Double Agent Saga

143. irritability

Nanjing has entered October, and it is much cooler in the morning and evening. 【】But during the day, especially when the sun is shining, it is still unbearably hot.People walking on the street still have to hide in the shadows or under the shade of trees, with sweat hanging on their faces and necks.

This unbearably hot autumn summer has made many people irritable.

The first one who is upset is Mr. Jiang.He only lived in Nanjing Hotel for two days.One of his secret and unknown purposes is to get a glimpse of Ye Gongjin, the director of the Operation Division of the Secrecy Bureau.Just a glance.

Mr. Jiang's experience is quite peculiar.He had lived in the Soviet Union for 12 years under the watchful eye of the KGB.The experience had two consequences for him.First, he firmly believes that the role of intelligence agencies in the country's political life is extremely important and indispensable.Second, in the long-term life of being under surveillance, carefully observing the people he associates with, gave him a special instinct to understand people's hearts.One glance, and if possible, a few words, can tell whether a person is reliable and useful to him.

He met Ye Gongjin in the corridor, talked a few words, and came to a conclusion in his mind that this person was available.

Later, the Republic of China government retreated to Taiwan.After Mao Renfeng died of illness, Ye Gongjin became the director of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense.Ye Gongjin, who has been suppressed by Mao Renfeng for many years and has not been reused, could never have imagined this.

At the beginning of this year, when talking about his future work with Mr. Jiang, the chairman was very dissatisfied with the incompetence and chaos of various intelligence systems, and instructed Mr. Jiang to integrate and manage all the intelligence systems across the country.Young Master Jiang therefore proceeded to contact the chiefs of various intelligence systems.Unexpectedly, he encountered a soft nail in the Secret Bureau.Mao Renfeng refused to accept the direct leadership of Young Master Jiang on the grounds that the Bureau of Secrecy was special.

After Mr. Jiang weighed it, and with the approval of the chairman, a data group was set up under the attendant room of the presidential palace.All reports submitted by the various intelligence systems to the chairman must first be reviewed by the information group.The chairman's instructions to the various intelligence systems are also issued by the information team.However, he once again encountered a soft nail in the Bureau of Secrets.

Relying on the chairman's trust in him, Mao Renfeng submitted all important reports to the chairman himself, without going through the information group, and reported them face to face.If instructed by the chairman, he will not report to the information team when he leaves.

Mr. Jiang hated him, but he couldn't bear it. He already had the idea of ​​replacing Mao Renfeng in his heart.He secretly looked for someone available, and someone secretly approached Ye Gongjin.People introduced Ye Gongjin's various strengths to him, but none of them caught his ears, only one thing made him interested.People say that the relationship between Ye Gongjin and Mao Renfeng seems to be tense.This is why Mr. Jiang wanted to take a look at Ye Gongjin at the Nanjing Hotel.

In fact, Mao Renfeng had already noticed that he had offended Mr. Jiang.The second person who feels irritable in hot weather is Mao Renfeng.

At this time, Pan Qiwu, Secretary to the Director of the Secrecy Bureau, was sitting opposite him, looking at the Director with great concern.

"Director," Lao Pan said softly, "some things really cannot be insisted on. Think of a way to ease the relationship with Mr. Jiang. I suggest that you better meet Mrs. Jiang and ask Mrs. Jiang to change things. .”

But although Mao Renfeng was upset, he was not worried about this.The chairman trusts him, Mrs. Jiang trusts him, and the two big families of Kong and Song are at odds with Mr. Jiang. He has nothing to worry about.

What he was thinking about was another point. Ye Gongjin, who was trying to climb the dragon and become the phoenix, had already made him very dissatisfied.The most important thing is that Ye Gongjin refused to share his worries or stand in his way, but agreed to release Hou Lianhai.And he, Mao Renfeng, had to agree with Ye Gongjin because of the pressure of some senior officials in the party and army.

He got information that Hou Lianhai had been secretly colluding in the army for more than a month since he was released, demagogic, and had produced terrible consequences.Right now, the Battle of Jinzhou in the Northeast has begun, and the situation is quite anxious.However, Hou Jingru, the commander of the No.17 Corps, dared to refuse to carry out the order of the chairman.Mao Renfeng believes that Hou Jingru's refusal to obey the order has a lot to do with Hou Lianhai.This is a very dangerous signal.

Mao Renfeng already had the idea of ​​killing Ye Gongjin.It's just that the determination in my heart is still a little bit short.

No one would have thought that it was Zuo Shaoqing who finally made Mao Renfeng decide to get rid of Ye Gongjin.

Zuo Shaoqing's irritability at this time is simple and direct, and it is how to restore the connection with the "locust tree".

She thought about it again and again, but couldn't think of any way to do it. "Locust Tree" is under strict surveillance, and no one can approach it.The only thing she was secretly thankful for was that because the traffic had been cut off, "Locust Tree" hadn't taken any action yet.She judged that Huang Fenglin's subordinates would not find anything at present.

Zuo Shaoqing believed that the people who monitored the "locust tree" must be people from Huang Fenglin.And it is very possible that Zhao Minggui also participated in it.She knows Zhao Minggui's shrewdness very well.

You Shaoqing once peeked at the secrets on the map in her office.Those secrets are no longer important to Zuo Shaoqing.She suggested that You Shaoqing participate in the information exchange between her and Zhao Minggui, and You Shaoqing did come.The girl who is so fine to the tip of her hair, I don't know if she has noticed anything.

However, Zuo Shaoqing had already noticed through information exchanges that Zhao Minggui or Huang Fenglin had secretly installed bugs in the offices and homes of six senior officials. The danger of "locust tree" is getting bigger and bigger.In the office or at home, if he made a careless word, he would be killed.

She once suggested to Du Ziyuan to get rid of Huang Fenglin.But Du Ziyuan thought that might be more inappropriate, so he rejected her suggestion.But at this time, Zuo Shaoqing had to reconsider this possibility in his heart, and completely got rid of Huang Fenglin and his men.Otherwise, "locust tree" is too dangerous.

At this time, "Locust tree" Guo Chongmu sat quietly in his office.The irritability in his heart unexpectedly contained a trace of fear.

Just a few minutes ago, he was about to make a phone call to Yu Zhidao, Chief of Staff of the Joint Logistics Command.He picked up the phone and put it to his ear, and when he was about to dial a number, he vaguely heard a very slight and short whistle in the receiver, and then the normal phone tone.He put down the receiver and spoke quietly on the phone.This has never been the case.

He brought the phone in front of him, took out a screwdriver from the drawer, and quickly opened the bottom cover, but there was nothing inside.He picked up the receiver and gently unscrewed the receiver.The situation inside is clear at a glance, and a bug is installed inside.

He put down the phone and looked around.He believed there were other bugs.His knowledge of agents was limited, but he knew that all bugs needed power.To find the bug, you have to follow the wires.He quickly found a second bug under the lamp.

After a few minutes, he restored the phone and lamp to their original state.

Sitting motionless at the table, he began to seriously consider this question.

First, there is no doubt that he has been suspected.At best, he's one of six suspects.In the small conference room of the Ministry of National Defense, Yu Zhidao, chief of staff of the Joint Logistics Command, broke the matter.Ye Gongjin is one of the six people who are looking for "Locust Tree" in the Ministry of Defense.

Secondly, he cannot dismantle these bugs.Because some bugs may not be found.And after dismantling, it may be reinstalled.He must be more careful when speaking in the office in the future.

Then it occurred to him that his home might also be bugged.When he came home, he had to tell his wife not to say inappropriate words.

One of the things he is most worried about now is how to send out the information in his hand.The current situation is developing too fast, and he has now begun to pay attention to the deployment of troops in North China.

At this time, he remembered that he should call Yu Zhidao and ask the joint logistics headquarters about the transportation of military supplies.The transportation of military supplies is inseparable from the mobilization of troops.But how is this information sent out?His heart became restless again.

Du Ziyuan was also considering how to send intelligence from the Ministry of National Defense.The question upset him. "Acacia" needs a trafficker, but how to install one in the Ministry of Defense?An orderly, a cook, a repairman, whatever, as long as he can be inserted in and establish a connection with the "locust tree".But, so far, he has had no chance of finding one.

The difficulty of this matter was that he didn't know who "Song Shu" was.

He received a secret telegram from the Intelligence Department of the North China Bureau, asking him to resume contact with "Locust Tree" as soon as possible.But he didn't know who the "locust tree" was.Give him another driver?Introduce him to a nanny?Put a secret "mailbox" for passing information near his home?Even send someone to collect the trash?But he didn't know who the "locust tree" was, and it all started from the beginning.

He sent a telegram to explain the current situation, hoping to know the specific situation of the "locust tree".But no call back.

To restore contact with "Locust Tree", he had to go through Zuo Shaoqing.But it was very difficult for him to meet Zuo Shaoqing once.Another point is that his last meeting with Zhang Yalan may have aroused Ye Gongjin's suspicion.If he meets Zuo Shaoqing too much, he may bring her danger.

Du Ziyuan was sitting in the office of Jingye Bank, and when he was agitated by this matter, the waiter at the door came in and announced, "Manager Du, Mr. Cheng is here, just outside the door."

Du Ziyuan was very surprised.These days, this Mr. Cheng has visited him for the third time.This Mr. Cheng asked here and there, just to know about Ye Gongjin's funds in the bank.Du Ziyuan was already alert.He was hesitating whether to tell Ye Gongjin about it.What is the purpose of this Cheng Yunfa?

The irritability in Cheng Yunfa's heart was another matter.

In the Bureau of Secrecy, some things are not classified.He vaguely heard some wind, it seemed that Director Mao was somewhat dissatisfied with Ye Gongjin.Why are you dissatisfied?It was not clear what the officers were talking about in private.But Cheng Yunfa believed that Ye Gongjin must have offended Director Mao somewhere.

This provided Cheng Yunfa with an opportunity.In his dark heart, he really wanted to pour a little more oil on Director Mao's fire.Ye Gongjin must have financial problems, Cheng Yunfa wanted to find some evidence from Jingye Bank.

But this Du Ziyuan was very strict and refused to reveal anything.His heart was agitated by this.

Cheng Yunfa was a rebellious little man, and he wanted to cause some trouble for his immediate boss, Ye Gongjin.

At this time, Ye Gongjin was far from aware of Cheng Yunfa's threat to him.But he was the most irritable of them all.He already sensed danger from every side.

In his feeling, the greatest danger does not come from Director Mao.Although there were rumors that Director Mao was dissatisfied with him, he also heard some.He thought that Director Mao's dissatisfaction with him could be resolved, and the best way to resolve it was to find the "locust tree".But this matter has not progressed so far, and this is what irritates him the most.

He felt that the greatest danger came from the six senior officials.In the small conference room of the Ministry of National Defense, Yu Zhidao's threat was very clear. In his eyes, Ye Gongjin was just a miscellaneous person.If he dared to assassinate Wang Tiancai, maybe he would dare to attack himself, so he had to guard against it.

Another threat, he felt, was from Zuo Shaoqing.If Zuo Shaoqing is really a communist, he is not a threat.What he was most afraid of was that this Zuo Shaoqing was not a Communist Party member.Her relationship with Mace worries him deeply.It would be terrible if she wasn't a Communist.

All of these people are fretting about something uncertain.

The strange thing is that they are all more sensitive than ordinary people, and they all feel that a chaos is approaching.In the ups and downs of the officialdom, what they fear most is the chaos that is difficult to determine the outcome, and they will be involved in it.

When this chaos was about to start, it was Cheng Yunfa, the most inconspicuous and stupidest, who took the initiative first.

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