizhansheng Palace for a few days, and the number of strongmen who joined Qingyangmen unexpectedly reached more than 300, of which there were more than 30 strongmen above the supernatural power level. [

This is what Yu Qingyang and others did not expect, the strength of Qingyangmen has been restored, and it is even stronger than before.

Afterwards, Bi Fan arranged for people to teach the way of formation to the people of Qingyangmen, and also taught god-level martial arts to the important figures of Qingyangmen.

After this incident, the strong men of Qingyangmen were able to follow Bi Fan with complete peace of mind. This kind of benefit was something they never dared to imagine before.

Moreover, with the Holy Palace of Hundred Battles as a holy place for cultivation, I believe that the overall strength of Qingyangmen will be greatly improved in a short time.

After arranging the people from Qingyang Gate, Bi Fan had time to take out the stone tablet and study it.

Bi Fan had already refined the stone tablet, and soon learned the information about the stone tablet.

It turns out that this stone tablet is called Tianluodiwang Trapped God Stone Tablet, and the name is very famous, but this stone tablet is a semi-finished product, and the Trapped God must not be able to do it. It is not a big problem to trap the strong in the lower realm.

If no one manipulates the Heavenly Net Trapped God Stone Tablet, it can trap most of the powerhouses below the Tribulation Realm. If controlled by a strong man, it will be no problem to trap the powerhouses of the Tribulation Realm, and even trap the powerhouses of the Immortal Realm It can be done, it depends on the strength of the person who controls the God Stone Tablet.

With Bi Fan's strength, it's no problem to manipulate the Heavenly Net Trapping God Stone Tablet to trap the ordinary elementary level powerhouses, but it's a bit difficult to deal with stronger powerhouses.

Bi Fan's research found that the god stone tablet can be used as a sect's mountain protection formation, absolutely extremely powerful.

However, in order to mobilize the heavenly net trapping god stone card, the crystal stones needed are also very amazing, and the consumption is too large, and other idle forces can't support it at all.

Fortunately, Bi Fan didn't need to worry about spars. After killing so many strong men, each of them had a lot of spars. Now the Liujue Adventure Group has the most spars.

In the future, if the Six Absolute Adventure Group sets up a mountain gate, the God Stone Tablet will come in handy.

Bi Fan put away the heavenly and earthly trap God stone tablet, and started to practice.

With so many harvests in Tianluo Jedi, Bi Fan didn't even bother to read them.These things can't enhance Bi Fan's strength, so it's not important to him, the most important thing for him is to quickly increase his strength.

Not only Bi Fan, but also his four avatars all started to practice, striving for another breakthrough.

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