Double Agent Saga

141. Recruitment

At eight o'clock in the evening, Zuo Shaoqing had already arrived at the revolving door. 【】

She needs to come earlier so that she can sit quietly for a while and think about how to deal with Mace.

She ordered four cold dishes and a bottle of white wine.Let Mace drink a little and maybe tell a little truth.

It was Liu Qiuyue's cousin Xu Xiaoyu who ordered food for her.She stood timidly in front of Zuo Shaoqing, her hands were intertwined, and anxiety was hidden in her downcast eyes.

"Does your cousin come here often?" Zuo Shaoqing asked calmly.

"Yes." Xu Xiaoyu replied in a low voice.

"Did she teach you what to do?"


"Don't leave the revolving door, it's safer here."


Zuo Shaoqing stared at her, feeling that he really had nothing to say to her.Just say: "You go."

Xu Xiaoyu asked: "That... open the bottle?"

Zuo Shaoqing thought for a while, "Wait for the guests."

Xu Xiaoyu left quietly.Only Zuo Shaoqing was left in the Haitang room.An electric fan was "buzzing" in the corner, making Zuo Shaoqing's heart feel less hot.

It was very quiet around, so quiet that there were some people.Anxiety and uneasiness lingered in her heart.Zuo Shaoqing had to think that she was helpless at the moment.

At exactly nine o'clock, there was a soft knock on the door outside.Then, the door of the private room opened gently.Mace appeared at the door like a ghost, with a devilish smile on his face.Standing behind him is Xu Xiaoyu.

Mace walked in and saw the cold dishes on the table with a satisfied smile on his face.He took this as a signal that Zuo Shaoqing agreed to cooperate."Very good, very good, we should really have a drink," he said.

Xu Xiaoyu walked to the table, picked up the white wine on the table, and prepared to open the bottle.

Mace took the bottle and screwdriver from her, and said, "Little girl, let me do it, you can go."

Zuo Shaoqing looked at Mace carefully observing the mouth of the bottle with a hint of malice.She thought to herself: "Sly foreign devil, you are afraid that I will poison you to death!"

Mace smiled and said, "Very good wine, from 1927." He started to open the bottle, inserted the corkscrew into the cork, screwed it in one by one, and then pressed the handle, and the cork was finally pulled out .

He poured wine into two goblets, brought one of them to Zuo Shaoqing, and said, "Let's have a touch, shall we? Then, first of all, I wish you good health, and then I wish you a happy mood."

Zuo Shaoqing clinked glasses with him and took a sip.Then he looked at Mace calmly, waiting for him to speak.A country saying that couldn't be more vulgar appeared in her mind: Damn it, the "bird" is facing upwards!

Mace's jaw twitched, chewing the thinly sliced ​​Cantonese-style sausage, "I've always been surprised that Chinese sausages can still taste this way, it's really great."

Zuo Shaoqing remained silent, just staring at him coldly.

Of course Mace had to understand her eyes.He put down his chopsticks and said with a smile: "I believe that you must have considered the suggestion I made to you last time." A sharp light gray light flashed in his eyes, "If I guess correctly, You've already consulted your superiors, haven't you?"

Zuo Shaoqing didn't want to answer his words.She had already figured out that she should make the situation clearer.Du Ziyuan told her to ensure safety.This is indeed crucial.

She asked softly: "Mr. Mays, I want to know, why did you choose me?"

Metz was obviously prepared for this question, he said: "It's a hero. You are the best agent I have ever seen. You are alert, capable, calm, and super capable. Wisdom that everyone admires. We are colleagues, and I know what kind of agent is the best. I respect you, really."

At least on this point, Zuo Shaoqing knew that Metz was telling the truth.Then, next, she continued to ask: "But, you must also know that we have different ambitions and ways. Why didn't you tell Ye Gongjin about my situation?"

This time, Metz showed a bright smile like a child, and stared at Zuo Shaoqing, "Why? Is there any benefit to me?"

Zuo Shaoqing was surprised by this answer. She gritted her teeth and said, "Didn't you support the Republic of China government? Didn't you support Generalissimo Jiang's civil war? As far as I know, you are the most hostile, aren't you? "

"Young team leader, what you said is very correct. But I still have that question, if I betray you, will it do me any good?"

" mean..." Zuo Shaoqing was really puzzled.

"What I mean by me is the U.S. government. Will betraying you benefit the U.S. government? Can it change the political trend of the country? Can it turn things around? Can it change the situation of the war?"

Zuo Shaoqing was speechless.She felt Mace's purpose was beyond her comprehension.

"Dear young team leader," Metz said to her gently, "do you know the situation in the Northeast? The nearest one."

Zuo Shaoqing thought for a while, she really didn't know.She couldn't meet Du Ziyuan, and every meeting was so hasty.She had heard some broadcasts on the radio.She never believed the reports of the Kuomintang in this regard.Because of her younger sister, she seldom listens to the broadcast in Yan'an.

She could only shake her head, "I'm not sure, please tell me."

Metz looked at her seriously, and said: "My information is very accurate. On September [-]th, your army has already started to attack the Northeast, and their goal is Jinzhou and Jinxi. But it was not until yesterday that they paid attention to it. Do you know who got nervous first? It was Fu Zuoyi, the highest officer in the Peking theater, who had always had a ambiguity with Chairman Jiang. He took the initiative to send an urgent telegram to Chairman Jiang, requesting to send his best-equipped troops to form the Eastward Corps , Rescue the Northeast. This action of Chief Fu is unprecedented in China. What does this mean? Once the Northeast is lost, North China will be lost, he knows it very well."

Zuo Shaoqing stared at Metz, she was really surprised.An outsider of the American Intelligence Agency actually had such a clear picture of the country's battlefield situation. "Mr. Mays, how do you know this?"

Metz smiled and said: "I do this, I must understand these. I also consulted some experts who understand military affairs, of course they are our experts. They told me that if Jinzhou and Jinxi were lost, the Northeast would face a catastrophe." As a result, Northeast China will inevitably be lost. The next thing to lose is North China, and the more serious result is that the entire north of the Yangtze River will be lost.”

The joy in Zuo Shaoqing's heart was that kind of mixed joy.She was born in an opera troupe and wandered in the countryside for many years.She lives at the bottom of the society and knows the sufferings of the people at the bottom.She later became the head of the bandit village in Luofengling.Later, it was Du Ziyuan who explained to her why the people living at the bottom were so miserable, and thus led her to the road of revolution.She has struggled on this path for ten years, and now she finally sees the light.However, it came from the mouth of an American intelligence agency agent.

But, anyway, such news made her feel happy.She smiled slightly, "Mr. Metz, what you said really made me very happy. But it still can't answer my question just now. As you said just now, staying with me will not change your situation, I just It's a little guy."

Mace looked serious, his keen eyes fixed on Zuo Shaoqing's face, and he said softly: "However, we believe that Mr. Huaishu must be a big shot in your party."

Zuo Shaoqing suddenly became alert and stared at him sharply.Is Mace's purpose here?She asked fiercely, "What do you mean?"

Metz waved his hand to Zuo Shaoqing, "Please don't be nervous, young team leader. I really don't mean anything malicious. Our vision is just a little longer-term. The US government is taking actions for long-term goals. There are two possible futures for the country. The situation is that one is ruled by your party, and the other is that the Kuomintang and the Communist Party are governed by the Yangtze River. In either case, we may need to deal with your party. Therefore, we need a channel, our channel, a channel that can lead to the top. We believe that if Mr. Huaishu agrees, it should be a good pipeline. Young team leader, do you know who he is?"

Zuo Shaoqing's mind instantly churned.But vigilance is her instinct that cannot be given up.Sly Mace, what on earth does that mean!She shook her head, "Mr. Metz, I don't know, I really don't know." Even if Zuo Shaoqing was daring, she didn't dare to tell who "Song Shu" was.She hoped Mace would take her word for it.

Metz's face was calm and calm, and it was not clear whether he believed Zuo Shaoqing's words.

He lowered his head, took out a few pages of paper from his purse, and handed them to Zuo Shaoqing, "Dear young team leader, let's solve this problem first. We can talk about other things later."

Zuo Shaoqing looked at the few pages in front of him, feeling a little annoyed, "It's all in English, I don't understand a single word. Can you explain it to me?"

Metz showed a bright smile, "Dear young team leader, you don't have to understand. The front is an explanation, which means that you are joining our organization voluntarily. The next few pages are your basic information. I will fill in the contents. It's filled in for you. You just need to fill in your name on the bottom line of each page."

But Zuo Shaoqing still looked at him with doubts.

Metz continued: "For you, this thing will not bind you. For us, it is an essential procedure. What I signed back then is also such a thing."

Zuo Shaoqing smiled softly, "There is no secret in the world that will not be revealed. This thing will be revealed at any time. It will only make me die faster."

Mace also laughed, "What you said is indeed reasonable. However, I told you last time that we have taken everything into consideration and we can ensure your safety." He took it out of his purse one thing.

Zuo Shaoqing came out, it was a tape.The tape volume is small and the content is not long.

Metz brought this recording to Zuo Shaoqing, "This is a recording. You can listen to it after you go back. Then you will know how we ensure your safety. In the words of your countrymen, it It's a talisman."

Reason told Zuo Shaoqing that at least on this tape, she should believe Metz's words.On the other hand, Du Ziyuan did tell her that her superiors had agreed for her to accept Metz's request and join the Intelligence Bureau.The last point, now she really has no other choice, she can only sign.

Zuo Shaoqing took out her pen from her pocket, and signed her name on the horizontal line at the bottom of each page: Zuo Shaoqing.

Mace took back those few pages, seriously, and opened his mouth to laugh, "Dear Ms. Zuo Shaoqing, it is indeed as I said, it will not bind you. Everyone who knows you in Nanjing knows that, Zuo Shaoqing is not your name, is it? I even believe that Su Shaoqing is not your name either. Dear Ms. Su Shaoqing, can you tell me your real name?"

Zuo Shaoqing looked at him attentively, and also restrained the smile on his face, "No. I guess, Mace is not your real name either. You won't tell me your real name either."

Mace nodded, "I hope you believe me, so I try to be honest with you. However, it may take many years for us to be honest with each other. Please believe me now, we very much hope to establish a relationship with Mr. Huaishu."

Zuo Shaoqing said more carefully: "I don't know. Maybe you also know that Ye Gongjin is looking for the pagoda tree. Let me tell you, I am also looking for it. I know he is in danger. If I can find him, I will first make sure his Safe. As for whether I will tell you, that depends on the situation."

Objectively speaking, neither Zuo Shaoqing nor Mace fully believed what the other said.Of course, neither of them told the other party the truth.They are long past the age of innocence.

But the US CIA represented by Metz is willing to guarantee Zuo Shaoqing's safety and even recruit her for special reasons.

At that time, the US Central Intelligence Agency, which was not famous until later, could not look down on the world.Its history is too short, it was officially established on September [-], [-].Before that, whether it was called the "Intelligence Coordination Bureau", or the "Strategic Intelligence Agency", or "Central Intelligence Group" (g), it was a fragmented, chaotic and complex intelligence agency with no clear goals.President Roosevelt tried several times to revoke it.It has been squeezed out and constrained by the FBI and Naval Intelligence, and has not been successful.up to rear admiral roskoum

8226; When Hillen Cote returned to the CIA for the second time as the director, he had a new understanding of it and set new development goals.

It's just that this time is still too short.It's no wonder that Dai Li was associated with the US Naval Intelligence, not the CIA.Mao Renfeng inherited Dai Li's tradition and didn't take the CIA seriously.

but in rear admiral rosko um

8226; In the hands of Hillen Cote, the CIA has begun to grow rapidly like a newborn baby.He recruited a large number of intelligence elites and started a forward-looking study of its business.This is how Mays said, hoping to establish some kind of insider connection with the Communist Party that will rule the country in the future.It was a short-lived idea, because after Roosevelt died, it was Truman who became president.A few years after Truman came to power, he completely changed the US policy toward China.

But at that time, Metz tried his best to win over and recruit Zuo Shaoqing, but it had consequences that no one could have imagined.

Ye Gongjin was really frightened by this incident and broke into a cold sweat.

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